I love all forms of social media – yes, even Pinterest, despite my poking fun at it a little too often. But when it comes to playing favorites, I do not hide my adoration for Twitter and disdain for Facebook. However. Twitter has its own set of cultural quirks and personal phrases that have sprung […]
The Bed-Making Conundrum.
A couple of weeks ago, I was at a gathering of mothers. The discussion of child-training was among us, and one of the examples used was the age at which a child had the ability to make their own bed. There was much nodding and murmuring of agreements as one Mom shared her own experiences […]
The Résumé of Motherhood.
Job History: January 2007 – Acquired first subject, female, a screamer. Survived eight months of aural infliction, finding my groove somewhere in late 2007. December 2010 – Added a secondary subject, male, a epidural killer. Birthing him hacked five years off the end of my life, but I chose perseverance. Education: None. Or at […]
Dear Martha: You’re Right About Bloggers.
Martha Stewart, who was quite the charismatic and humorous speaker at BlogHer 2012, where she said that she was honored to share her birthday with us, had some choice words to say about bloggers this week. Really, you absolutely must watch the video to fully grasp the fantastic derision in her words. But let’s review. […]
The World’s Greatest Infomercial Suckers.
Let’s talk. So despite the colossal changes in our world due to the internet, infomercials still exist. Which means, they must work. And not only do they exist, but the phrase “As Seen on TV” somehow adds enough credibility for marketers to print it on the packaging of an entire aisle of drug store paraphernalia. […]
How Not to be a Doctor.
Dear New Doctor, Hi! I’m Rachel. You should know that, but since you didn’t read my chart, I guess you don’t. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ve been seeing a wonderful doctor all summer, but he wasn’t in the correct specialty to continue treating me. So, he referred me to you – for your […]
The Lullabies of Our Life.
So I’ve mentioned once or twice that we prefer a more eclectic selection of pre-bed singing to Noah. (And formerly to Ali, but she’s way too mature for such a thing now.) Because you can only sing their requests of “Dora Dora Dora the Explorer” so many days in a row before you start to […]
The Foreign Universe of The South.
I do adore Project Runway. As long as Tim Gunn is there, I will be a lifelong fan. (Same goes for Sofia the First. He’s the star of that show and Sofia knows it.) However, last week’s episode was a tiny bit perplexing, and has made me seriously rethink the perception that the rest of […]
Confessions of a Poser.
Life has begun in the South. Football Season is here, also known as The Holy Days. I married into University of Alabama Season Tickets, the most scarce and sought after of commodities in the state. Our schedule starts with a couple away games, but soon, our entire family will be digging out our crimson (except […]
So Maybe I Talk Weird.
Last Saturday, I tweeted and Facebooked a passing thought about how to pronounce “pajamas”, thinking that most people would agree with me. They did not. And I learned something that day: more people should talk like me. Okay maybe not. But I did decide that I should at least list out the rest of […]