Gap Old Navy Makes Mom Jeans

Nearly every denim makeover I’ve done ends with the same conversation.

“I had no idea what a difference it would make – I thought I was safe with Gap jeans!”


“Oh my goodness why didn’t anyone tell me I was wearing Mom Jeans?? I thought that as long as I was shopping at Old Navy, I was fine!!”

Gap and Old Navy denim.  A subject that I’ve long struggled over whether to address publicly or not.  I’ve revealed the truth about them one-on-one for quite a while, but have feared the backlash of addressing it here.

I know it’s hard to swallow, because we’ve all worn them at one time or another.

But I must say it, because I am committed to being honest with you in all matters of denim.

So read it fast – like ripping off a band-aid.


Gap and Old Navy sell Gateway Mom Jeans.

There.  It’s out there now, so let’s look at why.

I embarked on a reconnaissance mission to both stores accompanied by my dedicated husband/photographer, where I tried on every style of denim available.  I’ve gone through and analyzed the evidence collected, then matched them up with comparables in other brands.

But first, a few disclaimers:

1. Jeans can fit vastly differently depending on the body.  What may look awful on me could look good on you.  My points below are not blanket statements, just strong suggestions.

2.  We tried to match camera angles as well as possible, but seeing as how we were on an intensely covert operation and there was an especially nosy associate working the dressing room during our mission, not everything could be perfected as we wished.

3. Some people buy Gap and Old Navy because they are inexpensive.  Almost all of the jeans pictured can be attained for about the same price as a pair of Gap jeans. (My current favorite way to get designer jeans at half off or more is through Nordstrom Rack or their app, HauteLook.) Good fit does not have to be expensive.

Let’s start with Gap.

1. The first style I tried on was called Real Straight.

Gap Real Straight

These jeans, on the surface, do not qualify for the number one definition of Mom Jeans: pockets ending before the lower curvature of the butt.

However, they do have some concerning areas that clearly qualify them as Gateway Mom Jeans.  Specifically, they make an unattractive inverted heart betwixt the cheeks, and the pockets are SO DANG GIGANTIC that they could hold a small Llama.

Gap Real Straight Problem Areas

Perhaps on their own, it’s not clear enough.  For comparison, here they are as compared to an Antik straight leg:

Gap Straight Vs Antik Straight

Yes, that is the same butt.  No, I didn’t starve myself between the two photos.

2. Next I tried on Gap’s Always Skinny.

Gap Always Skinny

Again, these aren’t terrible.  But they’re not great.  They give me an extremely wideset rear view, and repeat the Kangaroo Pouch Pockets.

Notice the width shrinkage when compared to a well-shaped pair of skinny jeans bought from a neighboring mall store:

Gap Always Skinny Vs Express ReRock Skinny

You can see how the smaller pocket, in this case, gives the curve and lift to offer pep and life, rather than a flat, weighed down look.  Also, specifically on a skinny jean, the smaller pocket helps lessen the inverted triangle issue by separating the butt from the thigh.

Gap Always Skinny Vs Express ReRock Skinny Side

(You might remember that we discussed the flattering qualities of large pockets in a prior post.  While this is true, when the pockets are disproportionately dinasauric, the effect is not nearly so ideal.)

3. The next pair I tried on was the Gap Original Fit.

Gap Original Fit

Clearly, these are horrifying.  Especially note how the pockets are so wide-set that it gives me a third butt cheek, and the tapered yet loose leg is classic Mom Jean.

Gap Original Fit Problem Areas

Also?  No one should EVER need a zipper THAT LONG.

Gap Original Fit Zipper Length t

If you desire something classic yet modern and flattering forgoodnesssake, by all means go with a nice, conservative 7 For All Mankind.

Gap Original Fit Vs 7 For All Mankind

4.  Let’s move on.  Quickly.  To Gap Perfect Boot.

Gap Perfect Boot

I found these to be the least offensive.  However, the pockets were still too wide-set and oversized, once again offering the appearance of a supersized caboose.  Notice the immediate shrinking sensation when compared to a pair of Hudson Bootcut:

Gap Boot Vs Hudson Boot

5. Next: the Gap Curvy Fit.

Gap Curvy Fit

Oddly enough, the Curvy Fit seemed to take away all of my curves and conglomerate them into a giant pile of lumpishness.

If you have curves and need room for them to move and breathe, Miss Chic or LA Idol are awesome options with quite a bit more visual interest and flattering fit:

Gap Curvy Fit Vs LA Idol

6. My next fitting was in Gap Long and Lean.

Gap Long and Lean

This pair was the only pair that qualified beyond Gateway and straight into Mom Jeans – at least on me, as the pockets ended significantly before the lower curvature of my butt:

Gap Long and Lean Problem Areas

However, one of my best friends wears Gap Long and Lean, and I’ve always been puzzled as to how they look so great on her – especially since we even wear the same size.  So, in fairness, I present to you evidence that Gap jeans can look right on the exact right body:

Gap Long and Lean Right and Wrong Body

Let me assure you, though – I have counseled many former Gap wearers, and the friend pictured above is the exception, not the rule.

So if you don’t have that rare Gap-flattered body and you want to look Long and Lean, might I suggest Rock and Republic – notice the immediate leg-lengthening effect:

Gap Long and Lean Vs Rock and Republic

7. The last Gap style that I found was highly ironically named…the Sexy Boyfriend.

Gap Sexy Boyfriend


I SO wish I could have found these in my size to try on.



Flap Inner-Only Pockets.


Have you ever seen any man under 70 wearing jeans like this, let alone a sexy boyfriend??

I shudder to think.

But I did find one last treasure before I left Gap…

8. The Gap Denim Romper.

Gap Denim Jumper

Yes.  I was ashamed.

Gap Denim Jumper t

(And my cameraman didn’t like my visible bra strap.)

Just in case you missed it, the back waist actually qualifies this outfit as… Grandma Jeans.

Gap Denim Jumper Elastic Waist

I apologize to your retinas.

I rushed out of Gap and headed to Old Navy.

Which was somewhat akin to jumping out of the frying pan and into the nuclear incinerator.

I tried on every style that they had in both bootcut and skinny, but neither leg choice was better than the other.  So, to summarize, here are all three of their major styles in bootcut.

Old Navy Bootcut Comparison

The Diva was the least offensive, but still lacked style or a flattering cut.

The Dreamer copied Gap’s main problem of wide-set pockets and triple butt.

And the Sweetheart was unapologetically a hardcore Mom Jean.

Just in case you needed a healthy comparison, I offer them against 7 For All Mankind:

Old Navy Bootcut Comparison with 7 For All Mankind Stacked

Lest you think that I have somehow doctored my photos (which I have not) or that this information is only applicable to my body type, here are a few examples of others who have been freed from the noose of Gateway Mom Jeans:

Subject A, a close friend who had no idea how flattering and comfortable great jeans could be:

Makeover Old Navy to LA Idol 2

Subject B, a blog reader and mom of four kids:

Makeover Old Navy to LA Idol

And Subject C, a new Mom and blog reader from the other side of the country who got a long-distance makeover via the following before-and-after butt-texts:

Makeover Gap to Express Rerock

(Yes, I get butt-texts quite often, usually accompanied with the question, “Are these Mom Jeans?” If you need to butt-text me, just let me know and I’ll give you my number.)

After Subject C bought her jeans, she sent me a couple more full-length before and after photos (with an adorable baby leg included as a bonus):

Makeover Gap to Express Full

Makeover Old Navy to Express



Even if you look great in Gap jeans – even if they fit you perfectly, the pockets are proportionately correct, and the style was made for your body type, here is my biggest argument against Gap and Old Navy Jeans:

They stretch out. 




Gap and Old Navy Stretch Out

So even if they don’t look like Mom Jeans when you put them on, they will before the next episode of Dora the Explorer is over.

Looking for the rest of my denim posts? Here’s a list:

If you’re afraid you might have Long Butt, click here.
If you’re plus-sized, click here.
If you’re over 50 years old, click here.
If you want more specific tips and tricks to pick out the perfect jeans, click here.
If you want a list of every post I’ve ever written about denim, click here.

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Red Light Therapy Review and Results


2,368 thoughts on “An Inconvenient Gap of Truth.

  1. Great! I’m always on a mission for great jeans that make my bootie look good, and younger. A mom of 3, and 37… I’m fighting the mom butt! I love Express jeans, and have been trying to find another brand. I like the jeans at The Buckle, specifically the ones by Daytrip. I’m definitely going to try some of the LA Idol ones. Thanks!! No more Gap for me…..

  2. I have a question about the fit of my jeans. My jeans are not too tight nor are they too loose however I have a very hard time finding jeans that don’t flip down every time I sit down bend over whatever and then I have to pull them up every time I get out of the car or stand up and it’s really annoying. I know I need jeans that come up higher on the waist well I’m assuming that’s the problem but I have a hard time finding jeans that do that without looking like mom jeans. By the way I’m 46 and a little anyway do you have any suggestions some of the brands you have listed here I’ve never even heard of but I’m definitely going to look them up.

    1. Have you tried a belt!? That sounds dumb, I know!! but I find even jeans that fit me good,
      I still have to wear a belt to hold them in the right place and keep them from folding down, I go from sitting to standing and back to sitting a lot through out my day and I find a belt really helps.

  3. I’ve seen this floating around for awhile and have read it several times. Although I understand what your saying, I don’t necessarily agree. Lots of the suggestion jeans are worse than the gap jeans. I don’t care if they’re designer jeans, the sparkly, shiny, stuff on butt jeans are just so trashy. They look trashy on rich people, poor people, celebrities. I can’t stand how the gap jeans stretch out so much. Along with the express jeans, KUT jeans. And it’s not realistic, I have tried on countless designer jeans. They do not fit ! R&r- no, 7- no, true religion- no, Levi’s-no, lucky-no, every other brand-no… Sorry, venting for myself. I have never found a good pair of jeans and it drives me crazy. :( I’ll stick to gap and KUT jeans, they fit me ok.

  4. oie! I literally own 90% of these mom jeans! I literally had no idea. Quite frankly they are the only company that I have found that have consistent Tall jeans (36″ inseam) that are also affordable! What the heck can I do to not wear mom jeans but have long enough inseams?!?!?! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

      1. Hi Rachel,
        I am in Canada and don’t have access to most of those stores you listed. I am looking on the Express website but I can’t find the express rerock jean that you have pics of. Would you be able to post a link to that jean on their website? Thanks so much! Naomi

    1. My daughter (11 and 5’6”) has a 34” inseam. Cinch jeans are great, and come in longer lengths. They aren’t necessarily flashy, and are typically mid rise(above hip bone). They do not look like mom jeans. Most western/feed stores carry…or online.

