I am a bit high maintenance when it comes to my kid’s clothes – especially Ali’s.

I want her to look hip and modern, but still like a little girl.  I want her very modest and while I’m at it, I like her to feel comfortable.

That’s not too much to ask, is it?

I’ve been horribly disappointed with the selections for girls in some of my favorite stores this year.  It’s all, like, camo and screenprinting and camo tulle skirts and jeggings and camo sequined shirts and … not a single thing that I want to buy.

So I’ve been scouring the internet for clothing that meets all my criteria and is FOR THE LOVE not camo, and one brand that I really fell in love with is Tea Collection.

Their clothes manage to walk the fine line well between hip and still-a-little-girl – they’re not afraid to mix funky prints, all while keeping their cuts and lengths little girl appropriate.

I contacted them and told them how much I loved their clothes, and they offered to send me a few pieces to try out, as well as let me give one of you a $100 gift certificate to shop their collection!

I sent them a link to a picture of Ali and let them do the styling, and I LOVE what they chose for her.

Mine and Ali’s favorite outfit are these awesome cord cargo pants along with an adorable shirt that Ali insists has LILY PADS on it, not FLOWERS.

Geez, Mom.

The pants are super cute – they have the tiniest bit of a skinny leg (which looks oh-so-much better on her than on me), giving it that modern flair.

And the shirt – well, it’s awesome, whether you call it lily pads or flowers.

They were kind enough to send Noah some clothes as well, and they were just as cute –


His cargo pants are impeccably made, including a super-soft red cotton lining that gives them both warmth and style.


He agreed – they were the ideal clothes for lounging around with his big sister.


They also sent Ali this fabulous dress – although short-sleeved, it’s also lined thickly for fall.  I love that I can use it all year long, just adding a turtleneck during our very few months of cool weather.


Noah received a coordinating Henley that looked awesome with his eyes.

It was soft, thick, adorable, and durable enough to put up with big sister harassment.

All of their clothes are captivating and so comfortable– so much so that neither of my children protested their photo shoot.  Pretty awesome, if you ask me.

If you would like to win a $100 Gift Certificate to Tea Collection, simply comment on this post!

If you’d like extra entries, you can get up to four of them by:

  • Liking Tea Collection on Facebook.
  • Following Tea Collection on Twitter.
  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway.
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

This giveaway is open until Monday, October 10th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, October 11th.

Good luck!!

Disclaimer:  I was sent samples to review Tea Collection’s clothing for the purposes of this giveaway, but was not compensated to write this post.  My opinions are always my own.

294 thoughts on “Tea Collection – $100 Giveaway!

  1. Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I hope you gain a lot more followers. It is so generous of Tea Collection to offer up such a prize.

  2. Tea Collection has excellent quality and comfortable clothes that my daughter loves! Thanks for the chance!

    marygardner49 at aol dot com

  3. Your kids look so cute! The Artesana dress that your daughter is wearing is one of my favorite items of theirs.

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