Ali turns 18 months tomorrow!!!
Eli’s growing up!
As far as I can tell, I still have AT LEAST a half dozen DAILY Eli-stalkers out there, and for your efforts, you definitely deserve new pictures!! We had a family dinner for the 4th at JC and Lindsay’s house. It was a lot of fun, and Eli was a doll. As far as his stats go, I’m pretty sure he’s up over 6 pounds now!
Ali’s first opportunity to hold cousin Eli – the shock and terror in her eyes says it all. Taking a goooood look at him.
Beautiful little boy.
Eli also got his first Sunday in Church today! He was very attentive. He had his eyes closed in intense concentration the whole service.
Sleepwalking: an official "Medical Condition"
I have been in the ER four times in my adult life, all on holidays. Holidays should scare me, they really should.
2002: Halloween
2007: Thanksgiving
2008: Mother’s Day
2008: 4th of July
I am typing with one hand and a thumb today. I was injured last night – no, not by fireworks or anything of the sort. I went to bed around midnight, completely fine. As I have mentioned before, I have a slight problem with sleepwalking. It doesn’t happen too much anymore, but it has always scared me…like that I would walk outside in the middle of the night or something.
At 2:20 am, I had a dream that Ali had run off from me in this room full of dangerous equipment and was in imminent danger. Like any good Mommy, I chased after her as fast as I could. The only problem was, I was running in real life too.
According to Chris, I stood up on the bed and either stepped or lept off of it. I ran across the room, and in my dream I dove for the door, whose doorknob looked exactly like the bluntly edged pulls on our dresser. In real life, I dove into the dresser, and the dull edge hit the middle of my palm. Like I said, it is very dull, but because I hit it SO hard, It cut my hand open into a deep, 1 inch long gash. It’s right in the middle of my palm, so it kind of looks like a stigmata.
Chris came running over to me to get me back in bed, not realizing I was hurt. He was now in my dream and I was conversing with him amidst the scenery of my dream (all of this I remember vividly – it occurred to me later that this is what it must feel like to be schizophrenic – scary). I told him I was cut and frantically asked him where Ali went, since I was looking all around and couldn’t see her anymore. He thought the cut was a part of the dream, and since he is used to my sleepwalking, he calmly told me that Ali was safe in bed, that I was sleepwalking, and to come back to bed. I was now halfway in dream world and halfway in real world, and so I accepted the fact that Ali was ok, but showed him my hand, which by this point was streaming blood. He freaked and took me into the bathroom to get it cleaned up. As I said, I was still in half-dreamworld, so I began frantically asking him where Chris was. At this point, he starts to get really worried and starts asking me if I took medicine in my sleep. I told him that I was pretty sure I hadn’t taken anything, but WHERE’S CHRIS??? He told me “I AM Chris!!” Then at that point I remembered the other person in my dream and said “I know. But where’s my brother? JOHN Chris?” He told me that he was at his house, asleep with Lindsay, and that I needed to wake up!!
I don’t know if it was the pain, the loss of blood, or the shock and panic, but I started to get clammy and dizzy. I laid down and had the distinct thought – “So THIS is what it feels like to hurt worse than I’ve ever hurt before. I always wondered if I could, or if there were some limit to pain.” It definitely hurt worse than my two foot surgeries or my C-Section.
We spent the next hour trying to decide what to do. Call my parents frantically and get them to come over and keep Ali so we could go to the ER? Drop her off at JC and Lindsay’s? Take her with us? Could it wait until the morning? All the while I feel like I am about to die from the pain.
We finally decided that we should go, because there was no way I’d be able to sleep, and it was swelling quite ferociously, and we wanted to
make sure that there was no nerve damage. We decided that the best course of action would be to just take Ali with us, and if it was going to be a while, she and Chris could go back home.
We got to Brookwood, and there was only one other person in a room, so I was seen immediately. The male nurse who took my information asked me, “Do you have any other medical conditions other than sleepwalking?” I said, “Is sleepwalking a medical condition?!” And he looked at my hand and said, “If it makes you hurt yourself bad enough to end up here, then it is a medical condition!”
The doctor came in and gave me four stitches. He said that if I could feel my fingers (which I could until he gave me the most painful 6 shots I’ve ever had – lidocaine right in the cut), then there was no nerve damage. Since the back of my hand was very sore and swelling also, he had an x-ray done for broken bones – thank goodness there were none!
Every nurse and orderly in the place came by and asked me what happened. I think one of them went and told the others ” This girl’s story is good. Go ask her what she did to her hand.”
The doctor explained quite logically that the hand is the most sensitive part of the body, with so many nerve endings so that we have such sensitive touch, and so he wasn’t surprised that it was the most pain I had ever felt.
It happened at 2:20, we left at 3:30, and got home at 5:30. All three of us slept until 10:30. Thank you, Ali, for being awesome in the ER and not fussing at all or getting too impatient, and especially thank you for sleeping in until 10:30!!
