Something about Springtime makes me want to put away the math, the reading, and the spelling and just focus on art. After all, the kid is barely five. And at five, paint and glue and pretty colors earn me quite a few Awesomest Mommy Points. (Besides the fact that I find it all rather cathartic […]
Cuties Julius.
I swear – this post is about how to make a fresh, delicious, refreshing drink. See? But first, I must explain how it came to be. (The Peaks of Genius can’t be reached without first crossing through The Valleys of Ghastliness, after all.) That fortnight of difficulty we were having? Is turning into a trinight, […]
Creatively Encouraging Reading and Writing.
Considering the fact that she was bred from an Accountant and an Engineer, it’s no surprise that Ali prefers math over reading and writing. Although we’ve made some headway in this area, she still just doesn’t enjoy it, and tends to rebuff all of my efforts in her literary education. This creates Dread and Drudgery […]
Downton Abbey, Explained.
(Click to Enlarge) (Click here to see the new Season Three Graphic – How to tell if you’re at risk of dying unexpectedly on Downton Abbey.) Chris and I are in full mourning this week. Not just half mourning, as one would do for, say, a cousin, but full mourning, as one would do for […]
On the Proper Fitting of Jeans.
UPDATED: A Plus Sized Sequel was published on October 12, 2012. Click here to read that post. Three years ago, I wrote a blog post that inadvertently defined my identity as a blogger. It was about Mom Jeans. I didn’t really write it to be a how-to post – I wrote it as a humor […]
Tangled With Party Spirit.
Caution: Overly Photoey post ahead with many vague Tangled references that only a Mom who has been forced to watch it 876 times would understand. I am not a crafty person. (Mainly because I’m an extremely lazy person.) But you better believe that when I do get a crafty spark, you’re absolutely going to hear […]
Christmas Scissorhands.
I have a confession to make. Every year, after all is said and done for the Christmas season, I take great joy in butchering your Christmas cards. Every last one of them. I have this great vision of having a perfect collage of beloved faces on our refrigerator. My children will spend the year gazing […]
A Holiday Breakdown.
You all did as I asked and chipped in your holiday tradition likes and dislikes. So now it’s my turn to fulfill my promise and provide excessively geeky charts and graphs to break down the holidays. But first, I would like to draw some conclusions and propose some Holiday Protocol Changes based on our Highly […]
How to Make Word Search Wrapping Paper.
There’s always at least one odd “homemaker” skill that a wife learns from her husband. My Dad, being Greek and therefore a born-that-way amazing cook, taught my Mom everything she knows in the area of culinary skills. Chris, being Mister Christmas himself, taught me everything I know about wrapping presents. He has instilled in […]
I’ll Be in the Vault If You Need Me.
Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]