For all (none) of you that have been waiting with baited breath to hear the exciting outcome of my doctor visit, my doctor did indeed have an Otoscope (thank goodness, no Torture Pappy Device needed), and said that I had a lot of pressure in my ears, but no infection. The cure he prescribed was Sudafed.

Which…oddly enough, I had started taking the night before for a minor cold that Ali had been so kind to pass on to me. The only problem was, I took it at midnight, thinking that it, like most cold medicines, would have that drowsying affect along with making my nose quit draining.

Then, as I lay in bed with my mind running completely wild and buzzing about in a million different manic directions at once, I remembered an episode of Glee…

…The one where Terri is the school nurse, and she’s trying to remember how she made it through high school so energetically so that she can help Finn…and then she remembers!! She took Sudafed! Aka PseudoEPHEDRINE.

So then she tells all of the students to take them – “They’re basically Ephedrine, except legal!” -and they’re all running around completely buzzed and getting tons of stuff accomplished with wide, drugged and crazed eyes…and of course Terri got fired.

Oh yeah.

No wonder I can’t sleep.

Mental Note: Must review Glee Life Lessons.

So if yesterday’s post seemed a bit manic and written after midnight, it was. It was written on a Sudafed Buzz.

(As is this one, since my doctor told me to take Sudafed three times a day. I’m not sure if the crazed speed I’m typing is coming across in the post, but believe me, it’s quite buzzy in my head right now.)

(But rest assured, I will NOT be taking it at midnight again.)

So, since I’m already on the completely narcissistic subject of myself and my pregnancy, several of you have asked how the nausea has been. It’s getting better, finally. I’m not sick every day, which is a welcome change, and since I’m only nauseous every two or three days, I can take Zofran effectively to treat it without The Unspoken Horrors of Side Effects being so Unspokenably Horrific.

But now that I’m progressing to the other side of the Nausea Train, I can appreciate the one and only benefit of being so sick that I could barely move for eight weeks….the hope of becoming (less) huge.

Here’s me on Sunday, 14 weeks pregnant with Newbie:IMG_9708

And here was me pregnant with Ali at 13 weeks: IMAG0023
On second thought, maybe I was just entirely and ridiculously GIGANTICALLY GINORMOUSLY DINASAURICALLY MASSIVE with Ali….

Or maybe I was so excited to finally be pregnant that I was sticking out my tummy every chance I got….

Or a combination of the two.

At any rate, to continue my long and meandering update, my sonogram is two weeks from today, when we finally get to find out if it is a Newbie or a Newbette.

…and yes, that’s as far as we are on the naming thing. Of course, Chris is STILL wanting to discuss names and I am STILL refusing. So instead, we have this discussion a lot:

Him: “You know you’re just delaying the inevitable arguments by not discussing it now..”

Me: “No, by waiting until after we find out whether it’s a boy or a girl, I am effectively reducing our number of arguments by FIFTY PERCENT, and you can’t beat that rate of return!!!”

…Because that’s the kind of logic he has to put up with since chose to marry an accountant.

16 thoughts on “Random Pregnancy Updates, and Life Lessons from Glee.

  1. First of all I glad the doctor was able to help you with your ears. I hope they get better soon.

    Secondly, you were not that big at 14 weeks with Ali. Your bump isn't that much bigger.

    Can't wait to find out if it is a newbie or newbette. Although I am not an accountant I agree with you that it is better to wait and therefore cut down on the arguments.

  2. Hope your ears get better fast. You and Chris can avoid all arguments about names by just letting me name Newbie or Newbette.

  3. I've never heard of Glee…am I missing out?

    Glad the dr. visit went well and that you're feeling better!

    You look great!

  4. Ok, you totally suck! No! Not really! I'm just a bit jealous. You look great! I'm definitely much more like you were with Ali than the you today with the addition of pregnancy acne. I think you already have me beat by a long run in "who will look better during football season carrying a huge watermelon." I'm sure you will look like you are carrying one of those small seedless ones, and I'm going to be carrying the gigantic one plus have eaten 12 dozen donuts too many. Oh well! Hopefully I will fair better than that. Hopefully!

  5. You look AWESOME!!! So cute! But I think we need to see a profile shot to judge the sticky-outness of the baby bump. :)

    SO SO glad you are feeling a little better! Hopefully the morning sickness will go away completely very soon.

    And the last part made me laugh, b/c being married to accountant DOES get you a lot of percentages thrown at you. T is constantly saying stuff like, "Don't buy that one, it's 12% more." Scary that he can do math in his head that fast…but helpful too. :)

    P.S. I've never seen Glee but I've heard it's great! I'm waiting for it to come out on Netflix. :)

  6. You look great- in both pics. But what I really want to know is if you're wearing a full sized cami under that criss cross or if you found some sort of relief in a winky or winky-like lifesaver?! Inquiring minds!

  7. Glad you are starting to feel better. With Ella, I threw up every day for 35 weeks. The only positive was the reduced weight gain.

  8. I knew watching Glee was worth it. Life Lessons – ha!

    You are adorable, I agree with whoever said it earlier.

  9. Psuedoephedrine makes me really, really sleepy and loopy. I took some Midol one time with it (the good stuff) and didn't realize it was an ingredient…I was all sorts of happy!

    You look very lovely pregnant. I look like a moo-cow. I am convinced my head now looks 10 too small for my body. And I am only 13 1/2 weeks! Woe is my, I am going to be a whale by the end of summer….

    PS…I love that dress

  10. Sudafed does the opposite to me. I fall asleep. Now Benadryl makes me wired and crazed with shivers up my spine.
    So glad your naseua is getting better. And I completely agree with waiting. No reason to cause that many more arguements. :)

  11. #1. You are gorgeous in both pictures.

    #2. I think it's a boy. I thought Rachel was going to have a boy..after 3 girls. I really did think she was going to have a boy..and she is. On her 3 girls..I knew all 3 were girls.

    #3. Randy and I love Glee. Just thought I'd share that bit of shared randymness with you. ;)
    I kinda wish they wouldn't push the envelope so much..but whatev.
    We love music..we love drama..we love anyone named Rachel. :0

    #4. So happy you are getting relief with your ears. I'm going to try that oldschool medicine. The soundman at church is tired of me saying every Sunday, "I can't hear myself." And, all the girl singers are tired of me saying, "Is is hot in here or is it just me?" Of course, it's me. They are like…your age! Don't they get it..I'm 53?!?
    M. Lambchopper

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