  5. I just discovered this post, thank you so much! I always buy at Old Navy, and I definitely need something new. I appreciate all of your posts, but it’s so overwhelming!
    I’m 33 and want something that doesn’t’ look like I’m trying to look like a teenager, and that I can ideally wear with either a blazer and boots to work, and sneakers and t-shirt to the playground. I don’t like all of the embellishments and jewels on the butt.
    I’m 5’4″, usually wear a size 14, and definitely carry my extra weight right around my waist. I like the look of some of the Rock and Republic jeans and the 7 For all Mankind jeans you post, do you have any recommendations for me? Also, where can you buy whatever brands can you recommend? As much as I prefer shopping online, I guess I’d need to try them on first until I find a brand I like.
    Thanks so much!!

    1. Sorry for the super late reply! Some brands to try: Express Stella Cut, Rock and Republic (available at Kohl’s), Lucky Brand, William Rast, Silver Jeans, and LA Idol. Trying on is good, but once you know what works, my favorite way to get good jeans online these days is through HauteLook.

      Hope that helps! Best of luck shopping!

  6. How stupid do you think your readers are? Your last picture “fresh out od the dryer & worn 30 minutes” is a complete lie. You are in a friggen changeroom and still wearing the tags!

    You make sime good points, but its not consistent. Blatently falsifying things also challenges the entite integrity of this post. How about you be objective next time & give people a truthful opinion.

  7. Ok I’m going shopping Sat, for a pair of jeans. I currently own 1 pair and they are to small post babies lol I have a severely limited choice of stores though. JCP, ON, Target, Kohl’s, and CJBanks are the only ones who are neat me and carry my size. I wear a 32″ inseam and am 5’8″ish but carry a spare tire thanks to 2 back to back pregnancies. Help! Feel free to email me. I’ll even give you my cell # so you can help me while I’m shopping bc I’m desperate. Fashion is NOT my thing.

  8. I agree with those who said the 7 FAM are just too crazy-expensive. $160 for jeans? This is why I held onto my Gap long and lean (pre- babies, and bought on sale) for yeeeeeearrrs. Not the best fit, but damn near indestructible.

    I am loving Blank Denim – bought a pair last year (on sale at Urban Outfitters, of all places, for around $40). They’re usually about $100 when not on sale. I think they might even accommodate my Mommy Tummy….

  9. Hi! I just found this post via Pinterest and it makes me want to leave my job right now and buy some jeans. I own 2 pairs of Gap skinny jeans and I have noticed the stretching!!! I can tell I have a saggy butt and the jeans are too tight around my calves. Thank you for posting this!! I can’t wait to buy all new jeans and I know I’ll constantly be looking at this post and the “Proper Fitting of Jeans” post.

  10. Im ‘5’10 and have the flattest butt EVER….

    I have tried tons of jeans and I revert to just wearing a long sweater or tanks to cover half my back… lol

    Any suggestions…

    Silver jeans look great for 10 minutes…. lol Then I have POOP BUTT….

    Please help…. Ive been dealing with this for 35 years…. okay about 20… but it SUCKS!!!!

    1. Hmm….I would try Hudson Jeans – they have a small butt and really flattering pockets. Also, maybe ReRock at Express. If you can find them, Dylan George and Red Engine may also work well.

      Let me know how it goes!

  11. Hi do you have suggestions for a c section belly? I have a lower belly pouch that I can’t get rid of. The only panys/jeans that seem to work are the ones with elastic. Thanks!

    1. I have a C-Section pooch too. Where is the waist hitting on your pooch? It should be high enough above it that you don’t need elastic. If not, though, try Red Engine jeans – they have a higher rise which helps get over it, but without losing the proper pocket placement. For a cheaper option, try Express Stella Cut.

  12. Pingback: Blog Love
  13. When will there be a revisit to perhaps include american eagle and various other store brands. I love this blog by far the most.

  14. I loved your article on jean comparison, but now the question remains, where do I find all these fabulous jeans? What sores carry them? Thanks, Louise

    1. Try Express, Department Stores, and Nordstrom Rack. After you know what fits you, HauteLook has the best deals on jeans in my opinion. I just bought some Joe’s Jeans from them last week that I am in love with.

  15. This is fascinating. I am a 40 something and since having my 2 kids have never found a pair of jeans I liked to wear. I have a pair of old ON jeans that still sorta fit, so I wear those, but am looking for a great skinny jean for tall 5’10” women with an apple shape. The muffin top is my issue, but I hate wearing jeans on my waist, so I like med-low rise waist in my jeans. Would love any brand suggestions you might have.

    1. There should be a ton of designer brands that would look great on you – they’re always made for long legs! Joe’s Jeans, William Rast, Frankie B, and 7 for all Mankind all work great with bigger waist to hip ratio. They’re expensive, but you can often find them on clearance at department stores, Nordstrom Rack, or through HauteLook. And they’re so worth it because they look great and last longer! Also try Express’ Skyscraper jeans.

      Hope that helps!

  16. My rant is that Petite jeans now have inseams 2-3 inches longer than 2 years ago. I promise I haven’t gotten taller & a pair of jeans that still drag if I am wearing 5 inch platform stillettos is just WRONG. Seriously I blame the Desparate Housewives of _______. Can I send them my tailoring bill for hemming?

  17. GREAT article!!! I have NEVER purchased Gap or Old Navy jeans and now I never will!! Most of my jeans come from Target and off the sale rack at that. The hardest part for me is that I have absolutely NO BUTT to speak of at all!! Low rise jeans were a god send for me when they first came out opposed to the high waisters of the 1990’s. I’m 37, have a 3 1/2 yr old daughter and 7 month twin boys. I’m petite except for my long legs. And I REFUSE to pay more than $25 for a pair of jeans!! And that for me is PUSHING IT! The BEST thing I did the last time I went to my local Target jean shopping was bringing my 22 yr old sister (who I now dub my “stylist”) with me! Always bring another person who will be blunt, honest and who’s opinion you trust!! They can see your butt from an angle that you never will be able to regardless of the mirror position!!

    Again, GREAT article!! Thanks so much!!

    P.S. Gap – for goodness sake why on earth are your jean pockets SO GINORMOUS?!!!

  18. I think the designer jeans are hideous, even without all of the pocket embellishments. They are also too low-rise, which women over 30 have no business wearing.

  19. My suggestion: Do some butt exercises….don’t rely on jeans to give you the perfect butt. Let’s face it girls, sooner or later, you will have to take the jeans off!!! What then?

  20. So you would rather us send our butt photos to you through email instead of text? Cause I’m pretty sure I will do that next time I go jean shopping! I always have the hardest time knowing what looks good on me cuz I’m a little bigger. I am at like a size 14. Is that plus size? If it is, do the places you mention on here even have those sizes or should I go read your plus size post? Thank you!!! Such a huge help!!

    1. Sorry for my late response! Yes, email me here – I’ll do my best to help!

      14 is a good size to be in because you can shop in both regular sizes and plus sizes. So you have a lot of options!

  21. Thank you for this post!! I also really like all the comments & suggestions…I have been trying to find a new place to get jeans. I have never tried rerock jeans b/c I have had so many terrible jean experiences at express in the past. They ALWAYS stretched out on me! Same with the buckle’s really really expensive jeans. I LOVE AE jeans, but not as crazy about the current ones vs. the older ones.

  22. Where can I try on the brands you suggest? I have no idea what size jeans I should be wearing in non-mom jeans. I think I may need an intervention……!

    1. Sorry for the late reply!

      I suggest shopping at Nordstrom Rack, Express, and Department stores. Some boutiques have great jeans, too! You may not find the exact brands I tried on (some are different or discontinued now), but my tips were supposed to be more generalized than specific brands.

  23. I have a big booty and thighs. I always have to go to a high waist pant because of ridding and farm work im never worried about my booty showing. I can never find high waisted especially ones with extra room for the booty. And advice? Could I send you a few pics and you could let me know what I shoukd be looking for in a great pair of jeans? Love all the great info as well.

  24. I find Miss Me jeans are a great fit , I probably have 150 pair of jeans ( yes 150 I love jeans ) I am very picky about the fit . My closet is full of Miss Me , BKE, Big Star and True Religion ( though True Religion is real spendy ) All these jeans I like the way they fit in the butt , hips and thigh……

    1. i agree i find miss me jeans fit always the way I like them to they also last long they really are a quality jean.pricey but worth it.just my opinion

  25. Not that your points aren’t valid, but I have worked for the Gap company in the past totaling almost 3 years and would work there again anytime.
    I felt the need to point out that Gap and Old Navy are part of Gap Inc. Same company, so their jeans are going to be very similar in their fit. Also, why I love Gap jeans: they are woven in a circular fashion, which makes it harder for the knee to get holes. My jeans from buckle, as much as I love them, get holes much quicker than my Gap jeans.
    Gap jeans do stretch out fairly quick, and you can try on 30-65 pairs of the same jean and they will all fit you different.
    Another point, Long & Lean are made to make a person look long and lean. I have always loved the cuff on these jeans, but because I am long & lean, the smallest size (00) is still huge on me.
    Before fully knocking the jeans, it would help to talk with a sales associate who knows how the jeans fit different individuals.
    My favorite Gap jeans are Always Skinny, Perfect Boot & Real Straight.

  26. This post made me crack up lauging. I loved it, it’s all true! Definitely compelling evidence in the case against these jeans. I’ll add that the stretching thing also happened to me with a pair of american eagle jeans…. like pulling my pants up stretched out after like 30 minutes wearing them… it’s like they weren’t even my size. Needless to say, that’s ridiculous. Thanks for posting this!

  27. Oh man! What an informative article. I was cringing this morning putting on my Levi’s 515 Boot Cut. I own 2 pairs of jeans (both are the 515s) and 2 pairs of Lauren Conrad Distressed Roll-Cuff Denim Capris. I’m convinced from the photos and my own assessment I’ve been wearing mom jeans. Eeek!
    Naturally I hate shopping so I have no fashion sense at all. Levi’s, a shirt, a flannel and converse are what I’ll be in 90% of the time. Gross, I know! I’m trying to make a change.
    I’m 5’5″ with a 32-34 D Bust and wear a size 10 jeans. 145-150 lbs. A small waist with hips and a big butt. It’s the bubble kind but only like half way. I’m always one pair away of having diaper butt. I have those awesome saddlebags to compliment my overall look.
    If you will kindly make a suggestion of some brands and styles, I can start to head in the right direction.
    Thanks for your time. LOVE your articles! The pics are priceless and really useful.

