Pardon me while I make a few sweeping generalizations… Bloggers are a funny breed. Though we probably come off as the world’s biggest extroverts because it appears that we do a lot of talking, pontificating, and social (media) interaction, many of us are really just shy introverts who have found that hiding behind a computer […]
Free Summer Fun!! (Better Late Than Never.)
It’s become a running joke with my friend Ashley and I that every time we’re getting together, we always ask each other what New! and Exciting! Thing! we can do with Ali and AJ. Yet, we almost always end up back at the mall, or back at our favorite lunch places, or back at the […]
Chiggeremedies and Chigger Pie
To help make Chiggerade out of our Chiggers, Ali and I made Black&Blueberry Pie with some of our pickin’s… Ali was especially proud of her butter pat pattern placement: And, since it’s the first time I’ve ever made a pie quite like this and I changed the recipe around a bit, I didn’t know if […]
How to Act When They’re Expecting.
There’s something about being around a pregnant woman that makes some people lose all sense of proper manners, including (and sometimes especially) strangers. Maybe it’s the pregnancy pheromones wafting through the air….I don’t know. But it’s uncanny, and it only gets worse as the pregnancy continues. Being only 15 weeks along myself, my level of […]
I’m Not Intelligent Enough for Intelligender.
A little over a month ago, I asked your opinion on whether I should take the new, fancy, unknown-whether-it’s-trustworthy Intelligender gender predictor. I finally decided I would take it, but here was my logic as to how I wasn’t going to let myself get “all crazy” attached to the results: You see, (and this is […]
Random Driblets of Nearly Unimportant Information
Random Driblet #1: Due to the rising tide of oil in our Alabama gulf, our Orange Beach relatives, Aunt Kitty and Uncle Leo (of Toenail Art infamy) are getting involved in some activism. Because of that, they’re getting interviewed by multiple national (and international) news channels, so if you see/saw a man with super curly […]
My One Rant of the Year, Brought to You by BP.
We live 4 1/2 hours from the Alabama Coastline. We have always adored the beach, and, thanks to the fact that we have relatives that are locals, we are fortunate enough to get to come fairly often. Alabama was not blessed with much coastline (I personally feel that is due to Florida being a bit […]
The Legends of Mysteries.
Since I haven’t been much of a fun Mommy lately, I wanted to get Ali a special craft that we could do together while still in my couchbound status. So I bought her a new Sticky Mosaic kit, but this time it was super exciting: Mosaic Princess Crowns: After all, no three year old can […]
My Friend, the Television.
As I feel somewhat couchbound these days, and, therefore, am not doing much of anything exciting to blog about, I have found a bit more solace than usual in the television. (That, and a new love for painting my fingernails, something I haven’t done in a decade. Because long, thick fingernails is one of the […]
The Case of the Overly-Curious Baby-Carrier.
So as you know, we took Ali with us to the baby doctor last week. We didn’t tell her that I was pregnant until we were already there…at which point she booted me off the exam table because she started to feel a bit queasy:I can relate to that feeling. As fun as it was […]