Treasure Heads.

My Mom has a special sort of Homeschool-Mom-Genius-Gene that I really, really hope I inherited.  She was able to expertly turn everything into a learning experience, yet somehow make it extraordinarily fun at the same time. (Okay, most things were fun.  Finding my little brother’s dissected frogs in brown paper bags in the fridge was […]

The More You Know…

(Alternately titled, “More Than You Wanted To Know…”) Last week, I opened the floor for questions. A few of you had them, so I’m here to answer. Eva asked, how many siblings do you have? were you home schooled for your whole school years? I have two brothers – JC is 2 1/2 years older […]

The Gyrobowl: Smarter Than A Baby?

Hi World – It’s Noah, back as a guest blogger again! (Did ya miss me??) I know, I know.  I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to, but I’m far too busy in my evil plot to destroy all of The Servant’s electronic devices to actually sit down and use one. (Hey – […]

Bathing Practices As Indicated in Children: A Scientific Study.

You asked for it, so I’m here to deliver. I collected and analyzed the data that you so generously provided (via this post and on Facebook) regarding the frequency of the bathing of your children. In particular, I collected, where given: Number of children per family, Number of baths per week, And, since so many […]

Dr Pepper TEN: An Investigative Report.

On our trip to Atlanta last weekend, Chris and I were introduced, via the ripe discovery grounds of a Quickie Mart, to Dr Pepper TEN. Being an avid Diet Drink Hater up until this year, I’m still trying to discover ones that I can stomach, and possibly even enjoy.  And Dr Pepper TEN was delicious […]


Ali is infinitely more interested in learning if it’s happening on an electronic device.  (I have NO idea where she gets her geekiness.) After seeing her excel greatly in schooling while using apps on my iPhone, we bought an iPad as an investment in our homeschooling future.  Obviously, there are still many things that we […]

The Final Weigh-In.

Six short months ago, two people sat on the couch. One, a woman in her late 20s, two kids down the road, feeling antsy about how to get rid of the baby weight. The other, a man in his mid-30s, who had been stuck in a continuously yo-yoing range of chubby to walrus since the […]

Reluctantly Pinspired.

So.  Pinterest. At first, I hated it.  For me, Pinterest equated to this BIG HUGE GIANT snowball o’ guilt. In the early days of The World Domination of Pinterest, it appeared that it’s most common use was going to be for home decorating – to show all of these amazingly and perfectly coifed rooms with […]

A Denim Discovery of Profound Importance.

The battle against Mom Jeans is a constant one – something that we all have to be ever-vigilant about. It was, I’m ashamed to say, a battle I myself was losing less than a decade ago. Perhaps this is what fueled my fire to take such a strong stand against it. Much evidence of my […]

The Complications of Riding a Roomba.

Several months ago, Chris introduced me to the fabulous YouTube trend that is the sport of combining a Roomba, a Bumbo, and a Baby. It was brilliant. It was hilarious. And I was jealous that I hadn’t thought of it. (I mean, with names like Bumbo and Roomba, why didn’t I realize the obvious destiny […]