For a two-year-old boy, Noah has very strong opinions about fashion, especially since his sister at two didn’t seem to be aware that she was even wearing clothes. But my son’s tastes are exquisite, specific, and a non-negotiable. As such, I decided to let him have his own video column to share his wisdom. So […]
You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere.
So yesterday, we began. Noah was slightly perturbed about being labeled as a troublemaker on the first day, But he couldn’t deny that there was just cause for that assumption. And no, I didn’t take a “first day of school” picture last year with which to compare these. And yes, that fact does indeed eat […]
Where I’ve Been This Summer.
My symptoms first started in June. For a couple of nights in a row, when laid down to go to sleep, I had chest pain, pressure that felt like my lungs were collapsing, and a lot of trouble breathing. Naturally, these symptoms also kept me from sleeping well. I first went to the Doc in […]
Mooning Birmingham.
Every now and then in various skylines and stories about my city, the subject of Vulcan comes up. And without fail, one or more of you ask: “Why does Birmingham have the world’s largest cast iron butt overlooking itself?” Okay maybe you don’t ask it quite like that because maybe you didn’t know that Vulcan […]
How to Take and Edit Powerful iPhone Photos
So you might have noticed that I’ve been on a bit of a photography bender lately. Mostly sunsets, with a few kids thrown in. All of my recent photos have been taken with my iPhone, and not my big, fancy DSLR with a bigger, even fancier lens. In fact, I didn’t even get it out […]
50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos, Round Four.
To recap, I’m on a mission to visit fifty restaurants I’ve never been to and report back to you with honest reviews and crappy photos. Prior research can be found here, here, here, and here. 11. 26. It would have been much more literary had I waited for restaurant #26 to visit 26, but […]
(Pan)Cake Balls: The Breakfast/Dessert Mash-Up.
About six months ago, he asked for “Burnt Butter Pancake Cake Pops” for his next Birthday. Something that, as far as I can tell, did not exist – but he’s a dreamer. I laughed at him and reminded him what happened the last time I attempted cake pops. I’m pretty sure that his Utopian vision […]
Legoland: On Making a Theme Park for Introverts.
Legoland. The day we heard it was being built in Florida sent chills through our spine. My husband was born to be a Legogineer (if only we wouldn’t have to move to Denmark) and has trained both of our children in the appreciation and art of the Lego craft. Ali can build a Lego set […]
On Sustaining a Cacao Habit: A Guide to Artisan Chocolate.
So I know that I was really mean, cruel, and otherwise horrible to you guys a few weeks ago. You know, when I dangled my discovery of artisan chocolate in your faces. Without giving you any advice on how to satiate your new need unless you live in Atlanta or Asheville. (And as far as […]
The Economics of Denim.
My inbox stays constantly packed with emails of butts in jeans. Texts of butts in jeans. Questions about butts and jeans. I suppose when one is willing to show the world photos of their own butt in dozens of pairs of jeans in multiple posts over five years, people feel comfortable sharing their own butt […]