Have you ever gotten to that point in your life where you’re so overwhelmed by the number of things that need to change that you’re not sure where to start? I did – a couple of weeks ago. And I started by making a list – “Things I Need to Change” – at 2am. (Because […]

If You Give a Girl a Stress Test…
There’s really nothing that starts a doctor’s visit with more flourish than to get to answer this question on your paperwork. And no, I wasn’t consulting for a boob job. Or an anti-boob job. Or even a Mammogram. It was for a stress test. And, I suppose, making a woman write her bra size in […]

Birmingham from Within.
Yesterday, I headed back downtown to get my heart monitor. I wasn’t remarkably excited about the errand, but I was distracted from that when I found everyone’s favorite word to hate, in graffiti form. A few weeks ago, I had seen “Moist” on an interstate overpass, but I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture. […]

Snoop Mommy-Mom.
My husband required me to title my post by that name if I was going to show this picture. So there you have it. (And no. That is a completely legit breathing treatment.) Last week, I got the pleasure of visiting many doctor’s offices. Besides still struggling with my eyes, I’ve had some other somewhat […]