another weird analogy that hit me the other day. . .
Toddlers are like Nintendo Games.
Like for instance – you know if you say “do you want to eat?”, that no matter how much she was ignoring you, she will stop, drop whatever she has, run to you, and say, “EEEEEEEAT!! HUNGRY!!!”. It’s as powerful as having the fireballs in Mario (which I much prefer to the feather – I know – we play too many video games to be parents. But the Wii is just so much fun!)
But sometimes, accidentally, you happen upon a secret level that you had no idea existed, and its an “AHHH!!” moment.
Hopefully this analogy wasn’t quite as hard to understand as Chris’ infamous “Onion of Purity” analogy.
Maybe it’s still my slight fever talking.
The Pros and Cons of Mommy being Sick
I woke up feeling really weird this morning. First of all, I woke up with a bad headache, and I never get headaches. I don’t like headaches. It is the one sort of pain that I have no tolerance for. I would rather slash my hand on the dresser in my sleep ten times in one night than to have a headache.
So of course I immediately took four Tylenol. I went downstairs to try to get a little work done before Ali woke up, and began pouring sweat and burning up hot. Since our air conditioning likes to freeze up sometimes, I first checked the thermostat. It was where it should be. After spending another 30 minutes getting Ali up (no work done for Mommy!) and trying desperately to find a thermometer (where DO they all go when you need one?!), I finally took my temp and had a medium grade fever, but that was after Tylenol had been in my system for an hour.
So I fed Ali, and by then felt unbelievably sleepy.
So I broke one of my “rules” and let Ali watch VeggieTales in the morning (Note Pro #1). I usually save it for the afternoon when we’re getting anxious for Daddy to get home, and I try not to let her watch one every day. You don’t want veggies rotting the brain, you know.
As she was watching it and I was laying on the couch, and was seriously afraid I was going to fall asleep. So then I was strategizing on what would happen if I put her back in her crib for a little bit so I could sleep because I literally didn’t think I could stay awake!
So I tried a new strategy and got us ready and we went to do errands. You always feel better when you’re out and about, right? So we went to Lifeway and Target and Staples. By the time we got to Staples, I realized that I was not any less sleepier, and I was being less patient than usual with Ali’s issue of demanding loudly everything that she wants (Note Con #1).
So I gave up in Staples and headed home, after veering through the McDonalds drivethru to get a LARGE COKE to try and wake up (did you know that all of their drinks are $1 regardless of size right now??). I wasn’t such a great driver, but we made it.
Got home, fed Ali lunch, and put her down for her nap. The coke had helped a little, so I really tried to get some much needed work done. After getting the most important work done, I decided that I would have to do it – take a nap. So I laid down, and after an hour I THINK I woke up a little and turned on the monitor to check on Ali and she was up (remember her quirk – she never fusses when she wakes up because she really likes staying in bed). Myself remembering her quirk and deciding to take advantage of it in my half-sleep-stupor, turned off the baby monitor and fell back asleep for an hour (Not sure if Ali would call this a pro or con, since she loves staying in bed). All of this is not verifiable fact due to my sleepwalking/dreaming habits. I’m never sure what’s real and what’s not when I’m asleep.
I jumped out of bed an hour later, really hoping that maybe Ali had fallen back asleep. I heard her about 10 minutes later, so I really don’t know if she had or had not fallen back asleep. But she certainly didn’t seem upset at me when I came and made her get out of bed.
So now, since I’m still feeling pretty exhausted, Ali is watching her
So, all in all, I think me being sick has worked out well for her!
I have no idea what’s wrong with me – I have no other symptoms, except dizziness. Hopefully it will clear up by tomorrow and I’ll get back to better blogging!
Speaking of better blogging, here’s a picture that has nothing to do with anything in this blog, I just have a certain reader (ahem) that complains if I post a blog without pictures. So maybe tomorrow, my blog and my picture will even go together!!
Red Mountain Music
This totally cracked me up this morning.
This is a promo podcast for Red Mountain Music, a local group (who happens to travel all over the US and Canada) that rewrites music to rarely heard or used hymns. Ashley (for reference, AJ’s Mom) is their lead singer (have I ever mentioned Ashley has a bazillion dollar voice?). Anyway, here’s their, umm. . . “promotional” material:
My "Blook" has Arrived!!!
