Why hello there, Thirty.

What’s that? Is that loathing I hear?? You already detest me?  But we just met!

Ooooh…you’ve heard about all of the nasty things I’ve been saying about you.

If you thought that was bad, you should have heard all the nasty things I’ve been thinking about you.

But nevertheless, I apologize.  We’re in this together now, so we might as well make up and at least try to get along.

Hey!! Stop shooting crow’s feet at me!! And is that a spider vein?? I SAID I’m sorry!!!  Didn’t you know that today is my birthday??  Everyone is supposed to be nice to me on my birthday!!

Okay, okay, I know I deserve it.  I’ve offended you (and probably half of my readers) with my whining about turning thirty.  I’ll make it up to you, mmkay?  I’ll write down all the reasons I’m thankful to be leaving my twenties and embracing you.

































…..aaaaand that’s all I’ve got.

Hey!! I felt that forehead wrinkle!  Stop it already!!

38 thoughts on “So We Meet At Last.

  1. HA! They’re really not so bad, I swear… although I can only speak for years one and two. And if it really gets you down, just think, at least it’s not 40! :)

    Happy Birthday!

    (love the new header, btw.)

    1. Thank you!! And thanks about the header – that was my first foray into WordPress code playing, and I about scared myself to death in the process!

  2. Happy birthday, dear friend! You’re only as old as you feel, and you’re still as funny as you were in your 20s! :)

    1. Ha! I shall live up this decade and not think about the next milestone coming my way. Until it’s too late and I have a mid-life crisis panic attack.

  3. Happy Birthday! 30 is not so bad I am even coming to terms with turning 36 in two weeks. You are only as old as you feel, plus you do not look like you anywhere near your 30’s.

  4. Happy Birthday, Rachel! May God bless you richly this year. :)

    Ps. You don’t even look near 30! Are you sure you aren’t turning 20?

  5. Happy Birthday! I agree with the above posters, you shouldn’t be worried. You’re “aging” well, especially if you made it to 30 with no spider veins. (!?) Enjoy your birthday!

  6. I’ll be joining you in a little over a month. However, I am excited about it. Maybe I’m just delusional?! In any case, happy birthday!!!

    1. Good for you!! It’s not so bad since it’s here – I plan on having another decade lived like I’m still in my 20’s!! …whatever that means.

  7. Happy Birthday! I didn’t believe it either when all my older friends told me that the 30s were actually kinda cool, but it’s true. I’m 5 years in and I like myself more than I ever had before, saggy-ish boobs, crows feet, cellulite and all. You’re going to have an awesome next decade and I’m betting than in 5 years you’ll look back and laugh that 30 seemed so depressing. Now 40 – that’s another story. That’s REALLy old ;)

  8. BTW, when I was about 28 a friend in her 30s once told me that when everyone needs a motto when they turn 30 – something to chant to yourself to remember how much you’ve grown (inwardly, of course) and how far you’ve come. Her’s was “F*** it!”, meaning that she wasn’t going to let the little things get hers down (yeah, she was kinda vulgar – no kids). Mine is “Relax – it’s all turning out fine!” because my 30s have been a time for me to let go of my “Plan” and not stress so much. So now I’m passing along that advice to you – find a motto that symbolizes how much better you’re approaching life than you were 10 years ago and how much better you’re going to be 10 years from now.

  9. oh happy happy day to you my friend!
    and haven’t you heard?
    30 is the new 29!
    so is 31!
    and 32, and 33…
    In fact, I’ve convinced myself of this so much that I actually told someone I was 29 and was corrected by my hubs. In all honesty though, it ain’t too bad in the 30’s, although I have recently starting using philosophy’s miracle worker anti-aging retinoid pads. Ya know, just in case 31 tries to get ugly with me…

  10. the 30’s are wonderful! Though I find myself thinking of age in general as a bracket rather than an actual age. My mother is in her late 50’s rather than 59, I am in my early 30’s rather than 32. You get the idea. I thought people would be insulted, but they actually LOVE it. So this year you are clearly 30, but in a few years, you could say, “I am in my early 30’s.”

  11. Day late…Happy 29 and counting birthday! Can’t wait to hear your blog about how your first day as 30 treated.you.

  12. Happy, happy birthday, I hope your day was great! Think of all the wisdom you have accumulated in thirty years. :)

  13. Happy (belated) b’day!!

    I didn’t realize we shared a b’day month! I just turned 40 on friday! I loved turning 30 – looked forward to it for several years and was so ready to kiss my 30’s goodbye.


  14. 30’s rock. I have loved my 30’s but will be leaving them at the end of the month as I say Hellooooo 40! The great thing about 30 is you get to leave behind all the emotional angst of the 20’s. You know who you are, you know what you can do, and you get to be totally ok with all that. Enjoy!

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