This is a blog series in which I am working my way through 50 restaurants that I’ve never been to before – mostly in Birmingham, but I break my own rules quite often. For the rest of the series, click here. 24. Brick & Tin Brick & Tin is one of those super-hip, locally-sourced, downtown, […]

50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos, Round Six.
‘Tis the season for eating out – I declare it. Because who has time to cook? I’m far too busy addressing envelopes for my Christmas cards that haven’t arrived yet and panicking about their ship date. So anyway. Let’s move on to food. 21. Avo & Dram The first thing I need to tell you […]

50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos: Round Five.
Okay. So I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from my mission to blog about fifty new restaurants in Birmingham – not because I haven’t been keeping up with my habit of eating out too often, but because I’ve visited a lot of mediocre restaurants. And mediocre restaurants do not an interesting blog post make […]

50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos, Round Four.
To recap, I’m on a mission to visit fifty restaurants I’ve never been to and report back to you with honest reviews and crappy photos. Prior research can be found here, here, here, and here. 11. 26. It would have been much more literary had I waited for restaurant #26 to visit 26, but […]

The Outtake.
Just because I have a vision, a dream, a calling even, to visit fifty new restaurants this year, does not mean that my children have the same sense of seriousness and urgency regarding this ever-important quest. And as such, they might, in their own unintentional (or perhaps not) way, occasionally hijack the process. One such […]

50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos: Round Three.
For a quick recap, the purpose of this series is to eat at fifty restaurants that I’ve never visited before in and around Birmingham (although I’ve been known to break my own rules.) Feel free to catch up with Round One and Round Two. Although we usually eat local, chains aren’t against the rules, and […]

50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos: Tampa Edition.
So I realize that this series is supposed to be strictly Birmingham restaurants. But I’m a rulebreaker, and we went to Tampa. Therefore, you get a Tampa edition. But really, this is just an excuse to tell you about the most curious restaurant experience we’ve ever had – you won’t want to miss restaurant # […]

50 Restaurants in Crappy Photos: Round One.
We usually eat out at least a couple of times a week (if not embarassingly more often) and due to an extreme preference for the atmosphere and the food, almost all of those meals are at local restaurants. Birmingham has an astoundingly robust local dining scene, so there are always plenty of options. But although […]