“I’m really craving investigative report,” I complained to Chris. “What do you mean?” “You know. Like I did with Dr Pepper TEN and Uncle Joe’s Tot Locker. It’s been too long and I miss it. I really need something to dig into!” “Okay…” “What do you think about if I did an investigative report on […]

Know Your Downton Risk Status.
{Spoiler Alert – only continue reading if you’ve finished watching Downton Abbey Season Three, which ended in America on Sunday.} I felt it best to give you all a couple days of Downton Silence out of respect for your mourning. Because I know – I’ve been there. Since I hacked it and watched Season Three […]

Things By Which I Puzzle.
The phase “I’m an outdoors person.” If so, then why do we refer to it in terms of not being inside of doors, which came…kinda…secondary? Advertisements that proclaim “ENTIRE STORE UP TO 40% OFF!!!” make me have the following thought process: UP to 40% off? How many items, exactly, are actually 40% off, and how […]

Christmas Wins and Losses.
I fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous of which is “never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line,” but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never trust Etsy with the timely distribution of your Christmas Cards.” The first twenty-nine steps of Christmas Card Creation were the easy […]

Secondary iPhone, With Wheels.
Y’all know that I love my car. Right? *Toast Not Included For the record, I still do. Her geekiness mirrors my own in a way that creates an intimate bond that I have previously never experienced with an automobile. (Plus, her cupholders and floorboards have 8 interchangeable brightly colored lighting schemes.) She constantly surprises me […]

Birthday Introspection.
So today is my birthday. 31 years of living on one planet can really make you stop and ponder, can’t it? I had some time to think this weekend… (and wear my first ever pair of red jeans, which can only help the depth of one’s ponderings…) What have I contributed to this world? Why […]

Chick Cars: The Report.
Last week, I conducted a survey on the crucial subject of Chick Cars. Between blog comments, Facebook, Twitter, and in-person interviews, I collected vast amounts of data on this subject. In sorting out this influx of information, I determined to do more than simply look at the numbers. Because I have a heart for the […]

The Scientific Study of Chick Cars.
A few months ago, My Dad was tossing around the idea of buying an old(ish) sports car. (Clearly, something very unhealthy was in our family’s air during the month of May.) He was planning a Grand 40th Anniversary Adventure with my Mom – something really spectacular – and he needed to right car to set […]

On Creating a Miniature Shopkeeper.
Besides Playing Office, playing Store was my favorite game as a kid. In general, I liked to handle money, make kid-formatted by-hand spreadsheets, and fill out paperwork. (Still do.) I don’t know why I haven’t thought of introducing Ali to the game, but the other day, she suggested it to me. My heart swelled with […]

Ford Flex, the Mommybloggermobile.
It took Obsession. Overanalysis. Focus. Dedication. And… – 635 days from the time I first blogged about it. – 50 days from the time we decided to buy to actually find one that met all of our criteria and price point. – 177 miles driven to purchase it. But I finally have one of my […]