My Break From BlogHer.

I have been known to break my nose whilst blogging. I have also been known to visit the emergency room at wee hours due to sleepwalking injuries. I like sticking to a theme. Which is why, I suppose, I took this weekend as an opportunity to break my nose, while sleepwalking, while at a blogging […]

Christmas in July

Way back in the dark ages of December, when I knew that a baby brother and the turmoil that would be sure to follow was imminent, I bought a Gingerbread House and Gingerbread Tree kit to make with Ali – one last hurrah of uninterrupted Mommy/Daughter QT. We made the house four days before Noah’s […]

Yard Bunny

We have, despite our suburb-dwelling ways, what Ali calls “A Friendly Outdoor Pet” named Yard Bunny. YB can be seen in our backyard, side yard, and occasionally even front yard nearly every single day. We have a beautiful symbiotic relationship with her – we love watching her, she loves eating our weeds-that-are-pretending-to-be-grass, and she acts […]

Everything I Learned from Flying (and the Beach) With Two Children.

1. Don’t pack any more than you can carry, by yourself, while holding your baby, because your husband will need to be gone for approximately two eternities while signing paperwork for the rental car. 2. Point number one is completely impossible. Therefore, bring a friend. Two kids versus two parents in an airport is outnumbered, […]

Mysteries of the Deep.

Hi! Noah here. So last weekend, The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy and that guy she hangs around all the time took me to this weird new place. And let me just say – it didn’t taste so hot. It was kind of like the big bathtub I told you about last time, but even […]

Mission: First Car Trip.

The Villain: A normally delightfully happy baby…   …who has a severe disdain for all things vehicular. The Victims: The innocent parental units and The Sibling, who unfortunately is in the nearest proximity to the villain. Luckily, however, The Sibling has superpower capabilities, making her impervious to the agonizing screams of protest. The Mission: Beach.  […]

Gourmet Baby: Yes, I Did Make a Breastmilk Smoothie.

After Noah’s obvious frozen yogurt love last weekend, Chris had an epiphany: I should make Noah his own FroYo, Baby-Kosher-Style. Baby-Kosher-Style = made with frozen breastmilk. Don’t worry – I’m not about to get all crazy.  My byproducts will not be made into breastmilk cheese or anything curdish like that, but the thought of making […]

The Slippery Slope to Pink Hair.

The day started like any other. A random question from Ali at the breakfast table: “Mommy, will you show me what a color wheel is?” So, I did what any Mom would do, and pulled up Google Images. We looked at dozens of different color wheels, talked about primary and secondary colors, and discussed which […]

Millions of Updates, Updates for You.

My blog posts of late have been a confusing tangle of rabbit trails that lead to nothing but loose ends. And I despise loose ends nearly as much as I despise continuity issues. (Such as, why can Tinkerbell make anything fly in the rain but herself?  Even if her wings are wet, couldn’t she just […]

The Ephod and A Godmother’s Magic.

This is what I promised my husband that Noah could wear for his baby dedication: And this is what my husband CHOSE for my son to wear for baby dedication: I’d like to give him the opportunity to explain himself.   So I like to think that I’m a fairly easygoing, reasonable guy. I don’t […]