Leggings make me feel dead inside. Yet I still have exactly 8 pairs. It’s true – even the sequins don’t make them better. As I sit back and ruminate on where I went wrong in life, I must surmise that I fell into this slippery slope because of running. Running leggings are amazing. Compressing in […]

Five Jeans That Shouldn’t Exist.
As I’ve noted a few times, I do about 90% of my shopping on HauteLook. I’m a fan of shopping on my phone, and I’m fairly good at gauging what will fit and what won’t. Plus, I return what I don’t want and everyone’s happy. And they have some ahhhhmazing jeans on there. For ridiculously […]

The Emperor’s New Mom Jeans.
I wrote my first jeans post in 2009 – more as a humor piece than fashion statement, but it did have some valid advice. I readily admit that some of the information in that post is outdated, no longer accurately expresses my opinion about certain items (such as skinny jeans), and that certain items have […]

The Economics of Denim.
My inbox stays constantly packed with emails of butts in jeans. Texts of butts in jeans. Questions about butts and jeans. I suppose when one is willing to show the world photos of their own butt in dozens of pairs of jeans in multiple posts over five years, people feel comfortable sharing their own butt […]

Jeans for Most of America.
The average woman’s size in America is a 12/14. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a statistics class, but I’m pretty sure that indicates that around half of the female population is above that mark. So it only makes sense that with every denim post that I’ve written, I’ve gotten hundreds of emails and […]

An Inconvenient Gap of Truth.
Nearly every denim makeover I’ve done ends with the same conversation. “I had no idea what a difference it would make – I thought I was safe with Gap jeans!” Or, “Oh my goodness why didn’t anyone tell me I was wearing Mom Jeans?? I thought that as long as I was shopping at […]

Lose Weight, Earn Jeans. That Simple.
When I lost over 30 pounds last year, two things motivated me: competition and the promise of new designer jeans. Chris and I crafted a two-person contest, and we worked both of those things into the schematics. Even though he ultimately won the contest, our rules provided that I still got my earned winnings, which […]

Big Announcements, and Designer Denim Giveaway!!
Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]

To Skirt or Not To Skirt.
That is the question. But first, a bit of back story… Last week, Chris and I took a few days to ourselves in Jacksonville, Florida to celebrate our anniversary. Aside from spending hours on our balcony drinking this, While watching this, we rode bikes, sat in coffee shops and laughed endlessly while playing one-rule Scrabble, […]

A Dissolution of Moral Fibers.
You know how when you first walk into the Monkey House at the Zoo, you say “Oh, it smells TERRIBLE in here!!”, then you stay a little longer, and say “Well, it’s not so bad…”, and by the time you leave, you can’t smell it at all? You, my friend, have been living in the […]