And on one other note, I am quite proud of myself for my ability to endure pain. I never cried, never screamed. I did writhe around in the floor moaning for a while, but that’s it!
Everyone needs a good adventure every now and then, and every time I’ve ever gotten hurt in a dumb and boring way, I always wished I had a good story to go with it. This time I do!!
p.s. – to all of my squeamish readers out there: just for you I didn’t post the picture of my hand. I find that sort of thing cool in a geeky way, but I remembered you and was considerate. Be sure and be appreciative!! ;)
Editor’s Note: I finally caved and posted pics of this injury. You can find them here.
Celebrating a Decade with a Memorable Moment
Editor’s (Rachel’s) Note: I wrote this blog a week ago and have been agonizing over publishing it. I know it’s silly to agonize over a blog post – I’m paranoid about keeping my blog as G-Rated as possible. I just hate being offensive in any way. So what I finally decided to do is to replace the one offensive word in the post with “salt” – my reason in picking “salt” is because, as I have published before, when Ali says salt, it sounds like the word I am replacing it with. Confusing, I know, but it will make sense once you read the post. I hesitated in replacing the word because of the fear that the post would lose all of its humor, and so it might, but I think I’d rather risk writing an un-funny post than an offensive one.
One more note: Ali learned “pepper” the other night also, and ironically, the way she says it has the same meaning as the way she says salt. So now she says “(salt) and poopoo”.
I don’t know how I let this slip by unblogged, but I had a very significant “professional” event happen last month. May 28th was my 10 year anniversary at Slappey Telephone!! I started working for Slappey when I was 16 years old – right at the end of my Junior year in High School. I started as a file clerk in the accounting department. I worked part time through the rest of high school and college, gradually becoming an accounting clerk, and gaining more and more tasks. When I graduated, I became the accounting “Team Leader”, and a year or so after that became the Accounting Manager. A few years of managing and I gladly demoted myself back down to part time, taking my favorite parts of my job (HR and Payroll) home with me when I had Ali. I have worked during her naps ever since, and take Ali and go into the office once or twice a week for an hour or wo, which Ali thinks is a complete treat for her!
So, to celebrate my decade of service at Slappey Telephone, I thought it appropriate to relay my most hilarious memory at Slappey. For anyone that knows Bill Slappey, I’m sure that you can imagine that there are MANY funny and outlandish moments. That is true. But there is one that sticks out in my mind, and still makes me laugh out loud EVERY time I think about it or re-read it. And oddly enough, Bill Slappey had no part in it. I’m not sure he even knows about it. It was an email. A very unfortunate email. One that I still search for in my saved mail at least once a year just to laugh myself silly.
It was May of 2001. There was a salesman that had worked for many years at Slappey and that was known for being loud, boisterous and a bit rash with words. He also sometimes failed to look back over his emails before he sent them. Let’s call him “Oscar”. Let me say that this email was a COMPLETE accident and he was QUITE embarrassed by it, although he was able to laugh at himself enough to admit to it. Also, all emphasis and capitalizing is original – I simply copied and pasted it exactly as it happened, except for the above noted one word replaced with “salt”. The following correspondence took place between him and a customer, who happened to be the secretary for the Pastor at a very conservative local Baptist Church:
Customer: Oscar, We wired the work area between two offices for a phone if needed in the future. It’s the future. Can you give me a price on installing just a basic phone in that office space? ASAP.
Oscar: sure….$167 for the basic phone and $100 labor….BUT…….if you want…..we can simply SALT TO YOU A PHONE AND YOU CAN PLUG IT IN YOURSELF. We probably made it HOT, but I would have to look at the paperwork to see. IF IT IS HOT, all you would have to do is plug in the phone and it would work. you want me to send you out a phone??
Customer: Oscar, Careful with your spelling! Can I come pick up a basic phone today? I can come around lunch time if you have them in stock.I will never forget that moment.
p.s. – the word he was trying to type was “ship”
Ali’s 18 Month Portraits
Ali will be 18 Months old on Tuesday, so we went ahead and did her portraits today. She did good!! Not as good as she did at a year old, but we had to wait a lot longer, and the cameraman didn’t exactly endear himself to her by picking her up from behind with no notice to put her back where he wanted her. That would have been fine if one of us had done it, but not a stranger. I don’t have to worry about a stranger ever sneaking off with my child, that’s for sure. My Mom came and helped Ali smile as usual, which is a TOTAL lifesaver – I can’t imagine getting pictures made without her help!! Here are the best shots (more will be on facebook – you can click the link to get to them, facebook member or not.): Evil little laugh. . .
Family pictures!
Ali and Daddy. . .
Ali and Mommy.
This pose looks so grownup to me. . .
