Last year, Chris and Ali debuted their first Nativity Scene made from Legos. This year, they started earlier, planned better, and enlarged their panorama to encompass the entire city of Bethlehem. However, Lego isn’t exactly a religious company, seeing as how they have custom sets for every possible historical and fictional setting, but not a […]

O Lego Town of Bethlehem…
On the Saturday that I went into labor with Noah, Chris and Ali set out on an epic undertaking, combining Chris’ favorite Daddy activity with the Holiday Season… In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. And everyone went to their own town to […]

Things Found in My Husband’s Lego Box.
Disclaimer: As with “Things Found on my Husband’s iPhone“, my husband is aware of, and okay with, me exposing the depths of his life in this post...or he just knows how to make me happy. As I mentioned briefly at Christmas, Chris’ parents brought him all of his childhood Legos. And believe me, it was […]