Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]

Housekeeping: How to Update Your Feed.
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve got my new blog design how I like it (and hopefully how you like it, too.) There are some great features to the new design, like categories up there ^^ and over here >> to help you find what you’re looking for. Also, it’s easier to connect with me via social […]

How to Make Snow Cream Like a Southerner.
So most of you are from places north of here. Every time I ask you to tell me where you’re all from, the most popular states are Wisconsin, Michigan, Idaho, Utah, Washington, and Oregon. Which means that you get about…167 times more snow than we do. Yet. When we do have snow and I mention […]

Treasure Heads.
My Mom has a special sort of Homeschool-Mom-Genius-Gene that I really, really hope I inherited. She was able to expertly turn everything into a learning experience, yet somehow make it extraordinarily fun at the same time. (Okay, most things were fun. Finding my little brother’s dissected frogs in brown paper bags in the fridge was […]

I’m Taking a Sick Day.
And unfortunately, I can’t blame this one on sleepwalking. Bruised bones, compressed tendons, and some awesomely nasty swelling. As soon as I figure out how to effectively type again (and change diapers and carry a baby and fix meals, and, and, and…), I will be sure to share the story. But until then, it’s your […]

Bathing Practices As Indicated in Children: A Scientific Study.
You asked for it, so I’m here to deliver. I collected and analyzed the data that you so generously provided (via this post and on Facebook) regarding the frequency of the bathing of your children. In particular, I collected, where given: Number of children per family, Number of baths per week, And, since so many […]

Invitations and Announcements
As most of you have heard (or rather, read) me talk about over and over and over again until your ears (or rather, eyes) fell asleep from boredom, one of my main motivators in blogging is relationships. There is nothing that excites me more about blogging than to get emails and comments, or better yet, […]

To The One Who Endures Me.
The awesomely wonderful hubby is 35 today. Yes, I’m keeping a close eye on him for any signs of milestone-birthday-crises… but luckily, since he married a (MUCH) younger woman, I’m not worried about being traded in for a newer model (how much newer could there be?!?) – I’m just keeping an eye out on our […]

What Voices of the Year Means to Me.
The first year that I attended a BlogHer conference, it started out as a rough trip. I missed Chris and Ali desperately, found out that I wasn’t very good at travelling alone, and realized that I was WAY too introverted to be at a conference with 1,500 people, 6 of which I knew. By Friday […]

What You’ve Done for Alabama.
If anyone still doesn’t believe that “Internet Friends” are just as real as “In Real Life Friends”, then they’ve never been in a crisis situation. To help with tornado relief, you have ordered over $1,200 of items off of the Christian Service Mission’s Amazon Wish List (you’re part of the reason that UPS had to […]