United Mommy’s Union (UMU) New Policies and Announcements August 2011 Dear UMU Members, I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer full of perfectly behaved children who spent their days idyllically reveling in their summer vacations, but are now thrilled to be back in school and studying up a frenzy. Right? We realize […]

United Baby Union: Rule Number One.
Never let go of the Food. EVER. …And this is why there will never be a decent photo of Noah and I together. Ever.

Don’t Mess With The UMU.
Dear Newbie, We need to talk. I know you’re not to the cognitive point where that is really possible yet, but I need you to concentrate really hard and grow a brain because WE NEED TO TALK. You may not be fully aware of this, but there are some specific and finely negotiated agreements between […]

United Mommy’s Union
United Mommy’s Union (UMU) New Policies and Announcements December 2009 Dear UMU Members, Merry Christmas! I understand that at this point, mere days before Christmas, you may not be feeling exactly in the Christmas spirit. Shopping, wrapping, parties, presents, feed-the-whole-family-Christmas-dinner planning, card-making, label-making, crafts with the kids, school functions, kids-are-out-of-school-so-you-can’t-get-as-much-as-usual-done, baking, decorating….it’s enough to substantiate […]

United Toddler’s Union
United Toddler’s Union (UTU) New Policies and Announcements December 2009 To all UTU Members: Hello and congratulations on making it to another December. We know you don’t understand months and calendars and such, but trust us: this is the month that all toddlers dream of. The month where your parents are actually listening closely to […]