I have a horrible confession. I’ve been cheating on Zulily. Not only have I been cheating on Zulily, but I’ve completely abandoned my daily Zulily Browsing, which means no more Weird Strange and True posts for you. However, I’ve replaced her with a new App Mistress: HauteLook. This exposes a growing selfishness in my heart, […]

Road Tripping North Alabama.
Up until a few years ago, I can say with certainty that I was a beach girl. I really didn’t have any interest in the mountains, always preferring to drift warmwards rather than coldwards, and in complete adoration with the ocean. I believe, if I remember correctly, that it was the fault of The General […]

What Did You Get That You Didn’t Want?
Apparently American culture is more self-centered than ever. Starting Christmas evening and continuing through the night, I received dozens of emails from online retailers. And they all began their subject line with, “DIDN’T GET WHAT YOU WANT THIS CHRISTMAS?” Yes. Let’s encourage ungratefulness and materialism ON CHRISTMAS DAY, giving us all every opportunity to feel […]

Kiosk Warfare: A Guide for Survival.
Originally Published October 27, 2010. If you decide to go shopping this weekend, may the odds be ever in your favor. The mall is a glorious place for Moms of young children. Akin to an indoor playground for both Mother AND Child, it is full of glee-filled places such as Toy Stores, hot dog trucks, […]

Christmas Shopping: Ten Ways to be a Double Blessing.
Starting at the end of this week, the Christmas madness begins. We all feverishly make our lists, attack the stores, and desperately seek out unique and thoughtful gifts. I gave up on the stores a few years ago – I discovered that Amazon was easier, and often less expensive. Plus, having all of my Christmas […]

Alabama’s Shopping Theme Park.
I’ve always wanted to go there. Once even, we were in the area and on our way – then realized it was Sunday and they were closed. But last Friday, I finally got the opportunity to go to the National Mecca of deals shopping. And it was marvelous, so I’m going to take you on […]

The Economics of Denim.
My inbox stays constantly packed with emails of butts in jeans. Texts of butts in jeans. Questions about butts and jeans. I suppose when one is willing to show the world photos of their own butt in dozens of pairs of jeans in multiple posts over five years, people feel comfortable sharing their own butt […]

On Stumbling Into the Sale of a Lifetime.
May 14 2013 Update: The Wish Collection has relocated to a different state, so the Sample Sales are no longer available in Birmingham at this time. I love you guys, because you are the best Life Informants that a girl could wish for. Anytime I have a question, at least a dozen of you have […]

Recapping The Runway.
The past week has been one of the most physically exhausting weeks of my life. Good thing it’s been the fun kind of exhaustion. Besides having back-to-back-to-back jean fittings all day every day ($27.50 for designer jeans really excites people – who knew?) and in general not sleeping well due to all the hubbub, I […]

The Holiday Gift Guide You’ve Been Waiting For.
According to my inbox folder that is labeled “marketing pitches” (which oftentimes shares real estate with the one labeled “trash”), all bloggers are apparently expected – nay, required – to publish a “Holiday Gift Guide.” And since I never want to shirk my responsibilities to you, my dear readers, I decided that I better compile […]