    1. I would try going to Buckle, if you have one near you – they have a huge selection of jeans and very helpful staff.
      Other brands that would be worth trying: Red Engine, Express (they have a new high waist that keeps the pockets in the right place and it might work well to curve back in at your waist), and possibly Silver Jeans.

  28. I actually went out and bought myself a pair of 7FAM and Rerock for Express jeans because of this post (from a consignment shop)!

  29. Oh my gosh this is hilarious! I am bookmarking this website. I never knew I was walking around in gateway mom jeans!! Old Navy is pretty much the only place I go for new jeans. I get name brand ones from the thrift store. :-\ I’ve never even heard of these other brands but I will definitely check out their price point.

  30. Wow. All my jeans are Gap, ON, or Victorias Secret — what are your thoughts on VS jeans?
    What about the Old Navy Flirt fit?
    You’re absolutely right that they stretch out quickly. I thought that was true of all jeans?
    (And yes the ON Sweetheart is truly hideous.)
    So, what would you recommend for me:
    43 year old mom
    5’10″” (need long length)
    145 lbs
    Wide hips, saddle (gasp) bags.
    My tummy…. Sticks out. I look a few months pregnant most dats of the month.
    Based on your pictures the Exoress ReRocks look great.
    What will look good on me?
    Being so tall, and full of hips and belly, low rises are a bad idea for me. .

    1. I would try one (or all) of the following:

      Express Jeans – they now have a high rise that keeps the pockets in the right place but gives a bit more coverage, and they have tall lengths
      Lucky Brand jeans – the ones in department stores or Lucky, not in Sams or Costco
      Red Engine Jeans – hard to find, but AMAZING.

      Hope that helps!

  31. Do you know anything about Chip & Pepper denim? Right now my Belk has them on sale for around $25. I didn’t have time to try them on in the store. I’ve worked at a large consignment store for 6 years, & I’ve seen almost every brand, but I’m not familiar with these. Thanks!

  32. I have lost 125 lbs. I need to know if I am on the right track with the jeans I have been buying. Are you willing to check it out?

      1. Help! I’ve tried almost all of your personal favs except red engine, silver, la idol and maybe a few others you have mentioned. I’ll try adding a photo for your viewing pleasure of my 43 yr old (2 kids later with very little excersized) posterior. I am 198 lb.s and 5’4″…can’t wait to see which you suggest I run out and try. Thanks so much for all of your research, articles and posts! We all need to stay out of mom jeans at all costs…I am doing my part TODAY!

  33. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more talk of Silver jeans!!! Personally my favorite brand so far! I’m 33 and have curves so finding jeans that fit my height (5’4″), my bum, and my waist has always been difficult. Silvers have jeans for all shapes and sizes (and lengths) and they come with bling or without (tons of choices). I personally wear Silver Suki’s (curvy fit) and I can wear them for days without losing shape! And for the record, they make my bum look awesome!! :). But thanks Rachel for binging this visual awareness to us!!! Makes me think twice before buying!

  34. I need serious butt help…..I’ve always stuck with the Old Navy jean because it’s what fits. Now I’m questioning my entire existence!!!!! I’m 5’6″ 175 lbs and a solid size 14. I’ve always avoided the more expensive jeans because they don’t seem to fit me at all. I’m not thin but I’m not a traditional plus size figure either. I have the same measurements as Marilyn Monroe. Smaller waist, full hips, muscular legs. I don’t have a large gut or a flat butt. Most jeans don’t fit comfortably around my quads. Where can I start looking to find something more flattering?

    1. Check out Buckle – they’re really helpful and have great jeans; Maurices has a great selection of those in-between sizes, and Express might be worth a try.

      Hope that helps!

  35. Hi, very clever post. I have a “monobutt” that looks ridiculous with any jeans i wear. Thanks to two kids, i have a belly too, and the jeans i wear either get very loose on the waist or they sag in the back. I tried Not Your Mom’s Jeans but they sag too and seem to slide i have to pull them up all the time. I am a size 18. Any suggestions?

  36. Help! I am down to my last 3 pairs of jeans because I havent been able to find any in the last year that I like! The problem I seem to be running into is finding a pair that does not show my butt when I bend over or sit down, or doesn’t stretch or sag out of shape after only a few hours of wear. I have a nice butt and like to show it off, but I don’t want to be mooning people!

    1. Express has a new higher rise jean for people that need a little more butt coverage. Other great brands that come up higher (without losing a modern cut on the pockets and legs) are Red Engine, Lucky Brand, J Brand, and some of Joe’s Jeans. Hope that helps!

      1. What do you mean by modern, really? Obviously lower rise isn’t modern today. It was modern in 2003. 11 years ago. Do you just dislike the look of high rise jeans, which is totally understandable, or are you just not aware that lower rise is coming to an end as a trend?

  37. I’m 75 years old –size 10 and I love Chico jeans !!! Size 1 in Chicos —- No problem with my butt !!!!!

  38. Hi,i am not trying to be rude..BUT you have NO ass…did you ever think thats whythose jeans look so crappy????

    1. Mom jeans are back. Basically, low rise was a trend, and now that trend is over. If you wore anything pictured in this post you would be put in a museum. No one wears anything but jeans that sit at the waist in most big cities.

  39. Loved this article, found it to be so helpful. I am 51, mother of 2 grown boys, and now grandmother to one special granddaughter. I’ve always wore a size 4 or 6 size jean, but now do to menopause (I blame everything on menopause now), I’ve gained bout 12 pounds, which puts me into a size 8 or 10. This is devastating to me. I am 5′ 7″ and most of the weight has went to my belly and legs..What would be ur suggestion for me? I want to be a cool grandma, and make my boys proud,and not ashamed of me. They never would be ashamed, that was just a joke. They all love me very much, and I want to look good for them and myself at this age. Please help with any suggestions. Thanks so much

    1. Give Express Jeans a try, or possibly Lucky Brand (Not the ones at CostCo but in department stores or Lucky Stores), or possibly Ann Taylor, but be careful with her – she doesn’t always get the pocket height right.

      Hope that helps!

  40. Hi, I came across your Gap mom jeans post by accident. I’m a man but found it interesting anyway because I have a similar problem with the Gap jeans. I really like the 1969 skinny jeans in the legs and thighs (very slim but not so skin tight as I see teens wear, that look is a bit young for me) but the rear is too saggy and it isn’t flattering my assets. Do you have any opinions on men’s jeans from experiences with boyfriends, male family members, etc? I heard lot of brands, but I don’t know what’s worth checking out. I’ve only ever owned Levis and Gap jeans.
    Thanks for ANY tips!

  41. I’m shocked and amazed at the same time. I also have the same issues with GAP that’s why I prefer the jeans from Hub Clothing instead. Thank you for pointing this out. My mom said I was being ridiculous when I told her that there’s a science in buying the perfect fitting jeans, but here’s the evidence that I was right.

  42. Do people here realize that wearing boot cut low rise jeans is the out of style look of today, They are the NEW mom jeans

  43. EXPRESS JEANs Stella flare skinny Rerock they fit nice ,
    SEE TRHU SOUL JEANS are great for curvy woman make thinner andt long legs also the waist make you look skinny and your butt round And lifted highly recommended

  44. I think the pictures are great and certainly point me toward some jeans I’d like to own. At the same time, alot of the jeans are hardly “about the same price” as gap or old navy. The few I liked and interested me to look into were 2 – 3 times as much.

  45. jeans are my worst enemy! they seem to come in every combination of shape, size, and length…. except the one combination I need! i have just about given up on pants altogether. i might try making my own but if i dont like how that comes out i might seriously quit the jean world. hahaha.

  46. Can you please do one of these for jean skirts? I ordered two different pencil jean skirts online, both from expensive jean brands and both have back pockets that end above the bottom of my but. Do the same rules apply for jean skirts? I can’t seem to find any that have lower back pockets.

  47. This article makes me want to have my husband take a picture of my butt in every pair of jeans I own so I can see just how bad it looks in my jeans. I usually only really take a good look at the front but maybe I should be checking out my butt better. Thanksfor posting this.

  48. Hi there! Thanks so much for this article. The information was so eye opening! I must have 20 pairs of jeans in my closet, and all of them are just so so. I had been into a Buckle store a few months back at a mall in a different state from me (AZ) but I didn’t have the proper time to really try on anything. I loved what I saw though and meant to track one down near me (CA) but never got around to it. There isn’t one actually too close, there are 2 maybe within 30 miles away or so. After reading your blog, I immediately got online and ordered a few pairs (guessing at my size) and when they came in, I tried them on. I am sooooo happy I found this blog. They look a million times better than my Gap, ON, Target……heck even my Torrid jeans! I wear a 14, so ordered 34’s but then thought about it and ordered a 33 just to see. The 34s work, but the 33s are even better. I’m also pretty tall, with a long inseam and they have all those sizes. I ordered 35″ inseam, and they are so long and lovely : ) I need to wear a heel with these, so I plan to get another pair or 2 with a slightly shorter inseam for every day sandal wear. Yes, they are more expensive than the other jeans, but I’m willing to have just a few pairs instead of the 20 that are just so so. Actually, I’m planning on going on Ebay and selling them to offset the cost of a few more lol. Thanks for helping us moms out! Oh btw, I wore my first pair the other day and twice, from 2 different g/fs, I got the ‘are you losing weight’ question. Love it!

  49. What if you don’t want those gody ugly pockets and stitching? This only compares plain jeans to busy jeans. This only appeals to people who want to wear jeans that draw attention because of what they look like and how flashy they are, not how well they fit and how you wear them.

  50. I’m 5’6″, 30 years old and mama to 5, size 14-16 but w a 10 wk old. I have a big butt and I’m sure I buy mom jeans bc I never get a chance to try stuff on! Help! I want to look my age, not my gestation! People look at me w 5 kids and probably assume I’m frumpy. Plus my BFF and butt judge just moved across the country! Id love to be able to text you butt photos and hear your suggestions for me! Even sending me photos of jeans that might look good?

