Blog Roll

Going Pro in Chick-fil-A.

The struggle is real – every single time. I coach myself. “You can do this. You were born for this.” I do a few warm-up drills. “Reach to the back seat reach to the front seat reach reach reach” I breathe deeply, attempting to tune every muscle of my body for the exertion that is […]

Slip Sliding Away.

For the past two years, my husband has been the chairman of the building committee at our Church. We’ve been building onto our current buildings to connect them all and put in an elevator – because our property is on a slope, has been built onto several times, and it was all…well, wonky. It needed […]

When the Digits Go Wrong.

The Texting society in which we all now exist has changed the appropriation of the phrase “You’ve got the wrong number.” In the past, when we actually talked on our phones, before you revealed any sort of real information about yourself, you inadvertently indicated that you’d messed up the digits. “Hi! May I please speak […]

Modeling is a Dog’s Life.

A few months ago, I shared with you the inner thoughts of indignant models. Their expressions said it all – we felt their sadness, their resentment, and their rage over what they’d been forced to wear. Two days after publishing that post, all of the model’s heads were mysteriously cropped out of the new batch […]

What’s that Sound, Volume Six: The Questioning Edition.

Noah has solidly entered the 437 Questions a Day phase. It’s high time that I get Chris’ lap counter out for a day of objectively counting them as I did for his sister. I suspect he’ll break her record by lunchtime. He sees questioning me as something akin to an eternal game Keep Off the […]

A Burning Question About Toilets.

Last week, my husband bought us a new toilet. During the process, I felt like I earned a “Low Maintenance Wife of the Year” Award: I MEAN. I don’t care whether the toilet paper rolls from the top or the bottom, and I don’t care about the geometric shape of my toilet. I’m a catch, […]

Tonsillectomy: The Procedure.

When I first posted about my upcoming tonsillectomy, I was shocked at how many of you also had experienced this lovely procedure as adults. My second shock was how many thought it was the worst thing that ever happened to them. This was not exactly, shall we say, encouraging. But I appreciated the heads up […]

Ten Types of Runners.

I’m no trailblazer when it comes to running – although I’ll take a new path for an adventure, on my normal runs, I prefer the most favorable locations. Minimized elevation changes (difficult to find in Birmingham), close to my house, running trails or sidewalks, and a clear route. As such, I pass and am passed […]

How Spiderman Wasn’t Made.

Once upon a time, a spider got trapped in my son’s underpants and attempted to eat his way out. Once upon a time was last week. I woke up Friday morning to a text and two emails from my husband, who, despite happening upon a middle-of-the-night crisis, feels strongly that all crises are best handled […]

The Shirt of Summer.

Style is extraordinarily important to Noah – in a way that it never has been for Ali. All shorts must possess six pockets – back pockets, front pockets, and cargo pockets. The cargo pockets cannot be too low on his leg or they’re tragically unacceptable. He has three pairs of sunglasses that he has with […]