Put a Little Elbow Grease Into It. . . .

Do anyone else’s hands already feel like this?:
I don’t get it. Yesterday was the first chilly-all-the-way-through-the-day day of the fall, but yet my hands have already felt dry, itchy, cracking, peeling and even painful for about a week. And I don’t even have that dry of skin.

And you KNOW how much I hate lotion. The thought of greasiness on my *HANDS* of all things gives me shudders. But I pulled it out last night anyway. So now I feel like I’m going to be leaving grease spots everywhere like the people with Soul Glo left on the couch in “Coming To America” (one of those movies that came out when my age was still in single digits, but Chris has made me watch to enhance my “cultural understanding of the 80’s”).

Anyway, since I’m having to use lotion on my hands anyway, I’m using that as a reminder to start using my face lotion again. Yes, yes, even though I told you here that I was still being faithful to use my old lady cream, sometime shortly thereafter I got out of the habit (aka I hated it enough that I “accidentally” forgot). But if I still want to look 10 years younger by our next family photo in January, I really need to get back on the lotionwagon.


Do you remember that stuff that Bath and Body Works made in the 90’s that was Talc Lotion? You rubbed it on and it was cold, then dried into a powder. It was awesome. Unfortunately, the main ingredient was alcohol (hence the cooling and powdering), which dried out your skin instead of moisturizing it, so they shortly took it off the market. Something about “false advertising” or something. . .

On a positive note, I am absolutely in LOVE with foamy soap. And I love that it is being put in almost all public restrooms. So many that I actually get surprised and disappointed when I hit the lever and it’s the old lotiony soap. Foamy soap is the opposite of greasy, and it doesn’t cling to your skin when you try to rinse it off. It is so delightful!

Now if they would only make foamy lotion. . .

Sweet Dreams are Made of This. . .

We’ve had several discussions with Ali about dreams recently. Because if you want to get some random thoughts from a kid, there’s no better way to do it than to ask about their dreams. And it’s never too early to start, right?

A couple of weeks ago, right after she woke up from a nap, I decided to try for the first time. I randomly asked her what she had dreamed about (having no idea if she even knew what the word “dream” meant). She quickly responded with a smile, “Pop!!”. I said, “What about Pop?” She said, “Pop CANDY!!!” (in a very excitedly-greedy little voice). I told my dad this, and he said he’d never given her candy.

But – whenever a grandbaby dreams about their grandparent, you KNOW they’ll make it come true. Sure enough, next time we saw Pop, he had a little purple purse for her with candy inside. (Which, by the way, Lindsay was really sad that Dad wasn’t at lunch on Sunday after she found out that he had bought a purse for Ali. She was really hoping to even the score on sassing and tease him relentlessly about going purse shopping.)

Back to dreams. The first two nights of this week, Ali woke up screaming right after falling asleep. We went in there, picked her up, took her into a lit room, held her, talked to her, sang to her – none of it helped. After a few minutes, she would calm down, but this is very unusual for her – she is completely out of the I.S.B.P. (inconsolably screaming baby phase).

Anyway, on night two of these “episodes”, after using my Doctor-House-like mad skills in differential diagnosis, I finally decided that she must be having nightmares and is still scared because she doesn’t know that they aren’t real, even after we come get her.

So Chris had a talk with her and explained that when we fall asleep, we have dreams, which are kind of like “Sleepy TV”. She nodded and said, “OK, Daddy.” Of course we didn’t know how well she understood the concept, but although she has whimpered a little, she has not actually cried at night again. Last night, when we told her it was time for night-night, nodded knowingly and resolutely and said, “OK. Dreams. Sleepy TV.”

Yesterday morning, I asked her what she dreamed about again. Her eyes lit up and she said, “Papa!!!” (Chris’ Dad). I said “what about Papa?”
“Papa CANDY!!”
“What else did you dream about?”
“What about David?”
“David CANDY!!!”

So, as far as I can tell, I’m supposing that she’s waking up screaming because somebody took her dream candy away.

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday is a weekly column where I post what I am thankful about that week, and you have the opportunity (via your blog linked into this post or via comments) to share your thankful thought for the week. I love reading all of your thankful thoughts!!