  51. Thank u thank u thank u!!!!!! As a curvy but not overweight mom of 2 I can’t thank you enough for your honesty, humility and braveness to do this for us!!! Thank you for showing all of what you did!! I can’t afford to go jeans shopping a lot but I have learned to really be careful with how jeans look and make me feel. I did find some great jeans at walmart that really are flattering but I wanted to thank you for the cold hard truth and your honesty all while showing off a sensitive area!!! You are fantastic!!!! Thank you so much I normally never comment on anything but you made me laugh and think. You are a treasure!!!

  52. Having your pockets end below the curvature of your butt IS HORRIBLE. It literally looks like your butt melted and slid down your thighs.. I prefer a high firm butt, not a saggy, inverted looking one.

      1. No, You are a thinking person. Why pockets? For stuff. Stuff gets sat on when it’s so far down. Crushed phone is no fun.

    1. Thank you, I agree. The “mom” look is actually very popular, especially with the younger generation. It makes the butt perkier

    2. Accurate! Her butt looks best in all the jeans with pockets that end before the butt crease. Not sure where you got mom butt complex from but it’s worth thinking about….

      Also I’m not a gap or old navy fan in the lease but I am a high waisted jean fan in the most.

    1. Sell something.. have a yard sale.. get a better job… if it’s important to you, put your nose to the grindstone and make it happen!

      1. Ohhhmygosh! I’m a 28 yo mom of two and let me tell you, I am NOT offended by any of this. Its hilarious and has some pretty good points. I almost cried laughing so hard about the pockets being so big they could fit a small llama. Anyway, a few people keep saying maybe its your body shape that isn’t working, not the jeans. Well um, duh. You actually said that in your post, so idk what everyone is bitching about. I dont think the blogger was being judgmental or rude, she was just giving her opinion. Honestly, I haven’t worn ON or Gap since I was in middle school, but I can remember how fast the stretched out and made my already teeny tiny hinee (definitely not how you spell that but I really dont care) look like an extension of my back. I’m 5’10 and normally 145lbs (I just had a baby 2 weeks ago, so I’m not back there yet) and I have found WalMart jeans to fit me the best. That’s right, I said it. No boundaries jeans fit like they were made for me. Now, like she had mentioned in her blog, just because they work for me, doesn’t mean they’ll work for you. I usually pick them up because WalMart is like my second home and they’re cheap. However, if I’m really going big and actually clothes shopping, I always go to A&E, Maurice’s, and JCPennys. Oh, and one more thing; this post is a little outdated, so the bling and such really isn’t a thing anymore. I mean, if that’s your style, go for it but no need to be rude or judgmental toward the people who wear it. You’re just as bad, if not worse than what you’re claiming the blogger to be. Be happy everyone, life is too short

        1. I too found this post funny and interesting, and enjoyed the tone – touching on a subject most of us can relate to (in concept, if not in conclusion), but with and underlying wry sense of humour and a touch of ironic perception. personally, i wear boys jeans or shop at Asian clothes shops coz i have no hips or butt and western womens jeans are always too massive around the top, when they fit in the leg.

      2. oh my goodness:() sell something? Get a better job? Just to buy WAY expensive clothes???? THATS what’s wrong with Americans:( they can’t afford their own home( live in trashy places or apartments) take a bus or bike to work.BUT they wear expensive close& more then not eat out. How sad is that!! & then they think they’re SO creative when they find a DIY idea- why not teach ur children from small on: budget, don’t waste& do things URSELF instead of hiring others.& BE SATISFIED WITH LESS!!

        1. Yes ma’am!!! You are so right! My sister in law is the same way. She has expensive clothes and the newest phone form this year but can not even afford to pay her cell bill or gas to put in her car. She always calls us for money to get her by, but she looks good going out though. Meanwhile, my husband works full time, I am a legal student and we support two kids and our pet and are buying our home. I do not get to buy expensive clothes or buy a cell phone ever time a new one comes out, but you better believe that our kids are welled dressed and feed by the money that my husband makes. People need to get their stuff in order. Thank you Texan lady for speaking the truth about that ignorant post.

          1. If you are a legal student, then why is your grammar so bad? Do you know what a run on sentence is? If I was your instructor, that comment would have so many red marks, you couldn’t see paper!
            Not everyone is your sister-in-law. In fact, the majority of people I know who spend too much on shopping buy everything on sale. Disciplined buying, even if you choose higher prices is the way to manage money.

        2. Actually spending a little more on a GOOD fitting pair of jeans will save a TON in the long run. While I agree that the person making the original comment about finding a better job – etc…was a little out of line. I used to buy cheap jeans and they didn’t last as long or look as good. I finally broke down and bought a pair of jeans that was $60 for the pair and they’re seriously my favorite jeans – they’re crazy comfortable and they look great, therefore I feel great in them.

          Also, try Kohl’s…I got two pairs of Apt. 9 jeans there that I LOVE too and spent less than $20/ea on them because they were on sale.

        3. They were joking. I buy my jeans at the mall and never pay more than $20/$25 for them, and they’re incredibly sexy. I’m honestly confounded how places like Old Navy are still in business. They’re not cheaper than other places I go to, and nothing there is flattering on anyone. People have to just stop settling for what’s quick and easy. That’s the real American problem.

          1. F.Y.I. I wasn’t joking. I find it funny how there’s so many other problems in the world, and yet you say “The real American problem is that no one looks flattering in Oldnavy clothes.” Yeah, i’m the one with the problem. LMAO!!

        4. Love your post! I feel the same when men wear “the wrong” jeans! If you wear nice clothes your appearance is better, you feel better and therefore feel more confident. Thus if you take care of yourself more, get your hair done and wear flattering clothes, then you are more likely to get that higher paying job; your attitude gets bubblier, and your appearance is more caring. Apparently some think it’s terrible to love yourself on the outside as much as on the inside, but just because you have fashion does not mean you are a cold hearted person on the inside. Love your post missy.

          Oh and p.s. to those with little pockets…like myself…outlet stores and online are great sources for brand name, well fitting, long lasting clothes for the same price of your beloved cheap selection. You don’t need a deep pocket to look flattering, you just need to shop smart :D

          1. Thank you for the well researched article! I can definitely see how most of the alternative jeans seem to give a more pleasing appearance to the booty. However, I would be hard pressed to choose any of them because of the embellished pockets… It would be great if there were some more chic and simple options.

        5. I don’t think the comment was meant that way at all. Everyone is immediately jumping to the conclusion that they are saying “Do whatever it takes to buy the clothes and ignore everything else” (as mentioned in previous comments – for example someone who can’t pay their bills but still spends money on clothes)

          …All they said was “If it’s important to you find a way to make it happen” The operative part being “IF It’s important to you”…

          Some people do pay their bills and keep food on the table and then just don’t have the extra money left over to purchase “extras” or to treat themselves.. It could’ve been anything (a vacation, a mani/pedi, a visit to the hair salon, anything that’s a luxury and not a necessity) and I bet they still would’ve said the same thing.

          No matter what if it’s something important to you that you want or feel you need (that’s outside of your current budget) it’s not unreasonable to say “get a second job, have a yard sale, etc” – find a way to earn EXTRA money to set aside for yourself (after necessities are taken care of)

          I can pay my bills, buy groceries, put gas in my car, etc…but if I want to go shopping or treat myself to something? You bet I’ll try to work overtime, or find a freelance gig, or sell some of my old stuff, etc. so I can have money to set aside for something that’s important to me.

          ALSO…”BUT they wear expensive close& more then not eat out. How sad is that!! & then they think they’re SO creative when they find a DIY idea- why not teach ur children from small on: budget, don’t waste& do things URSELF instead of hiring others.& BE SATISFIED WITH LESS!!”

          Doesn’t that defeat the point?? Isn’t it my choice to choose between going out to eat at a restaurant (NOT a necessity) and buying myself an outfit? Also – Being on a budget and doing things yourself rather than hiring others IS “DIY” AKA “Do it Yourself”. It IS creative and half the time DIY projects HELP us to keep from wasting (by reusing, recycling, or buying things cheap and improving them yourself) and stay in a budget. There’s nothing wrong with being satisfied with less – but if you WANT more and you’re willing to work for it, I don’t see anything wrong with that.

          Everyone is allowed to make their own choices and should do what works best for them. It’s about being responsible and understanding the difference between what’s necessary and what’s a luxury.

          1. You said this perfectly! Thank you for saving me from having to write all of that.. I guess in just a lazy American too…

        6. If it makes you feel better, we eat in every night, live in a move apartment, budget, and I look like a bum and wear ill-fitting clothes ;) however I see nothing wrong with selling stuff or getting a better job. And if someone uses their surplus to get a pair of jeans that lasts for many years and makes them feel good every time they put them on that sounds like a good investment to me.

      3. Right. Sell something to make that perky butt happen and attract a baby daddy. Heck, skimp on your kids food out get a serving job. ALL that matters is of your butt looks good. Give me a break.

        1. Jo, did you ever stop to think that maybe this isn’t about spending tons of extra cash to go get some sugar daddy? Pretty sure it’s more about feeling good in your own skin and maybe not having thirty ‘cheap’ pairs of jeans that don’t make you feel good.. Two pairs that make you feel good is way cheaper than thirty that don’t.. And not everyone who wants to feel good about themselves or look good is in the market for a man either, what made you venture to this article? Looking for a way to make yourself attractive to another man? Reality check sometimes looking good and having confidence in yourself is actually better for a family as a whole.. I know my husband appreciates it when I’m kinder to myself, I’m happier, in turn I don’t get annoyed over the little things as easily, and the Avalanche continues in happy… Not only that what’s wrong with looking good for your husband? Oh.. And as a side note.. No one here is saying that skimping out on feeding the kids and etc is a good thing, in fact most are saying quite the opposite… Go make some
          More cash somehow if it’s important to you… Not go steal it from the food budget.. How dense does one need to be really?

        2. Jo, that is an insanely unfair statement. Are you saying that people have no right to spend money they earned on themselves? Or that they should become a babycaring machine because they are a parent, and not care what they look like? I don’t like cheap clothing. I don’t own it. I buy higher end, or I buy thrifted, or vintage, but I DO NOT buy “made in China”. Because I don’t want to support such garbage. I also want to look attractive. Also, MOST MOTHERS HAVE A HUSBAND. Did ypu think the husband went blind during pregnancy and no longer cares what his mate looks like? You are not being very nice. I know its an old comment, and its pointless to answer, but you just shouldn’t say such things to people.

      1. $198 for a pair of jeans are “really good prices” ?? I’m definitely doomed to “mom jeans” forever then, I don’t have that kind of money to spend on a single pair of jeans :( What about some flattering jeans for those of us who live in the regular world where we can’t spend more than $50-$60 for jeans?

