As you could probably guess, I am in a blinding frenzy today getting ready to fly to Chicago for Blogher ’09.

Although I’m usually pretty logical, I’ve been running on an emotional roller coaster. I have gone from unbelievable excitement, to sheer terror, to complete panic, to wondering why I’m doing this, and back to unbelievable excitement.

(Except right now, I’m somewhere in between queasy nervousness and nauseous overwhelmedness.)

Obviously, this trip is WAY out of my normal routine. But totally thrilling!

The reason I decided to go at the very last minute was because I was offered a sponsorship from my good friends at 5 Minutes for Mom. Susan has just launched a brand new site – Say it Face to Face, which I will be promoting at Blogher.

She just unveiled Say it Face to Face yesterday at 5 Minutes for Mom, along with a cash prize contest to kick it off!!
Say it Face to Face is a brand new idea in the social media realm, and is completely different than anything else out there. The basic concept is to create conversations through video – somewhat like vlogging, except more conversational.

You upload (via YouTube) a video of yourself asking a question or starting a conversation topic, and then other people will answer it, also via video.

The reason that Susan really wanted to create this site is that in the social media world, our relationships grow in leaps and bounds when we meet in person – it really takes a friendship from “this is my bloggy friend” to “this is my friend in real life”. And so, by video conversing, it helps create friendships and take existing ones to new levels.

Other benefits of Say it Face to Face are:

  • It helps you expand your social media community – you can have all of your blog, Twitter, etc info in your profile, and connect with like-minded people.
  • Unlike Twitter, blogs, Facebook, and all other forms of social media, SIFTF is organized around TOPICS, rather than friends. So it helps you create NEW friends based on a topic of conversation that you’re interested in.
  • It’s a great way to help you start video blogging and make new friends who are doing the same.
  • This site is about to have a TON of promotion, so by starting early, you will have a head start on being an integral part of this new idea.

So, check out Say it Face to Face while I’m gone and see if it’s something that you’re interested in! And by doing so, you’ll be registered to win $250 or $500!!!

In the meantime, I am off to have a panic attack Blogher! I will be meeting a ton of new people, learning all sorts of things, promoting my blog and Say it Face to Face, and hopefully not completely shutting down from being overwhelmed by all that will be going on!

Wish me luck, and I’ll be blogging from Chicago next time you hear from me!

11 thoughts on “Off to Chicago!

  1. Well, this explains why I'm am strangely Rachel-free in my comments lately. It explains it–not excuses it!

    Hmm. The V-log thing sounds interesting. But, it concerns me that a lot of my blogging is done in my pajamas, sans make-up. I will think about it. I'm not sure the world is ready for me in my Mickey Mouse jammies and no lipstick, though.

  2. Rachel just try to have fun!!! Take lots of pics, make a lot of contacts and again, have fun!! I so wanted to go!!

  3. Girl, you are going to do great! They won't know what hits them with all your Southern gal charm.

    I'm going to go check out Face to Face.

  4. Have a wonderful time – I'm jealous!

    And I was just discussing with my husband how I never use that web cam feature on my laptop – maybe this would be a reason to…

  5. I signed up for the site, it looks really neat and I like the idea. I'll have to think of some good questions. I'm better at answering tho, I love to give my opinion lol

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