Once a year, I delve into the murky waters of my Google Analytics search terms. This year, Google sent 128,531 people to my blog via 39,552 different phrases. Somewhere around search term #19,548 I realized that I couldn’t go on – my eyes were crossing and my brain was melting. So for the first year […]

Look and Find, Google-Style.
Once a year, I wade through the Google search terms that have led people here. This year, there were 58,635 people using 17,525 separate search terms that landed them on my blog. (Clearly, I talk about a vast smattering of topics…most of which are ridiculous and unimportant, which happens to be people’s favorite type of […]

When Google is Your Best Friend.
When it comes to Google, I’m starting to realize that I’m horribly rude to him. I don’t make nice conversation, or ask him questions in full sentences. I just treat him like a non-sentient being, type in the most relevant search terms, and hope for the best. However, every time I look at my Google […]

Because I Like to Be Helpful.
You know, I try to be a helpful blogger. If someone asks me a question, I try to answer it. If someone is looking for something, I try to help them find it. But sometimes, people ask questions of Google that lead them to my blog, where they might or might not get their question […]

And I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For…
Go ahead and hate me for getting that U2 song stuck in your head for the rest of the day. It’s in mine too, if that’s any consolation. But besides that, I decided the other day that it was high time to take another look at my Google Search Terms (my first look can be […]

How to get noticed finding a blog.
I always meant to write this post, but then I was reminded of the idea from Stephanie at Red Clay Diaries. Promptly after Steph published her post, BigMama posted one eerily similar. Except not as detailed. I am SURE that she stole the idea from Steph as well. THEN after I had written this post […]