Answers, Part Three: Everything Else.

In a final dose, here are the answers to the rest of your questions from last week. Kim – Are you going to have a big family or is this it? Or is it too soon to say? Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere? We are pretty sure we’re done at […]

A (Late) National Delurking Day, and Ask Rachel…Most Things.

So I totally missed National Delurking Day this year.  Mainly because on that particular day (I believe it was officially January 14th this year), I had slept all of two hours the night before due to a stomach-virus-plagued four year old, a needing-to-be-fed-constantly three-week-old, and a still-recovering-from-unbelievable-trauma tooth. …Which would have made it the perfect […]

A Few of My (New) Favorite Things.

Thanks to Christmas, new babyness, and other events lately, I’ve run into a few cool new things that are making my daily life easier and more fun. (And, for the record, I was not asked to promote any of these items, nor do the companies mentioned know that I’m writing about them,  They just rock […]

On Having a Social Media Baby: A Review.

As I’m sure you noticed, I made a conscious effort to share my entire pregnancy and birthing experience on social media via blogging, Facebook, and Twitter – at times possibly sharing more than some people wanted to know. I know that some of you thought I was crazy to give social media any attention while […]

Social Media Policy for Labor and Birth

When Ali was born nearly four years ago, I felt like a Social Media Pioneer (even though it would be a couple more years before the term “Social Media” was coined), because I was the first person I knew to nearly-real-time publish birthing information and baby photos on Facebook. And, really, it wasn’t a big […]


Yes, it’s been over 48 hours since I’ve blogged. Yes, I’m going into withdrawals. No, I haven’t had a baby. I’ve just been in transition…. After a few months of agonizing about making The Big Change, a failed attempt at doing it on my own, and a few weeks of working with a great crew […]

Guide to an Enjoyable Conference Experience: for the Introvert.

Pardon me while I make a few sweeping generalizations… Bloggers are a funny breed. Though we probably come off as the world’s biggest extroverts because it appears that we do a lot of talking, pontificating, and social (media) interaction, many of us are really just shy introverts who have found that hiding behind a computer […]

We Interrupt BlogHer for this Very Important Thank You…

The blissfulness of Living in the South often goes underappreciated, both by those who live there and by those who have never had the pleasure. When I have told other people that I’m from Alabama this weekend, I can see the assumptions in their eyes: 130 degrees 365 days of the year, no indoor plumbing, […]


So, last week. I’m still trying to catch my breath from it all… …returning from vacation and trying to get caught up on everything under the sun… …finding out that I was going to be a Mom of a BOY child… …picking out a name for said boy child much quicker than we anticipated… …my […]

An iPhone Apology.

Dear Chris, For all of those times that I marveled at why you were STILL playing on your iPhone even though much more interesting things were going on… For all those times I snarkily laughed and rolled my eyes at all of the $0.99 iTunes charges on your credit card… For all those times where […]