I’ve been a bit obsessed with puddles lately. Which is convenient, since we just had a Tropical Storm come all the way up the middle of our state. (Granted it wasn’t a Tropical Storm when it reached me, but it was still pretty dang wet.) I don’t usually get hung up on getting a specific […]

How to Make Glow in the Dark Frozen Bubbles.
I discovered this just in time. I was about to completely lose my mind over the fact that it was COLD. And we didn’t get snow. And what was supposed to be a nice, iced-in, mid-week weekend compliments of the snow that visited everyone but us had turned into just another COLD day. And then […]

Stepping Into The Light.
Trigger Warning: Dear Mom, don’t read this post. (I made the mistake of telling my Mom the some of the details of this adventure on Sunday. She asked me to please never ever tell her if I did this or anything like it again.) Stephens Gap Callahan Cave Preserve (no relation to any Callahans or […]

Hate-Fueled, Lovingly Crafted Christmas Cards.
A couple of weeks ago I got served some sponsored posts that made me very angry. It was an illogical anger – holiday-induced-insanity even – but it happened. The first one occurred on Instagram. First let me say that I do not follow Melissa Joan Hart. I do not follow any celebrities (with the exception […]

All the Answers: Notes on Choosing a Camera.
In my recent round of Ask Me Anything, Sheri asked what kind of camera I use. Since I was planning on blogging about this soon anyway, I decided to give this question its own post. So you remember a couple of months ago at the beach, I broke my camera. Or rather, the most evil […]

Epic Camping: The Ups.
Everyone should go tent camping. Everyone. Unless you have children under four or you are pregnant or live in north Canada or have an aversion to bugs or can’t sleep to the sound of crickets or are addicted to your Sleep Number bed or don’t like peeing in bath houses while large spiders watch you […]

Callaway Gardens, a Photographical Journey.
Chris and I wanted to go off for my birthday (early, by the way – you still have time to mark October 9 as a Very Important Date on your calendar), but we didn’t know where to go. We only had a weekend available, so we needed to go somewhere relatively close, and we wanted […]

Sunsets By the Package.
In two days, I got two emails from different guys that I have zero connections with. (They were real emails from real people, guys!) One wanted advice as to where to take his girlfriend for a special date, and the other wanted advice as to where to propose to his girlfriend. This might sound extraordinarily […]

Where to Find Birmingham’s Sunsets.
“Do you go to the same place every time you sunset chase?” (Nope.) “Do you take all those pictures from your house?” (Not a single one.) “Do you have to trespass to get sunset photos?” (No. You don’t have to. And I almost never do.) “Why are you so obsessed with sunsets?” (That’s a long […]

Introducing…Picture Birmingham.
If I’ve seemed a bit scarce, quieter than usual, or really slow on email responses the past couple of months, it’s because I’ve been completely consumed with designing a new project and website. So here it is: Picture Birmingham. First, a bit of back story. Last summer, I felt compelled to get involved with a […]