This is a guest post by Chris, my contributing editor, contributing dad, and contributing husband. So, the new year is here, and most of America resolves to do something. In January of 2003, I threw my large flabby self into an old pair of sneakers and walked ambitiously to the foot of our hill and […]

The Secret of Halal
Our trip to New York last week was was Chris’ first visit, so he got to experience the full unexplainable magic of the city, and he also had a few adventures along the way. This post is one of his fabulous guest posts (written the night before we left), so be sure to give him […]

BlogHer, in Bad Photos.
Five Benefits of Taking My Husband Along to BlogHer. 1. His analytical and strategic skills make me look like a novice. He had a plan, he knew what he was doing, and he would set up fabulous opportunities to show off our professionalism and class. 2. As the last photo also attests, he is willing […]

She Left Me.
Hi there! Noah here. Hold on a minute. Let me get my camera adjusted right. Okay. That’s better. So I have some really sad news. The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy left me. And even worse than that?? She Took The Daddy with her. It’s really a bummer, because I’ve really gotten to where I […]

What I Learned at BlogHer.
I decided to attend my third BlogHer at the last minute to go to one event: The Voices of the Year Reception. Even though I wasn’t chosen as a speaker (thank goodness because my nerves couldn’t have handled it), being an Honoree was so exciting, and I had promised myself last year that if I […]

The Grandparent Effect.
Kids. You send them to the Grandparents for a few days, and you miss ‘em like crazy. You can’t WAIT to pick them up, knowing that they’ll run to you, jump into your arms, and hug you, showering their undying affection upon you. Then you arrive, and you are quickly reminded of The Grandparent Effect. […]

My Break From BlogHer.
I have been known to break my nose whilst blogging. I have also been known to visit the emergency room at wee hours due to sleepwalking injuries. I like sticking to a theme. Which is why, I suppose, I took this weekend as an opportunity to break my nose, while sleepwalking, while at a blogging […]

What Voices of the Year Means to Me.
The first year that I attended a BlogHer conference, it started out as a rough trip. I missed Chris and Ali desperately, found out that I wasn’t very good at travelling alone, and realized that I was WAY too introverted to be at a conference with 1,500 people, 6 of which I knew. By Friday […]

Guide to an Enjoyable Conference Experience: for the Introvert.
Pardon me while I make a few sweeping generalizations… Bloggers are a funny breed. Though we probably come off as the world’s biggest extroverts because it appears that we do a lot of talking, pontificating, and social (media) interaction, many of us are really just shy introverts who have found that hiding behind a computer […]

BlogHer BulletPoints.
BlogHer has an effect on 95.6% of it’s attendees that it turns their mind into complete mush by the time the weekend is over. I was not one of the lucky 4.4%. And so, while I allow my mind time to de-mush and re-solidify and my feet time to re-grow (what, you didn’t know I […]