I’m not one to write a post for a particular day such as Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, and especially not Father’s or Mother’s Day. I don’t even acknowledge it on Facebook or change my profile picture to include the appropriate parent. I know – I‘m a social media pariah. I get my cynical anti-bandwagon genetic […]

A Tiny Writer’s View of Her Year.
For her past five birthdays, I’ve been writing her birthday posts for her. But she’s seven today. And after keeping a diary for over a year, Ali is now a prolific writer (and, as the year went on, became a creative illustrator) in her own right. (After all, she did tell the bat story better […]

The Complete Saga of Sam the Cat.
Last Friday evening, as the kids were getting ready for bed and I was addictively glued to CNN while the police were finally closing in on a stowaway in a boat in someone’s backyard in Boston, Chris went down to our garage for a minute. In the process, he inadvertently created a stowaway situation of […]

While We Were Out.
Chris and I weren’t the only ones who vacationed for our anniversary. The kids went to my parents, and from the photos my Mom sent me, they relaxed in exactly the same manner that we did. I mean seriously. What the heck?? WHY DON’T MY CHILDREN STAY THAT STILL WHEN THEY’RE WITH ME?? I realize […]

The Birthday Archives.
Six. There’s something about that number that seems very significant – as if it’s the 21st birthday of being a kid – as if they should legally be allowed to drink caffeinated beverages or something. Last weekend, I went through the ridiculous amount of photos that I’ve taken of Ali’s six years of life. It […]

Reasons To Do Life In the Wild.
We went camping at our favorite North Alabama tiny, unknown campground: Buck’s Pocket. We went for the endless views, The time with family, The campfire, (and accompanying marshmallows,) and so that our kids could get a hot breakfast. Because they only get that when Gramamma is around. And especially, to get away from it all. […]

Tiny Bits of Grace.
As my last re-run before getting back to regularly scheduled posts, I wanted to share something that happened last year, but perhaps means more to me this year due to some significant changes in my life. But I’ll get back to that at the end of the post. Originally Published August 11, 2011. Ali has […]

The Payoff.
It’s only fair, since I told you of my humiliating story surrounding it yesterday, that I now get to show you a nearly reprehensible amount of photos of my children taken with my new camera (Canon t4i) and lens (Tamron 17-50). (But first – a thank you. People often ask me how I could stomach […]

The Circle of Life.
The way I see it #36: It can’t be so bad to get old when you’ve thoroughly created a carbon copy of yourself. …right down to the facial expressions. (albeit perhaps with a bit more attitude.) It’s such a good idea, I think I’ll give it a try myself. Happy 36th to the man who […]