I have now been using my Red Light Therapy panels for nine months, so I wanted to share an update, answer some of the questions I’ve received, and share some stories from friends. Because I’ve gotten so many questions about my lights and how they’ve been performing long term, this post is going to be a little […]

Not-Crazy-Renee and the Neighborhood Package Thief.
Not-Crazy-Renee (my neighbor, who I introduced to you Monday) has had an intense holiday season. For one, she’s post-partum. No one should have to be post-partum over the holidays – I should know, as Noah was born on December 19. (Happy birthday, son. You might get a sweet and touching birthday blog post…at some point.) […]

The FaceTune Challenge.
So. Remember my post about using Facetune, and then feeling guilty for making my skin so smooth? I eventually did feel guilty enough to replace all of my profile pictures with the unedited images – they looked more like me, anyway. And the skin-so-smooth-I-haven’t-actually-had-that-since-I-was-seven was starting to annoy me. But one night as I was […]

On My Whirlwind Relationship with a Spammer.
As a blogger, I get hundreds of emails a day. Of those, approximately one is a real person emailing me to genuinely correspond. If I’m lucky. I adore emails from real people. In the stack of emails, there are definite patterns that can be found. PR Firms sending me press releases, hoping that I’ll write […]

The Dilemna Dilemma.
I hated English in school, and I don’t expect that my blog follows the rules of the AP Stylebook – like, ever. I have endless grammar quirks that I am positive make my journalist friends secretly despise me. However, I have always been a fantastic speller. I’m convinced that spelling is something you’re born with […]

A Cure for the Common Ant.
“Uh Oh! I dropped an M&M on the ground!” “That’s okay. Just throw it in the bushes. No – wait – why don’t you go put it on top of that ant bed you were looking at a while ago? I bet they would love it.” After all, it was Easter Sunday. Everyone deserves a […]

A Triad of Short Stories.
Thank You: Private Eye. I received a thank you note in the mail last week. It was addressed to “Mrs. Callahan” and was signed “Mrs. [insert last name I’d never heard before here.]” It was a rather generically written thank you card for a wedding gift that I did not remember giving. In fact, I […]

On Having (and Finding) My Celebrity Twin.
It wasn’t an option, really. I had to find her. The number of Facebook messages, texts, tweets, and in-person comments was rising so quickly that I just started assigning people a number. “Hey! Have you seen that Nokia Lumia commercial…” “You’re number thirteen.” “Oh. So it’s not you?” “Nope.” I could see what they saw, […]

Moist: On Meeting Daze.
On Friday, I shared the majority of my interview with Moist, a Birmingham graffiti artist. However, the last question I asked had such a fascinating answer that I saved it for a post of its own. I asked Moist if he had ever met Daze, another graffiti artist whose tags I see all over town, […]

Moist: The Interview.
A couple of months ago, I mentioned my favorite graffiti sighting in Birmingham, Moist. I have an appreciation for well-written, non-obscene graffiti, and found it to be rather brilliant that someone would take the most hated and eye-catching word in the human language and use it for their tag. Consequently, I keep an eye out […]