Chris’ Grandmother, Millie, was a tiny precious woman that I met when she was already quite advanced in age. She was always kind to me, and I liked her very much. I think she liked me, too, as I provided her, at 90 years old, with her first great-grandchild. She met Ali just a couple […]

Unearthing a More Colorful Brain.
“1 is red – right, mom?” This matter-of-fact question Noah asked Monday morning while doing his math (in my dirty dressing room floor as I hung up clothes) turned his school day on end. What followed was a fascinating day of me interrogating him while becoming more and more intrigued with his brain as he […]

Not-Crazy-Renee and the Neighborhood Package Thief.
Not-Crazy-Renee (my neighbor, who I introduced to you Monday) has had an intense holiday season. For one, she’s post-partum. No one should have to be post-partum over the holidays – I should know, as Noah was born on December 19. (Happy birthday, son. You might get a sweet and touching birthday blog post…at some point.) […]

Case Closed: The Mystery of Fred.
I am not the kind of person that can leave a mystery unsolved. Uncle Joe had to be found. Dr. Pepper TEN needed to be explained. It was an absolute must that I tracked down my twin. When someone hacked my PayPal account, it wasn’t good enough to just fix it. I needed to find the […]

One Girl at a Time.
My friend Katherine writes a series called Uncomfortable Truths that is positively brilliant. I love this feature so much that I might have contributed my own not-so-comfortable facts once or twice. However. In a recent installment, she discovered a fascinating bit of information about the way we go about restraining ourselves. Katherine hooks her bra […]

A Cure for the Common Ant.
“Uh Oh! I dropped an M&M on the ground!” “That’s okay. Just throw it in the bushes. No – wait – why don’t you go put it on top of that ant bed you were looking at a while ago? I bet they would love it.” After all, it was Easter Sunday. Everyone deserves a […]

A Triad of Short Stories.
Thank You: Private Eye. I received a thank you note in the mail last week. It was addressed to “Mrs. Callahan” and was signed “Mrs. [insert last name I’d never heard before here.]” It was a rather generically written thank you card for a wedding gift that I did not remember giving. In fact, I […]

Drain Shame.
There are things that an iPhone alters about your life from which you will never escape. Traffic light entertainment, for one. I admit it – I struggle with not picking up my iPhone at a red light. Smart phones have effectively made me forget how to simply be still. Also? Curiosity. Every “I wonder…” I […]

On Having (and Finding) My Celebrity Twin.
It wasn’t an option, really. I had to find her. The number of Facebook messages, texts, tweets, and in-person comments was rising so quickly that I just started assigning people a number. “Hey! Have you seen that Nokia Lumia commercial…” “You’re number thirteen.” “Oh. So it’s not you?” “Nope.” I could see what they saw, […]

Moist: On Meeting Daze.
On Friday, I shared the majority of my interview with Moist, a Birmingham graffiti artist. However, the last question I asked had such a fascinating answer that I saved it for a post of its own. I asked Moist if he had ever met Daze, another graffiti artist whose tags I see all over town, […]