Every year around Easter, I drool all over Facebook and Twitter regarding the subject of Cadbury Mini-Eggs and their heavenly goodness. And every year, people say things like.. “Oh yeah, those chocolate eggs with the yolks in them!!” or “I can’t stand their gooeyness.” or “I didn’t know they made those in a smaller size!” […]
In Which I Became Student Work.
There’s something about having a baby and the following attempts to regain a not-sharing-with-another-human body that makes one want to change things up a bit. Get CRAAAZY. You know, like put on makeup even if one is NOT leaving the house. And wear clothes that aren’t two sizes too big. And especially try something new […]
The Kind of Suckers You Wait Decades For.
It all started sometime in very early elementary school when I had gone over to my cousin’s house after he got out of school. He had just had his Valentine’s party that day, and was loaded down with delicious looking Valentine’s loot attached to Valentine’s cards from all of his classmates. (I wish I’d learned […]
Answers, Part Three: Everything Else.
In a final dose, here are the answers to the rest of your questions from last week. Kim – Are you going to have a big family or is this it? Or is it too soon to say? Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere? We are pretty sure we’re done at […]
Answers, Part Two: Homeschooling.
Disclaimer: Before answering your questions about homeschooling, let me clarify: Any commentary herein is based only on my opinions and my family – please don’t take offense or feeling like I am making any blanket statements about your family. For instance, if I say that I chose to homeschool so that I am able to […]
Answers, Part One: The Accent Project.
You all asked a bunch of awesome questions on last week’s post, and in the attempt to answer them all as thoroughly as possible without having a two-thousand word post, I’ve decided to split my answers up into three posts: 1. The Accent Project, 2. Homeschooling (since the majority of your questions fell into this […]
A (Late) National Delurking Day, and Ask Rachel…Most Things.
So I totally missed National Delurking Day this year. Mainly because on that particular day (I believe it was officially January 14th this year), I had slept all of two hours the night before due to a stomach-virus-plagued four year old, a needing-to-be-fed-constantly three-week-old, and a still-recovering-from-unbelievable-trauma tooth. …Which would have made it the perfect […]
A Few of My (New) Favorite Things.
Thanks to Christmas, new babyness, and other events lately, I’ve run into a few cool new things that are making my daily life easier and more fun. (And, for the record, I was not asked to promote any of these items, nor do the companies mentioned know that I’m writing about them, They just rock […]
On How to Diaper a Newborn.
Fact of the Day: Newborn Diapering is a completely different pooventure than diapering an older baby. And, although many pre-baby people have changed a diaper at some point in their life, chances are, they haven’t had the privilege of changing a NEWBORN’S diaper. Or, maybe you’re post-baby, but you’ve just forgotten some of the intricacies […]
12 Lessons Learned From A Dreaded Fake Labor Adventure.
So we finally did it last night. After months of contractions that equated to the level of intensity that my “real” contractions were with Ali but NOT calling in for fear of making The Dreaded and Shameful Fake Labor Hospital Trip, and after an especially intense day and evening with contractions starting at 1:30pm and […]