It was our last trip of the summer, and our twelfth(ish) annual family vacation – the one we take with my family instead of buying each other presents. Not having to buy presents AND a “free” vacation? It’s such a win. We started this tradition when there were no kids, then eventually began adding one […]

Into the Mountains We Go.
As a refresher, my family – parents, brothers, sister-in-law, nephew and nieces take a family trip every year rather than giving each other gifts. 2016 was our twelfth trip. As I mentioned earlier, we stayed in a “resort neighborhood” in the mountains for this year’s family vacation. It was in the mountains in North Georgia, […]

30A: 2015 Oops Edition.
We were getting ready to go on our annual family vacation when I remembered that I never ever finished LAST YEAR’S annual vacation blog post. We’ve even been to 30A again since this unpublished post occurred, but no matter. I dug it out of drafts to publish as a comparison to this year’s trip. Because […]

The Varying Degrees of Tubing.
For family vacation this year, we went to a mountain “resort neighborhood” that might have been the most confusing place we’ve ever visited. But that’s not what we’re here to talk about yet. While we there, my mom, Ali, and I decided to take a tubing trip down the river that ran through the resort. […]

Signs of Vacation.
A flock of Emus in a Wastewater treatment plant… The Church of Holy Water/Wrestling Federation… A Labelmakered all-caps toilet instruction – “DO NOT FLUSH ANYTHING BUT TISSUE” – to which we almost left a post-it note underneath it saying, “But where do we put the poo?”… These are the things I didn’t manage to get […]

I Saw a Bear.
Need I say more? Oh wait – yes, yes I do. Because I saw a bear – and her tiny, precious newborn bear. Less than thirty feet from our car. If it weren’t for the phrase “Mama Bear” being common vernacular, I would have totally scooped that baby up into my arms and cuddled with […]

The Vacation Album.
Last week was our somewhat-annual family vacation. Somewhat-Annual Family Vacation: \ noun \ ; what my family does instead of exchange gifts for any holidays or birthdays; a vacation that is supposed to occur annually but periodically gets cancelled for the purposes of birthing babies, during which years nobody gets anything. Except new babies. Last […]

Ali’s Top 10: Vacation Edition.
10. Making biscuits with Pop.. In all shapes… Even if she DID have to share the fun with Eli, or as she named him for the weekend, “The Short Friend With the Curly Hair.” 9. Pillow fighting with Gramamma, Nick, and The Short Friend With the Curly Hair. 8. The Tide Pool, also known as […]

Proper Vacation Bathroom Etiquette.
This is a conversation, of quite the typical variety, that took place last night. Important note: My parent’s bedroom and my Grandmother’s bedroom share a bathroom that is in between the bedrooms. (Dad heads to the bathroom) Mom: “Hey Vic…” Dad: “I’ll be back. I’m going to the bathroom.” Me, being sarcastic: “But Dad, it […]

A Lazy Beginning-Of-Vacation Post.
So this is a totally sub-par blog post made up of pictures and mere snippets of commentary. But hey – I’m on vacation. Lazy is what you get. Plus, no one has done anything terribly interesting yet. As soon as they do, believe me, I’ll let you know. Backing up to Wednesday morning, Oreo had […]