Ali is infinitely more interested in learning if it’s happening on an electronic device. (I have NO idea where she gets her geekiness.) After seeing her excel greatly in schooling while using apps on my iPhone, we bought an iPad as an investment in our homeschooling future. Obviously, there are still many things that we […]
Stuff I Like, v.2
This is simply a bunch of random stuff I’ve run across lately (or not-so-lately) that I think is awesome. Nobody has paid me or asked me to say any of this. The first post in this series can be found here. Windows Live Writer If you’re blogging and not using Live Writer, I highly recommend […]
The Kind of Suckers You Wait Decades For.
It all started sometime in very early elementary school when I had gone over to my cousin’s house after he got out of school. He had just had his Valentine’s party that day, and was loaded down with delicious looking Valentine’s loot attached to Valentine’s cards from all of his classmates. (I wish I’d learned […]
Answers, Part Two: Homeschooling.
Disclaimer: Before answering your questions about homeschooling, let me clarify: Any commentary herein is based only on my opinions and my family – please don’t take offense or feeling like I am making any blanket statements about your family. For instance, if I say that I chose to homeschool so that I am able to […]
A Few of My (New) Favorite Things.
Thanks to Christmas, new babyness, and other events lately, I’ve run into a few cool new things that are making my daily life easier and more fun. (And, for the record, I was not asked to promote any of these items, nor do the companies mentioned know that I’m writing about them, They just rock […]
Giveaway!! Animal Mastermind Towers
One of my favorite childhood games was Mastermind. Okay, adulthood too – Chris and I still love playing board games. I love the logic, the guessing, and the deductions. And, since it has already been established that Ali is a geek child after my own heart, when I saw that they had a children’s version […]
A Geek After My Own Heart.
My kid is a geek. There’s just no way to sugar-coat it, because, bless her soul, she is headed for THE Uppermost Echelon of Geeks. And she can’t really help it – she comes by it quite naturally. She was created by an Accountant and an Engineer. Two geekier parents would be hard to find. […]
The Legends of Mysteries.
Since I haven’t been much of a fun Mommy lately, I wanted to get Ali a special craft that we could do together while still in my couchbound status. So I bought her a new Sticky Mosaic kit, but this time it was super exciting: Mosaic Princess Crowns: After all, no three year old can […]
Breakfast Globetrotting.
Ali and I took a somewhat long school “break” during the Winteriest part of Winter, partially because we were busy, and partially because I just didn’t have a lot of motivation for much of anything else. (Darn winteriest winter ever. It effected me greatly.) Now that it’s nearly summertime and she should rightfully have a […]
Guided Learning Vs. Play Learning
First, the winners of the YooHoo and friends! The winners are: Jackamo, ShelbyRose, and kathy pease. Congratulations!! I will be in touch to get your addresses for your YooHoo friend! I am participating in Marie’s “Life is Therapy” series this week – it’s a great series full of ideas and tips on how to help […]