        1. Miss chic, or La Idols are pretty cheap and they look great. I get Miss mes, but they run 80-120. I will say though that ive had several pair for almost 6 years that still look brand new…so it can be worth it.

        2. Express throws buy 2 for the price of 1 denim sales often. I like their Rerock jeans a lot. Great fit and they hold up well for years. 2 for $50. Good luck!

        3. If you visit these sample sale sites below they will have great deals on jeans, like REALLY great! They will have “factory second jeans” meaning that the manufacturer thought the stitching was just a little bit off or they didn’t like the fade in them or the simulated rips. In reality you can’t see anything wrong with them but when they label the jeans as such the price very often goes from $80 to $30. It’s a beautiful thing!

          Haute look
          Or if you look up “factory second (fill in brand)” then you can find great stuff. Even some of the $168 jeans will be infinitely cheaper.

    2. I try the jeans on in store. I buy the higher end jeans from Ebay. It lets me keep a bit of my money in those fancy pockets!

    3. I found an awesome pair of jeans for like $19.99 at Burlington! The brand is called YMI… AND IT LITERALLY ASKS I’D YOU “WANT A BETTA BUTT” they give the look of having a former offered butt… I love love love them! !

      1. oh my gosh i LOVE YMI they have the best jeans, the dont stretch out much, keep my butt happy, and they are so cheap at Gordmans too :) the only proble. ive ever had is how long they are, short girl problems :/ amethyst jeans are great too.

    4. Another excellent option online (read Return Policy and look up size charts if not given) but has been an excellent avenue to buying well fitting jeans. I bought a pair of Mavi jeans that retailed at around $130 and bought them for $40. Prices do fluctuate up and down on some things- that same pair went back up to $89 I think a few days after I bought them when I went to show a friend what I had coming in the mail. It’s kind of like an online discount store. Free shipping but if returning you pay return shipping.

    5. I got some really nice Rock and Republic jeans at Khol’s off the clearance rack for under $20. You just have to hunt.

    6. Look into LA Idols. Ive gotten them for 30 or less new. There are places that sell them pretty cheap. Alsp check online. Miss chic are a good cheap NON mom jean brand:)

    7. Find what works for you, and then go buy it used on eBay! I recommend Silver jeans for everyone, especially women with curves. The Suki cut is a curvy woman’s dream and will make your butt look fantastic.

    8. You can usually shop sales – I get my jeans for 40% and sometimes more – I have paid $30 for $150 before. Use coupons and shop the sales and you will never have to pay $60+ for a pair of jeans.

    9. Holly– have faith and TRUST ME, whatever you need to sell for jeans that fit YOU will be worth it. And they last. I paid over $200 for Joe’s jeans in 2007.. Still have them, wear them and get lots of compliments.

  53. Omg! Thank you. I thought I was the only one who thought it was hard to find jean, let alone a pair that won’t make your butt look like it’s hitting the floor. I went shopping the other day and was sending pictures to my sister and she said she didn’t like the jeans I had on. The sad thing was I was trying on shirts and the jeans I has on was what I sw wearing for the day. A vide sad revelation.

  54. I have normal sized thighs but tiny calves!! Bootcuts make me look like I have no legs beneath my knee and skinny make me have bird legs!! Ha. What is your suggestion for the perfect cut of jeans?

  55. Thanks for this! Wow, the pictures say it all! Sometimes jeans aren’t my biggest worry since I have to dress up for work so I’ll just grab some from Old Navy. I’ve never been crazy about them and never felt like I looked awesome in them but I didn’t give it much more thought. I thought it had more to do with my size. Thanks for showing me that’s not necessarily the case!

  56. Why must be so disparaging about Moms. If it were not for your Mom you would not be here to worry about what
    you look like in denim jeans. Perhaps if you were less judgmental Moms would find your observations helpful in finding a pair of jeans that fit well. Be careful what you say; in time, if you are lucky, you too will be a Mom.,

    1. I don’t think you are familiar with what the term “mom jeans” means. It is a reference to a skit from Saturday night live. Maybe you should get familiar with pop culture references?
      A Mom

    2. I AM a mom, of two wonderful children. Being a mom didn’t mean I suddenly became out of touch with my sense of fashion. And being in touch with my sense of fashion (as I work in the fashion industry and have a degree in fashion) didn’t mean I didn’t have appreciation as a mom or for my mom. I care about my appearance. I’m not vain, nor do I go over the top (I’ve never even had a pedi for pete’s sake, and only had a mani as part of a bridal party outing), but I still like to look nice. If I have to go jean shopping anyway, why not just go to one store over another to make sure I get jeans that look and fit decent? What’s so wrong about that? Why does doing that automatically warrant a comment like yours? It doesn’t take any more time to shop for and dress in more flattering jeans than it does the unflattering ones. I would bet there is fashion out there that you don’t like either…does that mean you’re disparaging others? All this to say: calm down. It’s ok for moms to want to look good. And as A Mom referenced, watch some SNL.

    3. I am a mom and i am not offended. You need to lighten up not everybody is attacking you. She is probably a mom too. The term mom jeans to me means you worry more about your kids then yourself. There is nothing wrong with that if you’re into that…but some moms like me like having a nice purky ass. A pair of jeans that makes me feel* like i didnt gain 25lbs during pregnancy. And embrace MY curves and MY body. This isn’t a offensive post so please don’t take it that way

  57. Of course, one reason that pockets end up below the curve of your butt may be because you are squeezing said butt into too small a size….looks that way in quite a few of your pics, to be honest.

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  59. Are you still accepting butt texts?? Lol I am just reading this in my gap jeans and I’m suddenly aware of what you’re saying. But I don’t think I entirely know what to do next. I have a nordstrom rack nearby. Could you offer me a brand reccomendation maybe? Please email me if I can text you a picture. Sounds so bizarre but I really think maybe you could help me if you see how my Gap jeans fit. Thank you!

      1. Why does it look silly on anyone older. They’re jeans for crying out loud. People are so judgemental, it’s just sad.

  60. And here I thought I was the only person that had a horrible time buying jeans. My issues are numerous. For starters I am 4’11” I am 48, I am skinny and I have no butt. Ok can you say jeans were not made for me. My only solution is girls jeans they are the correct length, on a girls 16 the pockets fall in the correct area and they fit tight to accent what little I have in the seat department. Baggy jeans do NOTHING for my figure. Even a juniors 1 yeah it fits but pocket is on back of my thigh and I need to have 4-6 inches cut off bottom, that is expensive to get them hemmed so kids jeans work they are just hard to find that look like Normal jeans and are not Jeggins. Do you have a solution to this issue?

    1. YES! Thats why I buy Old Navy! Not only are they accessible (not all of us has access to a Nordstrom’s) and affordable, they also carry talls. And I think my butt looks pretty good in their Sweetheart line. But I have way more booty than you (the blogger).

    2. American eagle extra long fit me pretty well! I’m the same inseam as you. Also in my high school days I fit well in Delia’s jeans. If you’re really slim then those might work for you! Alloy also has long inseams and pretty cute jeans. That’s pretty much all I have though. I’m always on a mission to find cute jeans that fit my inseam, too. Such a struggle.

  61. I laughed out loud a few times during this article. You’re a very funny writer and I enjoyed learning something new! Thanks for sharing!

  62. What is the deal with all the bedazzled crap on the ass pockets of jeans, though? What if I want ones that fit nicely but have plain pockets without flaps or rhinestones?

      1. that is what I was thinking ! I am short and have curves. a smaller waist but I don’t aim to make my butt seem flat. I do not personally believe is a good look. one should be proud and accentuate all the curves in the right places. yes Gap fits are not good for jeans. I find that american Eagle does the job in their jeggins. it fits good. is not too long, the petite actually is not too short and my behind looks nice and round in it’s place. how a jean should fit. otherwise if you have any baby belly leftover the suggested jeans here make you look like you have a gigantic muffin top that you don’t have . because by the behind being so flat , it throws off the balance. and brings attention to the waist in a bad, bad way ! just my personal opinion too

  63. I love the information you give. I buy old navy all the time, they fit me best because I’m so little. Could I email you pics of my “mom jeans” and you tell me what I’m buying wrong? Because I honestly love my old navy jeans! Please email me back.

    Schel Ruiz

  64. Man…this is truly humbling, especially since I just bought a pair of jeans and a pair of shorts from both Old Navy and Gap…well, here is to hoping they don’t make me look like a blob. I’m 23 and a mom of two and yeah my body has changed. I definitely look more womanly. I was revamping my wardrobe and settled on some cute pants and some shorts. I hope I didn’t make a wrong decision! But based on your advice I am now completely obsessed with Nordstrom Rack. I will definitely be getting my next additions from there!!

  65. Okay, so this is fun, but you do all realize that the low rise and butt-shaping jeans of the last decade or so will be the new “mom jeans” in another decade or so. Teens will be cringing when their moms wear their skinny jeans or their low pocket butt accentuating jeans. I know it seems crazy that “mom jeans” we’re what was in fashion and thus what was truly attractive in the 80’s or so. I bet people from that era still find those jeans sexy (gasp) and are indifferent to the new styles. Just in case these facts about how fashion works aren’t obvious. It seems most people are mostly stuck in their teens, fashionably-speaking, with some adjustments.. You will be too. FR example, what to do now with the “new mom jeans? They are skinny legged and short (socks showing!) and have a long long zipper. How are they keeping a butt?

  66. I appreciated your photo comparisons and picked up some tips however I need more HELP!!!! I’m in search of a pair of women’s jeans, real jeans… None of the stretchy, crap material that wears out in three washes or sags throughout the day. I don’t want a bedazzled ass, or flaps on the pockets or stitching that looks like dental floss. I don’t want skinny or tapered or pre-worn out with holes to place my feet through by accident when putting them on. I am 35 and remember when jeans were so tight at the ankles you had to turn them inside out and stand on them to pull your feet out, I used to have to buy mens’ to get the right fit/size but then women’s jeans made big advancements in design and style I should have stocked up, now I’m down to one pair of Vigosss and sadly preparing myself for shopping in men’s wear again…. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Have you tried Levi’s?? Get them at Macy’s. They have a lot of different styles and are reasonably priced and comfortable.

