CtC is back!! Now I have to say, I was a bit disappointed that no one made a linking caption from week eight’s Charlie’s Angels winning comment to week nine’s picture (it’s just always so good when the weeks run together, so I chose that picture for that purpose), but there was a clear winner […]

Conquer The Caption: Week Nine
So I’m pretty sure that last week’s CtC was my favorite ever. And yours too, apparently. There were SO MANY great captions! I couldn’t just narrow it down to one. So the top two are: Lianne Ali closed her eyes a little a envisioned her future as Farrah Faucett’s replacement in the new “Charlie’s Angels” […]

Conquer The Caption: Week Eight
Last week’s Conquer was a double, so we have two winners: Rachel@just another day in paradise and Alice! Picture #1: Rachel@just another day in paradise: Just a sec. Let me get my teeth out. Picture #2:Alice: Wow! Mommy and I really fooled Daddy with the old “Cut Your Thumb Off Trick!” Good captioning, ladies!! Today’s […]

Conquer The Caption: Week Seven
So I took a week off to contemplate the meaning of life and the continuance of Conquer the Caption. Or maybe I took a week off because I was on vacation. One or the other. But I seriously have wondered – should I keep CtC going? It doesn’t seem to have taken off yet, and […]

Conquer The Caption: Special "What-The-Heck-Is-THIS" Edition.
First things first. Last week’s winner is. . . . Giann!!! She took the winning storyline from the week before and continued it into this picture, which was very fun!! And Giann, I know you submitted a second caption, but I liked the first one best! So here it is: Ali-Qaeda thought she had escaped. […]

Conquer The Caption: Week Six
Anyone up for conquering?? You guys are going to kill me, but for last week’s conquer, I just HAVE to give the prize to Jennifer again. I promise, she’s not the blogger’s pet!! But she was the only person who was “out of the box” enough to connect the two pictures to create a story. […]

Conquer The Caption: Week Five
It’s caption time!!! Last week’s winner is now a multiple conquerer!!! I had to give it to Jennifer: “Lord help me. She showed up wearing the same outfit AGAIN!!! What does she take us for – TWINS?!?!?” Congrats, Jennifer! This week, you have a choice of two photos (or caption both, if you’re feeling really […]

Conquer The Caption: Week Four
It’s Conquering time again!! First to announce last week’s winner: “So this is how Hans Solo felt.” Congratulations, Leanna! You really just can’t beat that. And now for this week’s picture. . . Here’s how to play: Write a caption for the above picture and post it in the comments of THIS POST.AND/OR: Put up […]

Conquer The Caption: Week Three
So no wonder I’m terrible at starting memes! I TOTALLY forgot to do it last week!! Don’t ask me how. I even had it on my blog schedule!! ahem. Yes, I have a blog schedule. And yes, I still forgot it. Yes, I am also the world’s biggest dork. Now can we please move on?! […]

Conquer the Caption: Week Two
Last week was a lot of fun with a BUNCH of great entries!! So first of all, let me announce the winner of last week’s Conquer the Caption: Jennifer, with her caption of: “Heeeeeelp!!!!! I’m being abducted by aliens!”, because she looked at it in an original way. When I got the email of her […]