After I wrote about Pinterexia Nervosa a few weeks ago, people began contacting me to make sure I realized all of the different forms and debilitating symptoms associated with Pinterexia. This guest post is by Julie Bunkley, a wedding planner from Auburn, who felt that there needed to be a specific focus on one particular […]
How to Take and Edit Powerful iPhone Photos
So you might have noticed that I’ve been on a bit of a photography bender lately. Mostly sunsets, with a few kids thrown in. All of my recent photos have been taken with my iPhone, and not my big, fancy DSLR with a bigger, even fancier lens. In fact, I didn’t even get it out […]
We All, Like Sheep, Have Crafted Astray.
So. You remember those crafting support letters that Ali sent out? Well, before I found out about them and had time to text everyone an apology and assure them that they didn’t need to send craft supplies to my beggar daughter, my Mom, who never sees any bad in anyone, had already interpreted the letter […]
Swimming Onset Insanity.
A week ago from tonight, I found myself losing my mind in the shallow end of a pool. Questioning my ability to be a parent, and doubting my purpose in life. What had led to this travesty? How could my life be so complicated when standing in a swimming pool? Let’s go in reverse order. […]
Parenthood 2.1
Dear Tech Support, I have recently upgraded my software to Boy Child 2.5. Although in general, this new version is very visually pleasing and much less taxing on The Motherboard, I have noticed some bugs and issues, and was hoping you could advise me on how to work around them since you were so […]
The Best Worst Comments.
Sometimes people find my blog, thanks to The Googles. These finders can sometimes have strong opinions, bottled-up anger, or an intense need to vent. These people, who are never regular readers, also don’t understand the context of my blog, which is largely based on the verifiable fact that nearly nothing I say should be taken […]
Know Your Downton Risk Status.
{Spoiler Alert – only continue reading if you’ve finished watching Downton Abbey Season Three, which ended in America on Sunday.} I felt it best to give you all a couple days of Downton Silence out of respect for your mourning. Because I know – I’ve been there. Since I hacked it and watched Season Three […]
How a Turd in the Tub Saved my Saturday Night.
Despite my philosophies on bathing, Noah has now pooped in the tub three times in his nearly two {extraordinarily long} years on this earth. After the first two occurrences, I soothed the trauma of having to endure such Crimes Against Momanity by blogging about them. But I am blogging about the third occasion due to […]
Jeans for Most of America.
The average woman’s size in America is a 12/14. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a statistics class, but I’m pretty sure that indicates that around half of the female population is above that mark. So it only makes sense that with every denim post that I’ve written, I’ve gotten hundreds of emails and […]
An Inconvenient Gap of Truth.
Nearly every denim makeover I’ve done ends with the same conversation. “I had no idea what a difference it would make – I thought I was safe with Gap jeans!” Or, “Oh my goodness why didn’t anyone tell me I was wearing Mom Jeans?? I thought that as long as I was shopping at […]