    2. I am still rocking my Lee Super Toobs/Skinnys 15 years later. I bought two pair ($150 each!) but that has worked out to less that $10 a year. I have patched around the crotch (i wear them low so they wear out on the creases, but they, along with Levi’s have proven to be the ultimate in hard-wearing denim. most jeans these days (esp. the cheap ones) are made to wear for only one ‘season’ so they don’t bother with quality material. Levi & Lee still make work pants-quality models of jeans. If you’re like me, and wear your clothes for years, esp jeans, it is an investment to buy quality manufacture and fabric.

  67. I’m so sick of these young ladies thinking that the smaller size the better?! I love to see a woman (mom or not) wearing jeans that cover and compliment. Yes, some of her “mom jeans” in this article really did look awful, however, most of those gap jeans looked SO much better than those other jean brands. I don’t have any problem with the writer or her points, she is totally entitled to her opinion, I just wish women understood how to dress for their body type, their personality, and their comfort, rather than trying to avoid being dumped into a silly category such as “mom jeans”.

  68. I was amazed at the comparisons, especially the Gap and Express skinny jeans. The Gap jeans made her butt look flat and wide and from the side, she looked really stocky and her legs looked really short. She looked great in the Express jeans – the opposite of the Gap jeans. Her butt was lifted and her legs looked really long. I’ll have to check out express for some new jeans.

    1. I second the recommendation for Silver Jeans — they’re the only jeans I wear! They are stretchy but keep their shape so I can literally wear them for days before washing and never get saggy butt. I have also fluctuated weight up and down by up to 15 lbs since I’d had them and they have fit at my largest and smallest. They’re like magic jeans. My husband also thinks my tiny non-butt looks amazing and sexy in em so that’s another point :)

      1. LOVE Silver Jeans—I just discovered them, and I can’t get enough of the Suki fit. They’re a little pricey, but the Silver website runs great sales all the time, or, once you figure out which fit works for you, you can buy them on eBay for next to nothing.

  69. I definitely agree with a lot this article said. However Old Navy no longer sells drab clothes in fact they have super cute and stylish pant selections now that are cheap, cute, and comfy. I am personally not into dark jeans with bright flares and beaded pockets. I think they look extremely childish and trashy lol. Honestly the best jeans I can find are American Eagle and Old Navy!

  70. EXPRESS. They never disappoint. And since I love good deals, I always find my Express jeans at second hand stores. They make everyone’s butt look amazing! Everyone I know who trys them on loves them

  71. Wow, who knew??! I have always stuck to Gap and Old Navy jeans (since my days in American Eagle – sad was the day when my AE-jean-buying came to an end) because they’re so classic looking. And I’ve always been kind of tomboyish (not super into style), so I think the drawing-no-attention-to-my-butt was kind of appealing. But I have two questions, now that you’ve opened my eyes… 1) What about J.Crew. jeans, are they okay??? and 2) what’s a great brand of sexy/normal/not-mom jeans that don’t have all that crazy stuff on the butts?? I don’t like all the pattern & buttons and crap.


    1. My current favorites are Joe’s Jeans (Get them at Nordstrom Rack or through HauteLook to get them at half off) – super flattering, no butt detail (see my latest post – the ridiculous one with crochet shorts – to see what Joe’s Jeans look like. Also I love AG jeans, Red Engine, Express, Frankie B, Genetic Denim, and Citizens of Humanity – all of these are great with little to no pocket detail. All but Express I recommend getting through Rack or HauteLook, or at TJ Maxx. J Crew jeans don’t work on me, but I have seen them look nice on some people.

  72. i kept reading on various websites how Gap “always skinny” are these mind-blowing, amazing jeans.

    i’m glad i didn’t buy a pair.

    these pics of the GAP jeans are HORRIBLE.

    i recently tried some J.Crew “toothpick” jeans (also read that these are the “holy grail” of jeans).

    was NOT impressed. they were just so-so-ok (but because of the price, they were wholly unacceptable and so i returned them all).

    best jeans i have had? (20+ years of jean collecting)

    1. a pair from H&M that i bought likely almost 15 years ago. straight leg. embroidered back pockets. take 10 lbs off off my thighs and butt. still have them and still center my lifestyle of working-out and eating healthy around fitting into these jeans. they have been a great inspiration and only cost like $20 bucks!!!!!!!!!! i plan to go back to H&M at some point to get some vintage high-rise, wide leg trouser jeans.

    2. a pair of very “rock-n-roll” BKE jeans with an acid-wash finish at the pockets, some embroidered detailing on back pockets + metallic embellishments – but not too much!!! – just enough to give them a rock band groupie feel. And nice fading right where you want it (middle of thighs; slight fade on upper butt for a butt-lift effect). these are also about 10-15 years old. slightly too much elastane and slightly too low a rise (requires a belt and a long shirt). but still one of my faves. caught my 16 year-old step daughter eyeing them one day… NO WAY! they’re still all mine!!!!

    3. Guess low rise jean with “slight boot cut” — love this style. seriously these shave off 15 pounds from my body instantaneously. i don’t know how they do it. its an INSTANT make-over. these are one of only a few jeans that my husband actually noticed and took the time to comment on (“wow, where did you get those jeans? i really like them. they look good on you”). my absolute favorite pair (were just oh-so-sexy; like instant transformation into victoria secret model) ripped apart!!!!! yeah , so the material is rather thin with a lot of the Guess jeans. Their one downfall. i can’t recall the exact name of the style (something like “super low rise sexy cut” or some such nonsense). anyway – i think they have been discontinued. i have a pair of dark rinse Guess jeans that look AWFUL on the hanger. I am always a second away from throwing them in the donation bag, but then i say “what the heck – let me see how they look on first” and they look AMAZING. – and so i keep them, but then i go back to never wearing them because they look awful on the hanger. go figure!

    4. Red Engine jeans — okay, martha stewart endorsed these jeans – which may make you freak out (“OMG – DEFINITLEY OLD LADY/MOM JEANS – hell no!”), but the skinny cut is AWESOME. AWESOME. AWESOME. don’t know about the other cuts (haven’t tried), but love, love, love the skinny cut. First, i LOVE the “dirty” dark rinse (there’s a slight tinge of a rusty color behind the dark indigo – like they are made from a real vintage denim). Second – all this talk about skinny jeans stretching out and “bagging out” and gaps at the waist and wrinkling at the knees and sagging at the butt, etc, etc, etc —— NONE OF THAT. just a second skin of SUPER SOFT/worn-in-feeling denim and PERFECT fading on thighs and butt. they take about 5-10 lbs off. Finally, they are longer than they typical 28″ ankle length (i think they are like 31.5″ ??) – but stay skinny all the way down. I LOVE THAT. It gives your legs a WAY LONGER, LEANER LOOK than ending right exactly at the ankle. did i mention the material is uber soft? i could sleep in these jeans.

    5. Rich and Skinny jeans. I was at the mall and had tried on several pairs of J.Brand jeans. They were very nice, but for the price, I wanted PERFECTION. I tried on every pair of J.Brand jeans they had in my size. no luck. all were just “okay”. Finally i grabbed this pair of Rich and Skinny jeans. the sales lady told me they had a lot of stretch and to size down a couple sizes. Really? i couldn’t see myself squeezing into something that small, but sure enough, i got a pair 2-3 sizes smaller than my normal size (normal size depending on whether i’m fit or “puffy”, that is) and i pushed my way into them and they fit like a GLOVE but not uncomfortably. And again – SUPER SOFT worn-in denim that shaved off about 10 lbs from my thighs and butt. i got them in a pale, pale blue, classic faded wash (the wash made them look like they were vintage 30 year-old thrift store jeans) — now normally i stay away from the super ale washes because they can make me look larger – but these were magic jeans or something. love them. i feel like i’m back in college – they are the perfect weekend jean but also perfect for a concert (have a just a teensy bit of distressing on the thigh and knee areas – NOT TOO MUCH!). when i was in high school i actually had a pair of hand-me-down jeans that had 30 years of wear and were a pale faded blue. they fit me perfectly – and these jeans were made back when there was NO ELASTANE / SPANDEX used. I miss those jeans! but i was about 100 lbs back then, so… my Rich and Skinny jeans are a great substitute.

    ***these last two are not “perfect” (by teenage standards): they are not skin-tight skinnies that end right at the ankle and have designer touches like custom fading on a vintage wash. but I love, love, love them. t

    6. first: MIH London jean (in sugar blue wash). It is a slight-boot cut (almost straight leg) cut with what I would call a mid-rise waist (they are advertised as low rise). the cut just elongates the leg. the sugar blue wash and long, lean lines are just somehow very vintage-y – even though the color is fairly bright blue and uniform throughout (the jeans have no fading anywhere). it just looks a touch ’70’s to me. and the best part, these jeans are like butter. i know i said the last could pairs of jeans were super soft but these jeans are super soft and move like butter – like you oldest, most worn-in t-shirt. there are a few cons here: the jeans DO NOT shave off any pounds (due to the uniform coloring/lack of strategic fading) and the material,while AMAZINGLY soft and pliable, lacks the structure to maintain its shape/size or hold you in snugly. these are one of those jeans that feit best right out of the dryer. But they fit awesome, feel awesome, look awesome (when i’m not “puffy”) and are SO CLASSIC i just adore them!

    7. Banana republic jeans (i need to look up the style – sorry!) with vintage style rear pockets (have a sewn-in pleat), a moderate boot cut and mid-rise waist. These jeans also look very retro in a really cool way. the sewn-in pleat on the back pockets give it that 70’s / safari feel . The pleats are sewn down (so the pockets lay completely flat – no puffing whatsoever). the boot cut is just enough to actually wear boots with (and to make your thighs look more proportionate) but not at all extreme or bell-bottomy. The denim is on the heavier-duty side (think 1980’s Levis jeans) but that is part of their vintage appeal. Would be the perfect jean for horseback riding in winter/fall. i would expect that these jeans would have ZERO appeal to your average teen – other than those few very independent fashion-risk takers and/or hardcore fans of vintage . i like the range they add to my jeans collection. i always feel like wearing something funky with them (like a bandana in my hair or tube top).

    anyway – that’s all. the hunt for the holy grail of jeans continues!

  73. Ok, I get it now. This post was clear and eye opening. I’m 48 years old, I’ve got two teenage daughters and I need to find jeans that look good on me and don’t scream “Mom Jeans!”. I get it. But let me ask you this: since my body is nowhere near what it used to be (I swear I wore a Junior’s size 9 from the beginning of high school until I got married!), where can I find jeans that are NOT – and I repeat – NOT low-rise jeans but are still flattering and appropriate for women my age? I can’t stand it when I see moms like me wearing clothing that is obviously ill-fitting just to be fashionable. There has to be something in between and doesn’t cost more than $50.