This Thursday, I am soooo very thankful to my parents for being so excited and willing to keep Ali this weekend to give me two “off days”. I’ve been pretty exhausted the last few weeks – a pileup from surgery, stomach virus (on my BIRTHDAY no less – Dad wasn’t kidding when he said that life wasn’t fair), football every weekend, etc. Plus I have gotten behind on work and other stuff due to all of the above stated issues.

So I am taking Ali to Mom’s on Friday morning and will have all day to get caught up on work and other household stuff, then a much anticipated date with Chris Friday night, sleeping late Saturday morning, and relaxing on Saturday, and then picking up Ali Saturday afternoon (which, by that time, I will have missed her VERY MUCH!!).

It will feel so good to get caught up, and get rejuvenated from a chaotic few months!!

Thanks so much, Mom and Dad!!

OK – your turn!! What are you thankful for today? Leave it in a comment, or if you have a blog, write a post on your blog and link it in with Mr. Linky (at the bottom of this post), and you can have the pleasure of welcoming my wonderful readers to your site!

To use Mr. Linky to link to your blog, just type in your name in the first slot, then copy and paste the URL of your blog post in the second one and click “Enter” – then there will be a link to your post from my blog! ***be sure to put the link to your actual “Thankful Thursday” post – not just your main blog URL.***

CHFND Part 2

If you didn’t read my post last night, you will want to read it first, as this is a sequel.

So the rest of my crazy day went like this:

2:50pm – Mother-in-Law shows up to keep Ali while I go get a haircut (about 6 months overdue and desperately needed. Starting to look a bit like Amy Lee or Amy Winehouse. OK, Thankfully not like Amy Winehouse).

3:20pm – Haircut at Hair Reflections – AWESOME salon – fun, yet inexpensive (depending on who you pick). They even have massaging shampoo chairs and funky disco lights. Fun.

3:40pm – I tell her she can cut off 5 inches. She looks at me like I’m crazy and asks, “are you SURE? I don’t want Chris coming and killing me.” I assure her that I think he’ll be fine, but since I know it will be another 6 months until I make it back, she might as well whack it.

4:20pm – Haircut is over; thinking to myself that my M-I-L is going to be disappointed if I come home so soon, especially since Ali was asleep when I left. Decide to depart from the day’s itenerary and swing in the new, much anticipated MAC (makeup) store at the Summit.

4:25pm – since I have no fast-fingered toddler with me to sample all of the makeups (I’m very rarely toddlerless during the day), I allow one of the girls to show me how to do eyeshadow (a weakness of mine). Sat in the chair and stared at myself while she did it. Mental note: Shirt is stretched out (thanks also to toddler) and is terribly unflattering. Must change when I get home. Thank goodness (or not) for mirrors.

4:50pm – head home. Greet toddler, she shows me the fun she’s been having with Nana.

5:15pm – Feed toddler while preparing brownie tray for tonight. Start out with just brownies, but quickly realize that the tray looks too empty (and I couldn’t use them all, I had to leave some for hubby). Find Hershey’s Hugs in the pantry to fill in the gaps.

5:40pm – Greet wonderful hubby, run upstairs to help him bathe Ali, then I get ready, and leave to go to the first thing I’ve been to by myself since early Spring.

6:50pm – Show up at Sophie (of BooMama Fame)’s house for a blogger get-together, featuring a home concert from Trent Monk. Sounds fun! Sounds great to meet new bloggers!

6:51pm – Walking up to door, and all of a sudden, myself screams at me in a harried run-on sentence, “what are you doing you hate meeting strangers and you hate casual social situations in which you have to make small talk – ESPECIALLY with strangers – your only saving grace is Chris who is awesome at it and he’s not here – you’re DOOOOOOOOMED turn back now turn back now turn back NOW!!!!”

6:52pm – After considering the above (and finding it completely valid), I push through and go inside anyway. Greeted by Sophie (And by the way, I MUST say, Sophie is not only an awesome blogger, but an impeccable decorator!! I absolutely loved the color palette and her taste in art. It was awesome!), meet Trent, start to try to find people that look open to small talk and desperately think of what to say.

7:15pm – doing pretty well but feel like I’m the only one there who doesn’t know at least one other person. However, I am talking to several people, which is HUGE for me. But still feel like I’m in High School group at Church again – desperately wanting to go stand in the corner and watch but desperately wanting to not look like “THAT” person, so attempting to meet people and make conversation. I do plan on writing a full blog on my social inabilities sometime.

