There’s No Place Like Home.

This is another guest post by Chris the Husband, Contributing Editor and all around good guy. I don’t know a ton about cars. Or racing. But I hear that we have a super cool race track here in Birmingham. Barber Motorsports Park has a giant motorcycle museum, a road course, and tons or beautiful scenery. […]

On Heroes and Makeup.

Hi! Noah Here. So something really great has happened since I last wrote to you. And I mean run-through-a-sprinkler-naked-on-a-hot-day good. You know that feeling. The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy has started allowing me to go upstairs and play with The Sister Who Calls Herself Ali. Alone. Unsupervised. With the freedom to come and go […]

Saganaki: The Journey and The Recipe.

Guest post by Contributing Editor and Chief Husband Chris. I have always tried to be a good sport, a willing participant, and even an Eager Beaver when it comes to Rachel’s family’s Greek cuisine. And so far, I have grown to like everything, with the exception of Kalamata Olives. That’s what Meat Loaf was talking […]

Sick, With a Side of Sick.

Hi! Noah here. SO.  I heard you heard I was sick. It was a dark time in my life. I was so ill that there was very little that I wanted in the universe. You would think that would make me considered low-maintenance, right? But no – The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy picked that […]

Clean-up on Aisle 7.

Today I have a guest post by one of my good blogging friends, Abbie.  She left The World’s Longest Comment on one of my blog posts last year, and I immediately deleted it and told her she would have to guest blog it instead.  And so she did – but in the in between, she […]

These Lights Will Inspire You.

This is a guest post by Chris, my contributing editor, contributing dad, and contributing husband. So, the new year is here, and most of America resolves to do something. In January of 2003, I threw my large flabby self into an old pair of sneakers and walked ambitiously to the foot of our hill and […]

They Say It’s My Birthday.

Hi internet people!  Noah here. So today, I’m this thing that they call two. And apparently, I’m supposed to be happy about it. But here’s the thing: I believe that I’ve been treated unfairly. Birthdays are a big deal.  Just ask The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy who insists that her own is to be […]

The Dark Side of Education.

Hi! Noah Here. So.  A lot of people have been asking The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy how I’ve been coping while she and Ali do school. Dear Lot of People, You know I’m human too, right?  If you have a question, just ask me? Rude. But despite your going behind my back in your […]

The Secret of Halal

Our trip to New York last week was was Chris’ first visit, so he got to experience the full unexplainable magic of the city, and he also had a few adventures along the way.  This post is one of his fabulous guest posts (written the night before we left), so be sure to give him […]

She Left Me.

Hi there! Noah here. Hold on a minute.  Let me get my camera adjusted right. Okay.  That’s better. So I have some really sad news. The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy left me. And even worse than that?? She Took The Daddy with her. It’s really a bummer, because I’ve really gotten to where I […]