    Just an F.Y.I., I’ve been wearing Levi’s women’s jeans for as long as I can remember and I’ve always thought Levi’s were always in style. ???

  74. I am so glad I came across this post on Pinterest. After my SO just complained that my department store jeans do not do me any justice, I decided to buy a couple of pairs from Old Navy. Thankfully I came across this first before I started shopping. I think I will pay the extra to get a good quality pair of jeans that accentuate my awesome ass rather than hide it . Go ahead ladies, splurge, your butt will thank you!

    1. I think that this blog has good advice, for women who care and want it. But, for others it may not be. I don’t agree with others telling women to splurge. But, that’s just me. I mean no disrespect to anyone. But, I will say this… “One day people will realize that material things don’t matter.” But, to each their own ;)

  75. first of all who wears all those jeans with white stitching all over and flap pockets ( unless you don’t have much of a booty) those white stitched jeans seem outdated to me. Tacky. Why didn’t you pick jeans from other companies to compare rather than just Gap and Old Navy? Ridiculous .

  76. Did you ever consider its your body type that just ain’t right for the jeans? I’m tall and the jeans fit me like the models in the photos, and make my butt look amazing. From the looks of it you would want to hit up a store with a pant that is best suited for your stature. Just saying! Also Express jeans are suited for women with a tapered waist and big bottom. I have neither, therefore Express clothing would not be suited for me! I think opinions of an entire brand should be left to those who are true stylists and have the knowledge to properly dress for ones body type. It’s quite ignorant to say that because a particular brand doesn’t work for you that they are a less than quality brand for all

  77. Not sure if anyone said this, but GAP and Old Navy are one in the same. Banana Republic is their more sophisticated sibling. Just thought you should know. :)

  78. I am a 5 ft. 6 in. 115 lb. great grandma and the only jeans that really fit me are Gloria Vanderbilt “Amanda” style. They seem to run a little long so I buy the short length and they are actually a step-in for me. I don’t have to even try them on anymore, just grab a pair off the shelf and know they will fit perfectly. My little “bubble butt” looks great in them. The only complaint I have is that the front pockets are too shallow, but that seems to happen with most brands. I just cut some muslin and sew it in to the depth that I want. They cost around $30 at Kohls but I get them at Meijer for $20,95.

  79. As a current Old Navy employee, and a staunch supporter of the brand I have to be brutally honest. While I agree that neither the Gap or ON jeans worked FOR YOU, did you stop to consider that maybe it wasn’t a problem with the denim but rather your body type? Because the rest of the jeans, and brands that you demonstrated, even at Nordstrom Rack, can’t even come close to comparing to the prices at ON or Gap. Not only that but most of the jeans that you tried on had some sort of frills on the pockets or the stitching, and unless you’re a tweener, or you’re a label whore, then it’s super tacky, and it’s extremely difficult to find wallet-friendly jeans that can be worn with anything in your wardrobe. I also agree with some of the other comments that said the jeans went from age-appropriate to something that shouldn’t be seen on anyone over the age of 22, and they didn’t fit as well. In those “designer” brands another thing they can’t and don’t provide is a higher rise. Not everyone can wear jeans that only cover butt-crack, and just enough in front.

    Plus, to anyone who has commented on this post in the last year or so, this information is extremely outdated. Not only has the company updated the styles that are featured in this article and redesigned them, but we also have new styles of denim that are definitely comparable to the “other brands” mentioned. So don’t write off a brand just because some mom blogger said that they looked like “mom-jeans” 3 years ago…

    1. I agree SO much! The last thing I want on my hiney is a bunch of embellishment! I want classic, something an adult can dress up or down. And as of 2019 – high waisted jeans are BACK and stylish.

  80. I totally agree with Alex C. I’d rather go to Old Navy and purchase jeans that are comfortable, modest, and flattering on my “I’ve not run cross country for two years and am slightly overweight” body, AND NOT BE ASHAMED OF ASKING MY MUM TO BUY ME A PAIR OF JEANS BECAUSE WE LIVE ON HER PART TIME JOB AND MY DAD’S DISABILITY PENSION. If you have the money for upscale jeans, great! More power to you! But that doesn’t mean you need to go one a rant about how cost effective jeans are horrible.

      1. Buying vintage jeans is great, but I would caution against buying very worn stretchy jeans. Thye usually don’t hold their shape because the elastic has been burnt out. Express jeans are about the same price as Gap. But these days Gap really isn’t that cheap, and their jeans are pretty darn good. The 1969 high rise skinny are a good jean in my opinion.

  81. This post is absolutely ridiculous. ALL of those jeans look extremely dated, in my opinion. Who wears bling pocket jeans with white threading and flare legs? Other than women who wear trucker hats and built in bra tanks. Flares came back for a very short moment, but they have to be classy and styled very carefully. IMO, flares are essentially “mom jeans” of today. (The high waisted, high pocket skinny jeans that used to be mom jeans are actually coming back for the younger set.)

    I always buy my skinny jeans at Gap for a great price, and they look fantastic on my body. Just because you didn’t try on a modern cut of jeans and just because they don’t fit your body type doesn’t mean that Gap produces “mom jeans.” In fact, the jeans they produce are more fashion-forward than any of those other jeans you think look good on you.

  82. It is amazing how the cut and pocket make a ladies behind look so different, The best examples are gap, old navy verses express rock. Your butt looks half the size. .

  83. What a great post and the related posts as well! Wish I had found these years ago. I stumbled upon a better feet at Lucky Brand after thinking Gap was fine (and it wasn’t at least for my body type.) Thanks for such a great and informative post! Very, very helpful. It all makes sense now – the fit and the look.

  84. THANK YOU!! I hate all denim things Gap and Old Navy and all my friends think I’m crazy for not shopping there. It’s a rare case when they actually fit and flatter somebody. So sad Express discontinued the ReRock. they were incredible!

    Anyway…any suggestions for a jean for somebody with ridiculously huge calves? I wear about a 10-12 in Express jeans and pretty curvy. Skinny jeans look awful because of the size of my calves. Seriously these things are about the same size as my lower thighs. I was a die hard Express fan until they decided to cut corners and make garbage so I’m on a desperate hunt for something new. I have a Rack close to me but I look at the designer jeans and think there’s no way they’ll ever fit. or look good on my body…

    Thank you again for exposing Gap and Old Navy for what they are!!


  85. What about American Eagle jeans – I’m 52 and wear their Hi-Rise jeggings and Hi-rise skinny almost exclusively. Not mom jeans – right? Their Sky-high are too mom-jeany for me though.

  86. Are there any jeans that you recommend that don’t have that horrendous, over flashy, middle schooler design on the pockets?

  87. i have had a horrible time finding jeans and i recently tried target levi denizen jeans and i am in love.i went back and bough five more pairs

    1. I too love Levis Denizen jeans!! I have a very curvy butt for my size 4’s and I think it looks nice in them. I’m 43 so I may have no clue but can still turn heads :)

  88. How sad it is that the “now” generation uses the word ‘grandma’ with such disdain. I wear jeans to be comfortable. Interesting article….but honey, enjoy that little one I saw running around in some of your photos….and stop thinking about who is checking out your rear end! Life is way too short to spend this much time on your outer covering! Work on your heart and everywhere you go….people will remember you for the wonderful person you are…not your selection of Jean!
    GranDee of 7
    Proud supporter of ‘grandma jeans’ or ‘not trying to catch a guy’

    1. Chastising a mom for having pride in her appearance only makes you seem small and petty. Also, kids benefit from a mother that knows about fashion, and makes sure that she and her kids look right. A mom that cares too much about the spiritual causes as more problems then one thta is too shallow. Watch the movie “Carrie” and you will get what I mean. Also, grow a sense of humor.

  89. I agree with your post. I’m a short, curvy woman with booty and Old Navy makes my butt look wide and flat. I haven’t seen anyone who actually looks good in Old Navy jeans. Ever. They make look passable, but would probably look better in another brand of jeans. Old Navy jeans even makes my friends with JLo booties look flatter than they actually are. I’ve been on the hunt for good, affordable jeans for years. I’m 48 years old and I have no desire to wear jeans with pockets and white threading or embellishments. So far, Aeropostale and YMI are the closest I’ve found. I trust Levi’s, but I have the hardest time figuring out which Levi’s are for my short body type.

  90. Ok so I loved this article! All the way up until I started shopping for the suggested jeans and realized I’d never be able to afford them :( Maybe some mom’s wear “mom jeans” because they have to unfortunately

  91. I think mom jeans can be much hotter than jeans that try too hard, like some of your picks. While I think gap has definitely gone down hill, I like the mom jeans on subjects b and c (especially c) much better. Also, why do you like your butts to disappear into legs? The jeans you pick look like cocaine cowboy jeans and no one over 22 should wear them.

    1. I agree. I’m 28 and wouldnt wear any of the “good” jeans in this post. Maybe i’m not a fashionista but my ass looks damn good in old navy jeans. I think they work better for women with some feminin curves that dont need bedazzled pockets to make their butt look hott.

  92. I actually think that 95% of women objectively look terrible in jeans no matter what the cut. They are just not flattering to the female shape and those that look ‘good’ simply have a less classically female shape. The right skirt however can look fantastic from all angles on all women.

  93. This is the best article I’ve ever read, and I’m an author lol. Please oh please continue jeans tips. I would die for your number to ease the torture of trying on jeans. I have yet to find a friend that can give good advice when it comes to my butt. (Haha). It’s literally a mental breakdown every time. I can never find ‘that pair’ and always end up hating the ones I buy as soon as I get home. I’m a true follower now! Totally awesome girl advice!

  94. I want you to be my friend. You know, so you can come help me buy some jeans. Do you offer consultations? Have given up wearing jeans but your article gives me hope the perfect pair may actually exist….

  95. I’m tall (5’10) and pretty slender and Old Navy and Gap jeans were my go to for inexpensive jeans until they started stretching out and Gap got more expensive.

    Ironically, I swear by 7 For All Mankind. Their A Pocket Jeans are an instant butt lift. They’re expensive but you can get very very gently used pairs on eBay for less than a pair of Old Navy Jeans!

  96. Pretty thorough blog post however none of your models were anything but white. It would have been helpful to see women who have larger hip to waist ratios

  97. Women need to stop f’n worrying about what other women, and gay fashion designers think. I’m a red blooded American male, and I will take the defined hips, and bottom mom jeans give any day over the manish flat butt low cut jeans give. I can’t wait till these infernal cut and shaped jeans are gone. The poster above is right pockets that go down to the top of the leg are just wrong!