I am officially published!!! My blog book of the first 100 posts to my blog arrived today. I am soooo excited!! This is the first of many, which is going to be such a great library of memories for us and for Ali! For more information on what I did and on Blurb, the company I used to publish it, click here.
Here’s the cover and binding:The back cover:
And some sample pages:
“Name it and Claim it” and “Sleepyhead and Sour Cream“:“Kiss Me, I’m Irish!“
Somewhere in the middle of my favorite blog ever, “Baby Tips“
“G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S” and “Flowers“
“Sleepover!” and “Having Fun“:
“Bubbles, Salt . . . “Overall, I am very happy with it. It is a nice thick hardback, good heavy paper, and very nicely done. The pictures are not quite as crisp as I had hoped, but I was equally disappointed at picture quality when I ordered the Creative Memories Photo Albums, so I guess this is a universal book printing quirk. They are still good, though. I know better now how to go about my second book – what formats look best, etc. But #1 took a WHILE to get right, so I think I’ll take a little publishing break before I start #2!!!
Now that I have the weight of the book in my hands, I cannot believe that I wrote 144 pages in under 3 months!! And I have written at least that over again since! If you had told me last year that I would have written 300 pages worth of blogs in 5 months, I would have thought you were crazy!! But I really have fallen head over heels in love with blogging. It’s the perfect creative, yet objective outlet for me.
For any of the Grandparents (or anyone else, but it would be QUITE presumptuous to think that anyone else would want it, even with my “allowable” thoughts of grandeur and popularity!!) who are interested in having their own copy, it can be purchased here from Blurb, the publisher.
Accessory Queen
Ali is definitely an accessories girl. She insists on either a hairbow or pigtails every day (it changes each day, but it’s usually a hairbow), she loves shoes, and she points out everyone’s jewelry and says “preeetty”, or even “gugeous” if it’s really nice.
She definitely did not get her accessorizing skills from her Mommy. I do love earrings, but other than that, it’s rare to catch me with a ring (other than my wedding rings), bracelet, or necklace. I have one purse that I use regardless of whether it matches (usually doesn’t), and I really hate sunglasses and belts. I’m sure that it won’t be too long before she is giving me accessory advice.
Sooner than I think, probably.
Friday night, we went to Academy for Daddy to get some MUCH needed new “at home” shorts (his others had a nice rip up the side that showed off a good foot and a half of his stylish boxers).
Ali was energetic, and since I wasn’t laden down with a grocery cart or a stroller and didn’t need to do any shopping, I decided to let her walk while Daddy shopped. I stayed a step behind her, and she just took off (never even looking back to make sure I was there!). This is the first time that she has just been “loose” in a store to go where SHE wanted to go, and she had an absolute blast!!
She was on a walking mission. She and I made at least 12 laps around that store besides all of the walking we did amongst the store. She would point in the direction she was headed and saying “dis way”, going in between racks, underneath racks, saying “hey” to random strangers, pointing out known objects like trash, balls, upstairs (the ladder), chairs, hats, and PURSES.
By the time our walk was done, she had a little purse on each arm and was SO happy about it. At one point, on approximately our fourth lap in the shoe department, she walked up to a Mom and her two daughters, pointed and said “purse!!”, and walked off. She also found a mirror, and pointed to her two purses with her opposite hands and said “purses” with a grin the size of Texas. She was so proud!
So Ali got to add to her accessory reportroire – her first purse. She took it to Church with her on Sunday, and I have a feeling that she really enjoyed showing off all of her accessories to AJ, Amelia, Ellie and Averi. However, Hopefully (for his Daddy’s sake), Nathaniel wasn’t interested.
Yup, between her love of accessories and Sephora Magazine obsession, I have quite the girly girl.
JC and the kiddos
I took a few pics at Sunday lunch today, and after the fact realized that they were all of JC. Hmm. . .maybe he was fishin’ to make it on my blog. I know, doubtful, but it’s my blog – I can have visions of grandeur and popularity if I want to!!
