FTDs, or Facebookually Transmitted Diseases, are now at an all-time high. Please be aware of the latest FTD, know if you are at risk, and prevent further transmission. Lularoe. Any woman who is Facebookually active can get Lularoe. Lularoe can cause very serious complications if not treated, and is extremely easy to transmit to […]

The Authoritative Truth Behind the Poo Emoji.
Emoji play a crucial role in my life. I have made this clear time and time again. I use them, I am opinionated about how and when they should be used, and I look forward to each and every addition to the Emoji Dictionary. For instance, this week’s updates, as best as I can tell, […]

Don’t Be The Butt of The Joke.
When I opened up my Christmas presents from Chris, there was one particularly long and skinny one. As soon as I saw what it was, I gasped and looked up in horror. “You DIDN’T. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!” “Wait! No…this isn’t a Selfie Stick! THIS, my dear….THIS is a SUNSET STICK. “Ummmm…..it […]

On My Whirlwind Relationship with a Spammer.
As a blogger, I get hundreds of emails a day. Of those, approximately one is a real person emailing me to genuinely correspond. If I’m lucky. I adore emails from real people. In the stack of emails, there are definite patterns that can be found. PR Firms sending me press releases, hoping that I’ll write […]

The Twelve Days of Facebook Christmas.
On the First Day of Christmas my feed did give to me, Christmas Lights on Halloween. On the Second Day of Christmas my feed did give to me, Early Christmas Haters and Christmas Lights on Thanksgiving. On the Third Day of Christmas my feed did give to me, Pumpkin Spice Latté, Thanksgiving Smock and Holiday […]

13 Things That Need to be Banned from Twitter.
I love all forms of social media – yes, even Pinterest, despite my poking fun at it a little too often. But when it comes to playing favorites, I do not hide my adoration for Twitter and disdain for Facebook. However. Twitter has its own set of cultural quirks and personal phrases that have sprung […]

75 Ways to Get Guilted on Facebook.
This list started months ago as a text vomit stream between my friend Ashley and me. And we decided that the world should be allowed into our heads. How can Facebook give you a Guilt Trip? Let us count the ways. 1. By buying organic. It’s too expensive and you’re selfishly robbing money for your […]

Pinterexia Nervosa: A Diagnostic Guide.
Pinterexia Nervosa is a body/home image disorder in which people have an intense anxiety over ensuring that their life is completely pinnable at any moment. This disease is most often diagnosed in women and most prevalent post-childbirth, as the quantity of contractible symptoms grow when children are involved. What are the Symptoms of Pinterexia Nervosa? […]

A Teaching Tool for the Internets.
When you come across those people in life who express interest in beginning to use social media for the first time, (You know, like the people who say, “I really need to get on the Twitter!!”), And you want to help them jump in, just share this graphic with them. So. What did I leave […]

Ten Indicators Of a Possible Twitter Addiction
Dear Mom: You will be completely puzzled by this post. Forgive me in advance. Love, Rachel. I’ve found myself rather Tweetless for the past week, and I’ve yet to be able to fully diagnose the cause. It’s creating some Twangst in my soul about being so boring that I have nothing Tweetable going on, or […]