If you ask Ali what she’s going to be when she grows up, she’ll tell you that she’s going to own a bakery (and that she’s an artist). The bakery is a big deal to her, and we have many urgent conversations as to the particulars of running the business, as she’s deeply consumed with […]
Why I Homeschool.
18. If my kid is going to pass notes in class, they’re going to have to be to me. And I DO love getting a good note – especially if it’s creatively folded and contains at least twenty hearts. 17. I like being able to answer the question “When are your kids starting back […]
Science is For the Birds.
My homeschooling strength has never been science – as a student or a teacher. I buy experiment books and we never open them; we read our science book but never put it into practice; I managed to worm my way out of dissections in both high school and college, whereas by the time my younger […]
School Completion Badge: Unlocked.
Let’s talk about what changes between the beginning and the end of the school year. 1. The transition from fully Pinterested-Out, pre-printed and thought-out signs to OHDEARCRAPINEEDTOMAKEASIGN moments that happen approximately 30 seconds before the photo is snapped. (I wouldn’t have even remembered to notate the last day of school with a picture except that […]
Weekending at the Georgia Aquarium {And a Giveaway}
Chris and I have always loved taking one-night date trips to Atlanta, but we’ve never taken the kids to experience the “kid side” of Atlanta. We talk about it…we think about it…but we just don’t get around to it. So when the Georgia Aquarium contacted me and wanted to bring us for a visit so […]
The Circle of Art.
I’ve never told you guys that I’m a model. (I’m in between jobs right now.) (Like, 22 years in between.) But still. It all started with a family portrait when I was a toddler. William Hallmark was a friend of a friend of my parents. He was a teenager at the time, and quickly becoming […]
A Cure for the Common Ant.
“Uh Oh! I dropped an M&M on the ground!” “That’s okay. Just throw it in the bushes. No – wait – why don’t you go put it on top of that ant bed you were looking at a while ago? I bet they would love it.” After all, it was Easter Sunday. Everyone deserves a […]
A Television Reality Check.
So I’m writing this post while sitting on my couch being filmed by my local news. (You can see that I’m not lying and also how bad my typing comes out when typing on a tiny iPad keyboard if you pay real close attention towards the end of this video…) So yes, this was the […]
A Random Reason to Celebrate.
The Hundredth Day of School is entirely a millennial fabrication as far as I can tell, but a much needed one. Because after the climax of the Christmas Season (and, for us, two birthdays), the rest of the winter feels like drudgery – both in school and in weather. So although I am not, on […]
A Tiny Writer’s View of Her Year.
For her past five birthdays, I’ve been writing her birthday posts for her. But she’s seven today. And after keeping a diary for over a year, Ali is now a prolific writer (and, as the year went on, became a creative illustrator) in her own right. (After all, she did tell the bat story better […]