Here’s JC with Ali and Eli. . . it’s been quite a while that Ali has sat so still for so long. . . not sure if it’s the “Cousin Eli effect” or “Uncle JC effect”. Or, maybe it was the “I’m up past my naptime effect”.After lunch comes. . . naptime!!
You know how some people are so unique that it makes you say, “now THAT person is quirky!!!”?
Well, I would like to announce to all of you, that you are ALL quirky.
Before you freak out and leave me angry comments, let me say that quirks aren’t a bad thing – they are what make us unique. They are just the ways in which we view and approach life differently than most people.
Chris and I were discussing some very quirky friends of ours (sorry, no names) late one night, and due to the lateness of the hour, meandered into the conversation of “who do we know that isn’t quirky at all?” So we started naming everyone we could think of . . . friends, family, acquaintances, etc, and could name a quirk for every single one of them!! Yup, we couldn’t think of a single quirk-less person in the whole world!!
Now, I’m not going to “out” our friends and family’s quirks, but some of our (many) quirks include:
Rachel: obviously my love and affection for all things accounting, budgeting, numbers, and SPREADSHEETS; my extreme perfectionism and fear of doing anything in front of anyone until I can do it perfectly (examples include that I played guitar for several years before I played in front of ANYONE but my teacher and my Mom and by the time I actually played for anyone else, I was good enough that my first performance was a solo in church, and also that I never learned how to dive because it’s not exactly something that you can learn without anyone seeing, unless you have your own pool); my complete inability to sleep without any covers on (It feels completely unsafe for some unknown reason); and while we’re on the topic of sleep, how about my sleepwalking quirk?!!? And I’m sure that about 75 of the 100 random things about me would qualify as quirks.
Chris: He wears shorts ALL YEAR ROUND, even to work; His obsession with everything being “just so” (examples: I never help him set up chairs in Sunday School because He will come behind me and adjust each chair by as little as a millimeter, and every night he cracks our bedroom door by the exact same measurement – enough to let the cat in, but shut enough to not disturb Ali. If I move the door, whether he sees me do it or not, he WILL adjust it. He never complains about me messing up things, he just fixes it); and his complete obsession with looking at real estate magazines (especially when we’re on vacation).
Ali (yes, even Ali is quirky, poor thing. She didn’t have a chance since she has such quirky parents): She doesn’t like to get out of bed!! It’s so weird – I’m pretty sure that she would lay happily in her bed all day long if I would let her. I will go get her, and she will dive into the other corner of the bed and say “bye bye!”. I think she’s just playing with me, but sometimes I wonder. . . ; and her whole overly-cautious thing – how she refused to walk until my Dad told her to, then walked perfectly. Oh yes – and her favorite foods are vegetables. She yells for cooked broccoli. And tomatoes. And cooked carrots. She definitely did NOT get this trait from her Father.
Our House: We LOVE our house, but what house doesn’t have quirks? Our house’s quirks are that all of the plumbing runs through the living room walls, which is the farthest room from any plumbing fixtures, so every time a toilet flushes or a sink comes on, it is really loud in the living room. And the stairs – my goodness the stairs. We have THE CREAKIEST stairs in the whole wide world.
Oreo: For a while, she actually liked walking on a leash. Also, one of her favorite past times is licking people. I guess her quirk is that she thinks she is a dog.
OK – your turn!! What are your quirks? Or your kids’ or your spouse’s? And yes, you can point out more of our quirks if you like, as long as you’re nice. ;)
another bloggy birthday celebration!
I like celebrations, so I’m going to have one every 100 posts!! And. . . . .
It’s my 200th blog post! Since I missed celebrating on my 100th blog, I celebrated on my 150th blog by giving you, my beloved readers, a chance to introduce yourselves and “blog within my blog”. It was tons of fun, and everyone enjoyed reading about each other, so I decided to do it again for anyone who didn’t get in on the fun at 150!! Who knows, if it goes well again, maybe it
will be an “every 100 blogs” tradition! After all, it is all of you who keep me motivated to blog (thank you very, very much!!).

Just in case you didn’t notice. . . .
My new blog design is installed!! It’s quite a bit brighter and happier now, don’t you think??
Thanks so much to Judi at Doodlebug Designs for being patient with my picky-ness and concern about the smallest details – you did a great job, and super quick!!! It was a very fun process!