Superheroes on the Run.

Ali has been running with me since last summer, and she’s shown a surprising amount of proficiency at it, along with enjoying it most of the time (that may be due to the fact that we usually run to the candy store, but no matter. We all run for chocolate, am I right?) A couple […]

Returning to Eufaula.

A couple of weekends ago, we returned to Lakepoint State Park in Eufaula, Alabama, because I tend to get antsy in January. After surviving the holidays and both my children’s birthdays, I find myself desperately needing to leave town. Plus, for the last 365 days, my kids have begged me at least once a week […]

The Birthday Post.

Today is Ali’s eighth birthday. And, in my ongoing effort to lazify my life, she has to share it with her brother. (On here, anyway.) His birthday is six days before Christmas, and hers is 14 days after Christmas. This unfortunate timing may make me the worst sort of Mom when it comes to actually […]

The Potentiality of Being Eliminated.

This is just urban legend…rumors passed down from generation to generation… But I’ve heard that there are those that have their Christmas Card recipient list printed out, ready to receive their reciprocal Season’s Greetings. Each card that comes in gets checked off the list – approved to be bestowed upon the next year with yet […]

The Great Alabama Outdoors.

So, camping. The weather could not have been more perfect when we arrived to the annual family camping trip. They were the ideal conditions for asking your son to pose for a picture, When in reality you’re trying to covertly snap a photo of your camping neighbors taking their dog for a walk…in a pink […]

Callaway Gardens, a Photographical Journey.

Chris and I wanted to go off for my birthday (early, by the way – you still have time to mark October 9 as a Very Important Date on your calendar), but we didn’t know where to go. We only had a weekend available, so we needed to go somewhere relatively close, and we wanted […]

The Profit of a Yard.

The best thing we did in 2013 was get sod in our front yard. Previously, our slightly sloped yard was nothing but dirt – with a few weeds, a bunch of gumballs (or pricklies, as we call them at our house), and plenty of tree roots. It was a shame, as most yards in our […]


If I understand the differences in regional dialects correctly, some of y’all don’t call this a hosepipe. You call it a “garden hose” or just a “hose” or some other type of gibberish. In Alabama, we call it summer entertainment. That is, unless you’re not the one holding the hosepipe. Then it’s called a source […]

The Gravity of Granting Permission.

I’m not one to write a post for a particular day such as Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, and especially not Father’s or Mother’s Day. I don’t even acknowledge it on Facebook or change my profile picture to include the appropriate parent. I know – I‘m a social media pariah. I get my cynical anti-bandwagon genetic […]

Seven Years Comin’

From our honeymoon onward, Chris and have I adored the beach. We would spend entire days laying on the sandy shores of Alabama, reading, napping, swimming, and living as if we had no responsibilities. NONE. It was our most freeing happy place in the world. And then, six years into marriage, we had a baby. […]