7:20pm – A break! Hallelujah! Trent starts his set of music. It was fun, he was hilarious, and he had some great songs – one I have even heard MANY times on the radio called “The 21st Time”. I may blog more about Trent at a later time. He said he was going to read all of our blogs to see what we said about him, so I have to put the carrot out that I will write about him again to make him oh-so-curious :) Here’s Trent playing:
8:20pm – Oh no. Concert over. Now the real socializing begins. Scared. Scared. Scared.

8:45pm – Group pictures of all of the bloggers:
9:00pm – Did well, talked at length to a few more people. This is a huge step for me. Even handed out some of my nifty blog cards!!! :
About to leave. Then I start talking to Kim because she knows someone I know. Then as we start talking, we realize we know dozens of the same people. She went to high school with my husband!! So we talk for quite a while. It was fun, and I didn’t actually feel awkward for the first time that night! Success!!! I will definitely start frequenting her blog.

9:30pm – Actually head home.

9:50pm – Quickly get part 1 of this post up for my paranoid adoring fans.

10:00pm – Sit on the couch with Chris and catch up about the night, watch TV while feeling like I have the energy of a slug.

phew! Now THAT was a Crazy Hectic Fun Nutty Day!!

Crazy Hectic Fun Nutty Day

So I’m having a crazy hectic fun nutty day, and therefore I haven’t blogged yet. And tonight while I was at one of the events that made my day c.h.f., and n., my email kept coming in of facebook wall posts, facebook messages, and emails asking why I haven’t blogged today yet and that people were worried about us due to this fact.

Obviously I’ve set your expectations too high.

But being the people pleaser exceed-expectation-attempter that I am, here I am. I started this blog earlier and I guess it’ll have to be two parts, because I want to go spend time with my husband. So I present to you, Part One of my c.h.f.n. day.

Today was such a crazy day, I actually made myself an itinerary last night. Yes, go ahead, make fun of me. It was on a post-it note, so nothing terribly formal, but it was a long, lined post it note. So here was how my day ended up turning out:

6:30am: Hear Chris getting ready for work. Mumbled, but not enough to convince him that I was awake enough for him to come kiss me goodbye. Not awake enough to verbalize any more.

7:00am: Alarm clock goes off. As usual, SNOOZE.

7:09am: Get up, shower, bible study.

8:00am: Go downstairs and in a tizzy, make a double batch of brownies and print off two more sheets of my new “blog card” (see picture in part b tomorrow), both for tonight (also will be explained in part b)

8:30am: Go get Ali, rock her, read her bible at her insistence, get her downstairs and feed her bagels and cream cheese left over from getting breakfast for Sunday School. She DOES love the dip-dip.

8:54am: Take brownies out of oven while rushing around to get everything ready to go to bible study.

9:25am: Hurry to Panera to get bagels and cream cheese AGAIN due to finding out late last night that it was also my week to bring breakfast to bible study.

9:26am: Run into a former workmate that I used to shoot rubber bands back and forth with when I was 17 years old. We talk and catch up about Ali, and his grandkids. Scratch stopping at the store to get OJ for bible study off the to-do list.

9:35am: Get in car and look in mirror and see that I have a large daub of cream cheese dried onto my chin, compliments of Ali during her breakfast, I’m sure. Thinking that old friend was not hearing anything I said due to not being able to quit staring at large white spot on chin, like the commercial where the stains talk louder than the person wearing the shirt. Oh well.

9:47am: Get to bible study two minutes late, but no one is here yet. Guess I could’ve stopped to get OJ after all. Luckily, Diane brings some.

9:50am: Bible study. Was. Awesome.

12:20am: Pick up Ali from nursery and hurry to lunch with the parents, Nick, and Mammaw.

1:04pm: Ali makes her Daddy as proud as he can possibly be (or at least he will be when he reads this blog since he wasn’t there to witness it himself), when, as saying all of her rigamarole for goodbyes, says to my Dad, “Aft-while crocdile. Bye bye Pop. Love you Pop. Roll Tide.”

1:21pm: In car, driving on windy road, and Ali asks to “Kiss Mommy hand.” I reach my hand back to her while driving one-handed on windy roads, and she holds it for a sec, then twists it all the way around then up so my palm is facing her. NOT how one’s arm can normally sustain movement while stretching and driving down windy roads. I am totally puzzled as to why she is doing this torturous thing to me until she says with an excited voice, “Mommy letters on hand!!”. I remembered that I had written a couple of notes on my hand because I had so much to remember today, and THAT’S why she had to see the palm of my hand.