    1. Thats why everyone wears them now, and probably will forever. But I remember when we all used to wear low rise jeans, i used to wear Frankie B’s. Boys used to like them too. Still, “mom” jeans flatter a woman’s shape far more.

  98. i am only assuming from your wide berth of Butt Knowledge ( no pun intended) that you have come across my issue. I HAVE NO BUTT, FLAT AS A PANCAKE, LOOKS LIKE A FROG STOOD UP IN PANTSUIT – any guidance on how to wear jeans or what style is best when you have no junk in the trunk, not even a trunk????

  99. Too cute! Love the sense of humor but most importantly the tips on what to look for in a great pair of jeans!

  100. Well it was a funny read. However… although I’m not a mom and not that old (23), I must really be bad at choosing jeans because I would look at the picture and think oh that looks great! And then read the commentary saying how it was a terrible fit. As a side note, I prefer longer zippers to those tiny little ones some jeans have, those drive me nuts! Still, this does point out some things I hadn’t noticed about how jeans fit!

  101. Just a quick side note, if you spend the money on your basic wardrobe really invest then the expense is a good thing. Your basic essentials should be classic and timeless. Go buy a few pairs of expensive dark wash jeans that fit well because they can be dressed up or down and versatility is key especially to moms.

  102. I don’t think all the gap jeans look bad on you. I think the best fit were the 7 FAM. What style is that? Super cute. But I agree, each pant fits differently for everyone. Not a one size/style fits all.

  103. The difference I see between the pairs on the left versus the pairs on the right are classic cuts, styles and colors versus crap that looks like the kids on Jersey Shore wear it. All of that detailing and bling on the rear pockets is just tacky.

  104. I’m thankful to the people commenting that offered good advice. Others were just plain bitches, and I don’t ever use that word. Be better…not bitter.
    I think it’s cool she posted these pics of her butt, BECAUSE it represents us spending countless time in the awkward mirror half-seeing our backsides. What a freaking difference those jeans made!
    Thanks for this.

  105. You should update this whole thing .. The jeans at the Gap have changed. The pockets have gotten smaller and the styles have gotten redone. A lot of the styles you show have gotten discontinued. Redo this review please.

  106. As a 21 yr old, I must say I live in Gap jeans. So does my boyfriend. I have never found an issue with them stretching like so. But i also don’t put them in the dryer to dry. However. I do find that other places fit my body better in certain styles, believe it or not, walmart. So I think that it is based on your body, each one being just as beautiful as the next. But everyone being so offended by everything is definitely what’s wrong with people today. This woman was just trying to spread some information and others where voicing their personal opinion. Maybe if people would stop letting people words hurt them, people they don’t even know, we would all be a little better off. That all being said, great insight on the jeans.

  107. If you’re from Texas (like myself) there is a place called Platos Closet and another called Amelia’s Too. I don’t know if they have them in other states but they’re gently used resale shops. Everyone is talking about name brands and paying full price but no one ever thinks of these resale shops. A pair of really good Miss Me jeans go for $45 at most. Rock Republic is $25-$30 at most.

    I don’t know how everyone else feels about wearing resale clothing but I don’t mind it. Especially if they’re just jeans. It’s not like I’m wearing someone else’s underwear or something…?!

    If you don’t want to pay an arm and a leg or you don’t want to get another job or you want a good deal on clothes, WHAT EVER YOUR REASONING, I always suggest resale shops.

  108. Everyone get their butt on Poshmark! Resold premium denim for WAY less than retail. This is where I get all of my designer denim and pay like 30/40$ a pair that last me a lifetime and are perfect fit. Another is Nordstrom People are commenting how it’s too expensive but I’ve gotten away with some incredible steals when you go during their Clear The Racks events!!! There are ways out there now to find great prices! There are no excuses for setting for mom butt jeans! You are important and the way you feel MATTERS!

  109. As a 22 year old millennial who wears gap jeans, I have to politely disagree.

    They are my favorite pair, fit me great, and look great. Jeans with all the nonsense and embroidery on the pockets are the new mom jean.

    Also, there are probably ten girls I can think of off of the top of my head who could wear that romper and pull it off fashionably and beautifully.

    Long live Gap.

  110. OMG this is hilarious. I was literally laughing out loud because it’s so true! Personally StitchFix has become my savior and has sent me some of the best fitting and looking jeans ever and I’m grateful because I don’t have a lot of choices locally. Thanks for the comedic relief! I’m with you sister. Mom jeans HAVE to go!
    (mom of 4!)

  111. Hello. I generally take the back pockets off all jeans, as I feel they make any butt look big. What do you think?

    1. Why bother wearing jeans at all? Aren’t pockets (and durability) the whole point of jeans? Pants without pockets are either riding breeches or trousers, which are suitable for horseback riding executive decisions, respectively.

  112. One issue that was never addressed here is the height of the rise. All of these jeans seem to be low-rise i.e. butt-crack jeans. How about any jeans with a realistic rise? I don’t mean high-waisted Urkel pants. I mean normal, regular pants that fit well in the butt & thigh, and come to just below the navel..

  113. I was long overdue for a pair of jeans (I had three) but hadn’t found any that I liked, I thought there was something wrong with me (I’m a size 12 because of my thighs) or that I was being too picky but after reading this I realized what I had to look for and found the perfect pair. I love them they feel comfortable and look wonderful, funny thing they were the cheapest I tried on, so there’s hope still

  114. You need to try Gap petite jeans. Thats the problem. You are too short for regular and it throws the fit off. You have to order petite online they do not carry them in stores.

  115. That’s a very comprehensive article! Surprised that you didn’t get turfed out of the store for taking so many photos. Have to admit that I’ve not heard about ‘mom jeans’ before, so I’ve learnt something today at least!

  116. I followed a link on Pinterest and I’m so happy I read your post! Very informative and follows my line of thinking. Do you think you could provide your thoughts on waist to butt ratio and how that effects gapping above the butt? I’m a size 6 but I have a healthy butt and thighs. I’ve tried on Express Jeans and while they fit almost everywhere, I get a huge gap between my back and the waist of the jeans. I’ve tried the next size down, but then I can’t get them up over my thighs. :(

  117. WOW! Blew me out of the water! I recently lost 40lbs and have been shopping for the perfect jeans….now I see the way to do it is to take a PHOTOGRAPHER with me to take pics of my butt!

    I did buy a pair at a thrift store recently—they fit and aren’t too stretchy and no sparkles and are dark denim….but now I want a butt consultation!

    I am 60 and wear size 2 now—hard to find a “respectable” looking jean it seems. I ended up with a pair of Reitmans skinny dark wash

  118. I want you as my shopping buddy!! Even virtually. I need some serious help for bottoms! This post is awesome :)

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  123. Honestly you are wearing the wrong size in the Gap and ON jeans. I know this article is older and more out of date now but really, both Gap and ON make different styles to suit different body shapes. That’s the whole idea behind their jeans. Of course if you try on something suited to a curvy person and you have very straight hips, even if you WERE wearing the right size it wouldn’t look good on you. Comparing their jeans to a random other selection of denim brands is ridiculous because of course your comparison is going to be “these other jeans cut to my shape fit me better than these ON ones that were intended to be worn by someone else not my shape”.

  124. Great post. even if I am years late to it. I’m in my seventies and rock Levi’s 315 straight and boot cut jeans (27X32) I have little shape and they fit great. OK just a little snug. I also like flaps on the rear pockets to give e a bootie boost.

  125. Id love to find jeans that fit well, don’t stretch out and are affordable (Gap jeans cost me about $25 a pair). I’ve been wearing a 14 or !6 in the real straight. Help!

  126. Thank you! I was wondering what was so wrong about the jeans I bought at Old Navy and feeling terrible about myself. Now that I’ve read this article and compared the jeans I purchased to others and I now know that it’s not me. I am a size 6 at 5’5′ and am in good shape so of course I figured my butt would look good as long as I was not in Wal-Mart Jeans….damn I was so wrong! My butt probably looks better in Wal-Mart jeans smh their leggings look great on me so how come jeans from a “reputable” brand is a complete and utter waste of money? I believe Old Navy/Gap has sold out.

  127. Wow, 37 with 2 kids and this really matters to you? Hard to believe someone has nothing more important to do then spend a day documenting the appearance of their hind end in various jeans. Huh,how things have changed. But, if this is what you do for a living I guess it makes sense.
    Still, you should know that there really wasn’t much difference. People should go with what feels good and what they like and can afford.
    Silky information.

    1. Gap and old navy aren’t cheap. Ive always wondered why they haven’t gone bankrupt. Their clothing is not comfortable and the fit isn’t the best.
      People buy clothing with the expectation that it looks good on them. I’ve never heard of someone trying on clothing and saying “this feels good, I’m buying it”, if that was the case I’d be wearing pajamas all day. Why must the “hind” look good, you asked? It’s not just the “hind” it’s the entire bottom portion of the body: waist to feet. Clothing that is tailored correctly to your body creates a more presentable look for you. Slouchy and baggy jeans will give the illusion to others that you are lazy, slouchy and careless. Why is image important? Depends! Job related would be at the top of my list followed by attracting possible mates. If neither of those two are important to you since they may no longer apply or never applied. It’s never too late for a change. You never know, I’m sure your spouse would not mind seeing a sexy “hind” then a slouched “hind”. ..

  128. I used to be a size 4-8 & wore all the nice butt jeans. You know, the ones that have NO stretch to them. But after meds, and my age….I’m now a 12. Boot cut would be much better as I’m shaped like a pear. However, I just don’t have the courage or energy to go back to “those” stores. And honestly, I like the new stretch. Not the I’m sagging to knees in an hr, but the ones that stretch enough I can still fit in them and breathe if I gain a few pounds or I’m bloated. Any ideas please? I’ve recently purchased Juicy Couture jeggings from Kohl’s b/c they actually have elastic inside the waistline to help them stay up, but you can’t see it from the outside. (Also pull ups w/ faux pockets, zipper, button etc. So look nice if I ever get drunk or stupid enough to bare my belly lol) AND these stretch, but don’t droop! However, I can’t find any Bootcut. Plus, I can’t even tell you what the but looks like on them. I was just so happy to have found some that fit.
    Any help to narrow it down would be awesome please! Thank you for any hints or help! There are sooo many brands, styles, fits! It’s very overwhelming.

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