All in all, I’m happy with the pictures. They were kind of busy today, so they were more rushed than usual, which resulted in us thinking of a few things we would have liked to do after it was too late, but oh well – there’s always next time!
p.s. – do you like my new title picture? It was about time!
Portrait Day!
I’m back home and am slowly sloshing my way through all of my tons of work emails while Ali naps, and found one that made me smile. I get all notifications of people out sick since I handle HR issues, so I received this simple email from an employee:
I won’t be in today…..stomach virus.
then at the bottom of the email:
No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus Software.
Thank goodness it’s not transmittable through email.
co-sleeping: maybe not so crazy after all.
OK – I admit it publicly – I have always been one of those people who thought that co-sleeping with your kids was absolutely crazy – my reasons included the fact that I like to have my personal space and time with just Chris, that it couldn’t be good for kid’s independence and that it was good for kids to learn to sleep on their own, etc.
My parents have always put Ali’s pack and play in their room when she spends the night with them, and they talk about how sweet it is, and although it sounds sweet in principal, it’s never sounded appealing to me. I like my uninterrupted sleep, away time from being a “parent”, and quality time with Chris too much.
However, since we have been sharing a two bedroom condo with the Spurlings for the last three nights, Ali has been sleeping in her pack and play right next to my side of the bed, and I have, very surprisingly, enjoyed it immensely. I wasn’t looking forward to it because Ali has small bouts of crying in her sleep every now and then (they last a minute or less), and I am in general very paranoid about waking her up. But all four of us went in and out of our bedroom to go to the bathroom each night and never woke her up.
So here is the rundown of how our co-sleeping went:
Saturday night: Ali only cried once, and it was before we went to bed. She slept until 8:15!! She woke up talking to herself and completely content. So sweet!
Sunday night: Ali woke up once in the night, and she was moaning (her night crying is, I’m sure, a result of the fact that I can see at least 5 teeth pushing through her gums right now), so after laying her back down didn’t work, I picked her up and put her on my chest, and we dozed together for a little while – I actually have no idea how long it was – and then I put her back in her PNP. It was really sweet time, and I loved it!! Then she slept until NINE A.M.!!! Again, she woke up happy and talking – we heard a big “HI!!” in a very excited voice, and looked at the clock and couldn’t believe what time it was!
Monday night: She again didn’t cry after we went to bed, but I heard her start to talk around 7:00 am. I was still too groggy to rouse myself, so fell back asleep, and every now and then would hear her talking to herself or tumbling around in her PNP. She was perfectly happy to entertain herself while we slept in (Chris never even heard her). I finally started to rouse myself around 8, and so I rolled over, at which time she caught sight of me and gave me her morning greeting of the most excited “HI!!” ever. I picked her up and put her on the bed with us, and she crawled over to Chris and woke him just as excitedly. So fun!
The Spurlings left this evening, so we put Ali in their bedroom for the last night. Although I’m looking forward to our night of alone time and not having to tiptoe to go to the bathroom, I had quite a big tinge of sadness when we put her to bed. I’m going to miss her happy little voice in the morning, greeting me like I’m the most wonderful person on the planet!!
So, although I will not be changing our routines to include co-sleeping anytime soon, I have learned these things:
1. Co-sleeping is not annoying or intrusive – it is actually very sweet and endearing (at least if your child wakes up as contentedly and sleeps as soundly as Ali does).
2. I am not nervous about having to sleep in the same room with Ali anymore.
3. I have a new understanding of why people would choose to co-sleep with their kids.
For all of you co-sleepers out there, please accept my heartfelt apologies for my former misconclusions (is that a word?) about your co-sleeping choice!! :)
Afterthought: Here’s a picture of Chris covering our ocean view with garbage bags to black out the room, thereby altering Ali’s wakeup time from “with sunrise” to 8-9am. Although it seems a shame to cover an ocean view, isn’t it worth it to sleep in on vacation?
Last Day at the Beach!
Today is our last day, and we are SO glad we decided to stay through today, because it was a BEAUTIFUL day! It was the first day that wasn’t overcast, so it was great weather to be in the water. Here are a few pics from today:
Headed out to the beach: Ali and Daddy!
Building Sandcastles. . .

toddlers in motion
Here’s the promised videos of the Ali and AJ living it up on vacation!
The girls riding together in the backseat, as we learn what kind of music they each prefer (Ali is a bit glazed over and ready for bed in this video):
Flying in the pool with their Daddies!
Rocking out to their REAL favorite music genre, VeggieTales!
We ARE staying another night! So exciting. So we have another full day tomorrow, and will head home on Wednesday morning (the Spurlings will head back at bedtime tomorrow night – keep your fingers crossed for them that AJ will sleep ALL the way home!!). I’ll try and post some more pictures tomorrow, and for those of you bored with our vacation already, I’ll be back to “normal” blogging (whatever that is) by Wednesday or Thursday ;)