1:22pm: Painfully drove with one hand on wheel and one hand twisted like playdough until Ali finishes reading ALL letters on hand. The lengths we’ll go to for learning opportunities.

1:26pm: Get home, get Ali down for nap, give self hand massage, quickly check blog stuff and write up to here on this post so that I don’t forget. Then quickly get lots of work done (I’m writing that in advance to ensure that it comes true).

OK – so I’ll finish this in the morning. Or at least I’ll try. But if I don’t get it done, don’t worry – we’re not in the ER – it’s just a hectic week.

See ya then!

Tackle It Tuesday

5 Minutes for Mom has a fun weekly feature called Tackle It Tuesday, where you link in your “tackle” (a project – cleaning or otherwise) for the week. The point is to be inspiring to get things done, yet encouraging to know that other people let things “pile up” too.

All that to say, I decided to write my first Tackle It Tuesday post.

I have had several people ask me lately how I manage to stay at home with Ali, work two jobs, and blog so obsessively frequently. And one of the answers is, I don’t stay well-organized anymore.

I tend to let the little things slide; like filing, folding laundry and putting it away, keeping my desk organized, etc.

However, since I am an organized person by nature, sometimes it gets to a point to where I can no longer work in my unorganized conditions.

I had one of those days the other day, and spent almost all of Ali’s naptime reorganizing, filing, straightening, and cleaning my office. It felt SOOOO good after it was done!!

Here are my before pictures (don’t gasp in horror!!!):
And here are my after pictures!!!It feels SOOO much better now, even though some of it has already gone back to being a bit messy. At least everything is put away properly, and I have a better handle of what I need to get done versus what was simply cluttering my desk and my mind.

My next tackle (hopefully soon): Ali’s closet!!! There are boxes and boxes of clothes that she has grown out of, and I need to sort them and put them in the basement. The only problem is that it’s really hard to tote multiple (and I do mean MULTIPLE) loads of things from upstairs to the basement – two flights of stairs – while keeping up with a toddler – what floor do you leave the toddler on??? But I’m putting this up here so that I have accountability that I MUST find a way to get it done!

Can She Get College Credit for This? . . .Or Maybe Preschool. . .

Ali and I have been “playing” with shapes, letters, numbers and colors lately. She has gotten to a point where she can be focused for a longer period of time, and she really enjoys these type of learning games.

So I bought her two big tubs of foam shapes, letters and numbers – AND they are stickers.

Because in toddler world, everything is better if they are stickers. Just like in Daddy world, everything is better if wrapped in bacon. And in Mommy world, everything is better if coupled with a fountain coke.
So anyway, I have been laying a bunch out, then asking her if she can find the “A”, the triangle, the purple heart, etc. She will get really focused and actually search for the requested object:
And is usually successful, with much glee!!
Here’s a video of our new game:

Can She Get College Credit for This? . . .Or Maybe Preschool. . .

Ali and I have been “playing” with shapes, letters, numbers and colors lately. She has gotten to a point where she can be focused for a longer period of time, and she really enjoys these type of learning games.

So I bought her two big tubs of foam shapes, letters and numbers – AND they are stickers.

Because in toddler world, everything is better if they are stickers. Just like in Daddy world, everything is better if wrapped in bacon. And in Mommy world, everything is better if coupled with a fountain coke.
So anyway, I have been laying a bunch out, then asking her if she can find the “A”, the triangle, the purple heart, etc. She will get really focused and actually search for the requested object:
And is usually successful, with much glee!!
Here’s a video of our new game:

Can She Get College Credit for This? . . .Or Maybe Preschool. . .

Ali and I have been “playing” with shapes, letters, numbers and colors lately. She has gotten to a point where she can be focused for a longer period of time, and she really enjoys these type of learning games.

So I bought her two big tubs of foam shapes, letters and numbers – AND they are stickers.

Because in toddler world, everything is better if they are stickers. Just like in Daddy world, everything is better if wrapped in bacon. And in Mommy world, everything is better if coupled with a fountain coke.
So anyway, I have been laying a bunch out, then asking her if she can find the “A”, the triangle, the purple heart, etc. She will get really focused and actually search for the requested object:
And is usually successful, with much glee!!
Here’s a video of our new game: