Today was the day that I realized my two-year-old was a musician. Not because he’s ever touched an instrument, but by watching his face. As we were driving home, just the two of us, he kept asking insistently for me to put on “Seven Bridges Road.” I finally did, and turned it up. Then happened […]

The Twelve Days of Facebook Christmas.
On the First Day of Christmas my feed did give to me, Christmas Lights on Halloween. On the Second Day of Christmas my feed did give to me, Early Christmas Haters and Christmas Lights on Thanksgiving. On the Third Day of Christmas my feed did give to me, Pumpkin Spice Latté, Thanksgiving Smock and Holiday […]

I Want to Spotify You.
When it comes to internet radio, I’ve always been a Pandora girl. It’s free, easy, and they were the first people (that I know of) to use the fantastically mysterious Music Genome Project to magically choose songs that I would like. But then my friends kept talking about Spotify. Over and Over and OVER. So […]

Baby Got Pad.
There is really nothing I adore more than watch people awkwardly record important moments with iPads. Especially in large crowds of people where their ‘pad completely blocks the view of the people around them and they’re likely to give their neighbor a black eye if they get too excited. Or two. And, much akin to […]

The Lullabies of Our Life.
So I’ve mentioned once or twice that we prefer a more eclectic selection of pre-bed singing to Noah. (And formerly to Ali, but she’s way too mature for such a thing now.) Because you can only sing their requests of “Dora Dora Dora the Explorer” so many days in a row before you start to […]

Ironic, With Children.
So Alanis Morissette and I are basically best friends. Photo Credit – Alanis: AKM-GSI; Me: my iPhone; both used with permission. …Or at least we had sons six days apart, both have long dark hair, and sometimes wear stripes. (Same difference.) Because of our deep relationship, I took the liberty of rewriting my favorite Alanis […]

Sleepwalking is a Genetic Disorder.
I would like to take a moment to thank my new video monitor for convincing me that Noah will never be allowed to move out of his crib. …and yes, he was asleep for almost all of that. Heaven help his wife.