I am so excited and honored that my submission from B-Sides made it into the finals at 5 Minutes for Mom’s latest photo contest!! Please vote for Ali at the photo contest at 5 Minutes for Mom!!! Her picture is #7 – Grasping for Objectivity B-Sides. Thanks!!!

A Couple of VIAs (Very Important Announcements)
Tonight will be the night. I hope. I will be attempting to move my blog to my new domain, www.graspingforobjectivity.com. After I get this blog posted and published, I am going to make the move. Ooh I’m nervous!! I will readily admit that I have NO IDEA how this is going to go. I THINK […]

Announcements Galore
First of all, my Reader Appreciation Giveaway winners!!! The first winner, selected randomly from my top 11 commenters in the month of December, is Lindsay!! The second winner, selected randomly from the commenters on the post, is Bethany!!! Winners: I will be emailing you soon to find out where to mail your $10 Starbucks Cards! […]

This Christmas Spirit Brought to You By Red Mountain Music
Chris and I went to WorkPlay last night to hear Ashley sing with Red Mountain Music. Mom and Dad kept Ali overnight, so we made a rare “Monday Night Date” out of it. We had never been to WorkPlay before, and loved the setup! We got to sit in a cuddly, comfortable, round booth directly […]

Scavenger Hunt GIVEAWAY Update – Thanks to Birmingham Menus!!!!
I have just been able to obtain two more prizes to add to the Scavenger Hunt! And these are GOOD ones!!! I have been buying gift certificates from Birmingham Menus for a couple of years now – it is an organization that sells gift certificates for the independently owned restaurants in Birmingham (which happen to […]

Red Mountain Music Giveaway!!
The first time I ever heard Ashley Spurling (AJ’s Mom, for my blog followers) sing, it sent chills down my spine (and that doesn’t happen often). Seven years later and even though she is one of my best friends and I hear her sing all the time, her voice still gives me chills. She has […]

A Dose of Humor!
Be sure to head over to 5 Minutes for Parenting today and check out the second edition of my new weekly column, A Dose of Humor! Today’s story is a good one! It’s from Kate McDonald, wife of Christian singer/songwriter Shawn McDonald. If you have a humorous post about parenthood/children and would like to submit […]

I’ve started a secondary blog! B-Sides. Well, you can read about the whys and what-fors in my introductory post over there, but I just thought I’d let you know!!

Winners for the Jarrod Jones Book Giveaway
Thank you all for participating in this giveaway! I used random.org to select the random winners, and they are: #20 – blueviolet #27 – maweisberg #71 – stokesmichellebrandy Congratulations to the winners!! If I have your email address, I will be emailing you. If I DON’T have it, you have until October 15th to claim […]

Guess where I am today!
I am over at 5 Minutes for Mom’s awesome sister site, 5 Minutes for Parenting!! I will be hosting a weekly column there where I will be featuring different blogger’s most humorous posts about parenting and children. I am so excited to join their amazing team, and am also really looking forward to reading all […]