All Girl’s Nights Out should have adventure. Right? Right. A couple of weeks ago, a friend was in from out of town, so that was the perfect excuse that us girls needed to get together. We decided on a restaurant – a fairly fancy Greek one, because I’ve solidly convinced all of my friends of […]

The Turkish Connection.
Whenever I’m in the car alone, if I have the presence of mind to turn off Veggie Tales (and there is nothing like the rage of a mommy when she realizes that she’s inadvertently listened to Veggie Tales alone for half an hour), I turn on Spotify and blow my speakers out in the attempt […]

50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos: Tampa Edition.
So I realize that this series is supposed to be strictly Birmingham restaurants. But I’m a rulebreaker, and we went to Tampa. Therefore, you get a Tampa edition. But really, this is just an excuse to tell you about the most curious restaurant experience we’ve ever had – you won’t want to miss restaurant # […]

Vacation, Greek-Style.
So. I could punish you with a “look at all of my sunset photos and toes in the sand and long walks on the beach” post. But you’ve seen those before, right? Instead, I’m going to introduce you to a little town called Tarpon Springs. It was one of the main reasons we chose Tampa […]

Saganaki: The Journey and The Recipe.
Guest post by Contributing Editor and Chief Husband Chris. I have always tried to be a good sport, a willing participant, and even an Eager Beaver when it comes to Rachel’s family’s Greek cuisine. And so far, I have grown to like everything, with the exception of Kalamata Olives. That’s what Meat Loaf was talking […]

On Prophecies and Swearing.
My Granddad was a giant of a man. I was never that impressed with Fezzik, Gulliver, or Goliath, because they couldn’t measure up to my Granddad’s height and girth. He was born to a Greek Immigrant and a Alabama Woman – a couple who had gotten married before he could speak English or she could […]

A Challenge to Go Greek.
I’m throwing out a challenge for your taste buds. Try something different – try something slightly Greek – and I guarantee* that you’ll love it. This is one of my favorite meals in the vast collection of my family’s recipes – it is beautiful, delicious, and is a unique taste that you’ll crave incessantly. It’s […]

My Greek Home, and a Giveaway!
Friday, for lunch. I was toting both kids and meeting two people. At Nabeel’s, of course – there’s a booth in the back that is basically my own personal conference room. The restaurant was buzzing, people in every dining hall, salads stacked and ready to go out from the open kitchen. (Photo from a slightly […]

The Turkish Connection.
After booking any trip out of town, the first thing that Chris and I do is look for the local Greek restaurant. I was brought up on Greek food – “Yes you will eat lamb, and you will like it!!”, and I adore it with all of my being. And Chris, being that he is […]

Lessons Learned on Easter, Volume Two.
(Last year’s lessons can be found here.) 1. One Year Old Boys have no appreciation for being dragged into the living room by their sister first thing in the morning. … Until they see that there’s something in it for them. They they’re completely on board. …Until they realize they can’t open it on their […]