Since my original iSchool post, we have found many more great learning apps on the iPad/iPhone. Whether you’re homeschooling or not, if you have an iDevice of some sort and you allow your kids to play on it, you won’t ever regret downloading good edutainment – the games are just as fun as Angry Birds, […]

Originally Published October 7, 2010. I am not a writer by education, as I’m sure proof of such is in abundance around here. In fact, the classes I despised more than any other were those of the English variety, mainly due to the title of this blog: they were too subjective – especially in the […]

Cuties Julius.
I swear – this post is about how to make a fresh, delicious, refreshing drink. See? But first, I must explain how it came to be. (The Peaks of Genius can’t be reached without first crossing through The Valleys of Ghastliness, after all.) That fortnight of difficulty we were having? Is turning into a trinight, […]

On the Proper Fitting of Jeans.
UPDATED: A Plus Sized Sequel was published on October 12, 2012. Click here to read that post. Three years ago, I wrote a blog post that inadvertently defined my identity as a blogger. It was about Mom Jeans. I didn’t really write it to be a how-to post – I wrote it as a humor […]

Tangled With Party Spirit.
Caution: Overly Photoey post ahead with many vague Tangled references that only a Mom who has been forced to watch it 876 times would understand. I am not a crafty person. (Mainly because I’m an extremely lazy person.) But you better believe that when I do get a crafty spark, you’re absolutely going to hear […]

I went on a second date the other day. It was nerve-wracking, because we had been hooked up over one of those internet sites for months – you know the type I’m talking about? No, not a dating site – geez, people. One of those Mommy blog things. Anyway, so blind dates are scary enough, […]

Christmas Scissorhands.
I have a confession to make. Every year, after all is said and done for the Christmas season, I take great joy in butchering your Christmas cards. Every last one of them. I have this great vision of having a perfect collage of beloved faces on our refrigerator. My children will spend the year gazing […]

She Loves Them Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
My Mom continuously serenaded me during my formative years. (Later, she apologized for this, as she was quite afraid that she had crippled my musical abilities. Her High School choir teacher had, after all, asked her to please just lip sync.) But instead of kid’s songs (although she sang those, too), her shuffle was usually […]

A Holiday Breakdown.
You all did as I asked and chipped in your holiday tradition likes and dislikes. So now it’s my turn to fulfill my promise and provide excessively geeky charts and graphs to break down the holidays. But first, I would like to draw some conclusions and propose some Holiday Protocol Changes based on our Highly […]

Serial Vehicular Experimentation.
There are certain things in life that I am very opinionated about, and my transportation arrangements are one of them. Besides the fact that I refuse to drive a minivan on sheer principle, I also apparently like very polarizing, niche vehicles. For instance, you may remember my love affair with the Ford Flex. Of which […]