I don’t get to fly very often, but I absolutely adore it when I do. The experience of the airport, and all the bustling around, and the plane… it’s just completely thrilling to me.

I know – I’m such a little kid.

But I’m also pretty paranoid about getting the best deal – and experience – possible. I probably still like flying because I’m careful to get nonstop flights whenever possible, and try my best to save as much money as I can in the process. is full of awesome travel tips – practical ones like saving money on airline tickets and the best airlines to get last minute great deals from, and fascinating ones like the seven most amazing sights from airplanes (which really makes me want to fly again!).

They also have articles on really fun stuff like 10 Bizarre Hotels, in case you’re up for a REAL adventure!

ipodnanoThe site is full of useful and fascinating information, and is totally worth your time to check out, whether you fly often or not!!

And, since they’re pretty new and trying to get the word out about their site, they are sponsoring a giveaway here for one of the new and quite fancy 8 GB iPod Nanos!!! And what’s even better – YOU get to pick the color!!!

If you’d like to win the iPod Nano, simply go visit and come back here and tell me a post that you found interesting.

You can get up to four extra entries by:

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

Best of luck! This giveaway is open until Monday, October 25th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, October 26th.

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this giveaway. My opinions are always my own. And you should really check out those 10 bizarre hotels – wow.

470 thoughts on “Giveaway: Win an iPod Nano from!

  1. i liked "Cheapest Flights to Exotic Destinations This Winter". I live in California so we dont get "weather" during the winter but it always seems like i get just enough of a bonus and a few extra days off but it is always too expensive (or so i thought) to go anywhere during the winter months!


  2. I liked the article about how to entertain yourself at the airport! I hate having hours to spend and nothing to do!

  3. I liked Cheapest Flights to Exotic Destinations This Winter. A girl has to dream of an exotic vacation. Thanks for the giveaway.


    In the Air New Zealand safety video the whole plane crew is wearing nothing except painted on clothes. LOL

    That is a great idea for a way to grab everybody's attention for an important announcement.


  5. I liked "Getting There is Half the Battle." I used to be a cab driver and the airport was always a challenging destination. I've found that in any big city with a subway (NY, Boston, SF, Chicago, DC, etc), that's usually the best way to go unless you have boatloads of luggage.

  6. I like everything about this website. My favorite section is "Best Bags For Travel". Like I need another bag……I have a closet full of them in all shapes, sizes & colors! :)


  7. I enjoyed reading and found a lot of great tips in the "Tips for Getting the Best Airfare" article in the Budget Travel section.


  8. The post on Airline Safety Videos was interesting. I watched some of them and the commentary about "The Queen of Planet Collagen" was TRUE! She's scary!

  9. I didn't realize that Air Tran and Frontier offered a service to the islands (from the exotic destinations in winter).

    starinthenitesky (at)

  10. That would be "5 Ridiculous Airline Charges" – this trend seems to be affecting everyone!

  11. I really enjoyed the 10 Bizarre Hotels article. I'd love to stay at a tree house hotel, especially one in Costa Rica.

  12. I like the Taking Your Load on the Road: The Best Bags for Travel
    becuase we are going to vegas in a couple of months and I am looking for new bags

    mellanhead74 at

  13. I found the "exotic winter destination" post interesting, I live in Hawaii and am always trying to get family out here to visit- I often hear "it's too expensive" so its nice to see some options to make it more affordable!

    kristymcg1972 at gmail dot com

  14. Best Bags for Travel is a good article, they really have major restrictions these days.


  15. I found "7 Tips To Flying With a Family" interesting, I am scared to fly, and worried about flying with children so this seems very helpful.

  16. I love the Bizarre Places. The Ice Hotel and underwater one would be a blast. The one it Turkey would be fascinating to see.

  17. I like the post "Best Airlines for Last Minute Ticket Deals" – this is really helpful and will save me time and money when I have to make (unavoidable) last minute travel plans.
    mandalarctic at gmail dot com

  18. Loved the bizarre hotels article. Will be headed to Europe & Asia next year. I'm going to look up the cave hotel in Turkey to see if a stop there might be possible.

  19. I liked the article about getting to and from the airport article and the article about the cheapest beach vacations.

  20. I read 5 Ridiculous Airline Charges
    I can't believe they are caharging for things like a blanket and a neck pillow.wilcarvic[at]gmail[dotcom]

  21. I thought it was interesting that Ryanair is currently toying with the idea of charging for use of the bathroom. How insane is that.

  22. The post I liked was Cheapest Flights to Exotic Destinations This Winter.May be useful.

    waitesrd at yahoo dot com

  23. The post about 5 Ridiculous Airline Charges was interesting. I can't believe some airlines are charging a fee to speak with a human, how crazy is that?
    pjgirl74 at aol dot com

  24. There seems to be a cost threshold with taxi cabs; if you live or are staying a relatively close distance to the airport (no more than 30-45 minutes) a cab is affordable, but definitely not the most inexpensive option. From New York’s JFK to Times Square will run you about $45, including tip and/or toll fees

  25. I learned that one of the shortest airline flights in the world is from Westray to Papa Westray, Distance: 1.7 miles, Flight Duration: 2 minutes!
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  26. The post I found interesting was the New Face of the Airline Industry: The Continuing Trend of Mergers & Acquisitions

    trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

  27. Looking to buy new luggage so this article, "Taking Your Load on the Road: The Best Bags for Travel" was helpful.

    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  28. I thought their 8 Annoying Types of Travelers article was interesting!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    email in blogger profile.

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