Disney is a complicated beast. They create characters so lovable (and widely marketed) that no child can go a day without running into them somehow. In fact, my kid doesn’t go a day without pretending to be at least five of them. In the same day. Repeatedly. And not answering to anything but the particular […]

Dora, The Saint.
There’s a new trend in cartoons this generation, and it kind of freaks me out. Attempted Interactivity. I say attempted because half the time I can barely get my toddler to interact with me while she’s watching TV, let alone the TV itself. Dora does it. Handy Manny does it. Even Mickey Mouse has come […]

The Truth About Cats and Dogs.
Every now and then, I have mentioned my cat, Oreo, whilst blogging. From the comments on those posts, I have become aware of a very interesting phenomenon. People hate cats. They aren’t just “not cat people” like I’m “not a dog person” (and really I’m not that much of a cat person either but that’s […]

A Princess Reality Check.
So now that I have a daughter old enough to be interested in princesses and fairy tales, I’m getting reacquainted with all of the Disney Princesses. It’s so interesting looking at them through the cynical eyes of an adult for the first time, rather than the dreamy-I-want-to-grow-up-and-be-a-Princess-too-and-I-hear-there’s-a-Prince-in-England-about-my-age-I-wonder-how-I-can-go-about-meeting-him? eyes that I had last time I was […]