Football season has officially arrived.

Oh – you already noticed, huh? Me too.

I actually have not attended a game yet – Chris took Ali on a date to the first one, and the second was an away game.  But my time will come – yes, my time will come.

We have, on the other hand, started watching the sport in plenteous quantities.  And, if you ask my husband, it’s not really watching football unless there’s pork involved.  Which takes a LOT of time at the grill for Chris.

So when Pig of the Month contacted me and wanted us to try their BBQ (and give some away to you), I could nearly feel the hours my husband’s of prep and grilling time fall back into my lap.


Pig of the Month is a family owned business that treats Bar B Que with the same regard and passion that I treat Greek Food: they try it in every city they visit.  After scouring the country for the best, they opened up their own business, right  from their kitchen! They’ve brought together the best tastes of the country, and are now shipping them to BBQ lovers everywhere!

They have awesome gift options, including, you guessed it – a Pig of the Month Package.

(Think Christmas Vacation Jelly of the Month Club – except a gift that would actually thrill the male race!!)

But besides their monthly packages, they have many other special and customizable packages of ribs, pulled pork, sauces, sides – you name it!

Their package arrived at my doorstep, and I excitedly opened it, knowing that a gift of this magnitude was going to make me Wife of the Year when Chris got home.

I appreciated their thoroughness: including the Moist Towelettes was a nice touch.


But besides the cleanup accessories, they included everything we needed for a football feast: Pulled Pork, a rack of ribs, and extra sauce.

All that Chris and I had to do was warm it  up – a glorious change, if you ask me!!

The pulled pork was my favorite – it was tender, extremely juicy, and had a wonderful sweet taste to it.  The ribs were awesome also – smoky, spicy, and tender.  I didn’t need the extra sauce, but Chris tried it and loved it – he said it was thin, sweet, and spicy.  It reminded him of a long-ago discontinued BBQ sauce of his youth, and he informed me that we’d be ordering more soon.

Would you like some pork delivered to your doorstep?

If so, Pig of the Month has offered to send one of you their tailgating special!

This package includes everything you’ll need for a fabulous feast:

  • FOUR racks of Texas Style Ribs,
  • A big Bottle of BBQ sauce,
  • and TWO pounds of pulled pork.
  • And, of course, Moist Towelettes.

If you would like to win this awesome Package of Pig, simply comment on this post and tell me what your favorite football (or football-aversion) tradition is!

If you’d like extra entries, you can get up to four of them by:

  • Liking Pig of the Month on Facebook.
  • Following Pig of the Month on Twitter.
  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway.
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

This giveaway is open until Monday, September 26th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, September 27th.

Good luck!!

322 thoughts on “Pig of the Month – Giveaway!

  1. I’m not a big football fan, but I love going to the game during my college Homecoming weekend, and as an ex-band nerd, I LOVE watching the half-time shows.

  2. I have to admit I am not a big college football watcher (although when I do it is usally Alabama,don’t tell my UF friends and coworkers.) But I am a big NFL Green Bay Packer fan and watcher. I love BBQ but for Packer games it is all about the grilled Bratwursts, so I usually have those on opening home game weekend.

    No I have never actually attended a game, although I have seen them practice and I am not from Wisconsin but my best friend is however I have been a Packer fan since I was a little girl. I think it is because they are owned by the people of Green Bay.

  3. My favorite football aversion is Christmas shopping during the Iron Bowl. It’s the best time to actually be able to get into the Galleria in the post-Thanksgiving madness.

  4. I love how football season gives you a reason to get together with friends and eat and drink to your hearts’ content… every week! Also, watching football games makes me feel like my husband and I are dating again – I get to ask silly questions like “Which one is the touchdown guy?” and he plays along (even though I def. know the rules of the game, for the most part).

    We’ve been sorely missing bbq since moving from Texas earlier this year – we would love some good BBQ!!

    We are probably the only people in the world not on Facebook or Twitter, or else I would follow you there too!

  5. My favorite football tradition would either have to be (a) tailgating with my hubby’s fam @ the Auburn games (complete with lots of good food, of course!) or (b) sitting around all Sunday afternoons, me and my hubby, laptops in hand, flipping through all the NFL games and watching our fantasy football scores. Yes, there were a shameful amount of football-watching hours in my life last weekend…Including Thursday AND Monday!

  6. We are definitely a football family. My favorite tradition (for the past two years) is every Thursday we have dinner at the field for my son’s 8 year old team. All the families get together and we bring dishes for everyone to enjoy. Moms, Dads, siblings, even grandparents get in on the action. Everyone knows you have one night off from cooking and the boys have a great time. Saturday is little league games and college games and then Sunday is pro!

  7. Actually I didn’t know football season had started! Which probably seems crazy to you. :) I am glad my husband is not a huge football fan. Although baseball is another story.

    The Pig of the Month thing sounds really cool! T is always trying new grilling recipes but it seems like he is never satisfied with how it turns out. This would definitely be easier!

  8. We love college football in our house! Since we are a House Divided (my husband being an Auburn fan and me being an Alabama fan) it gets very interesting at the end of the season for the Iron Bowl. However, we are both great at supporting each other’s teams (we support all schools in Alabama!) throughout the rest of the year :)

  9. ooo, we LOVE football and Barbecue!!

    This is not so much a tradition (at least I hope not) but when my husband and I were dating we went to 3 or 4 Auburn games during the fall and it RAINED at EVERY game. Of course, all the games we watched from the comfort of inside were sunny and dry! oh well…

    What a great give-a-way!

  10. Football is my favorite season. We have a new tradtion now that my oldest is in high school. It is games all weekend and WE LOVE IT!!!!


  11. Oh good gravy! BBQ subscriptions by mail, who da thunk that?

    My husband is an Alabama alumni, my brother is an Auburn alumni. Its pretty crazy around our house during college football season. I try to stay out of the fallout area of the football crazies.

  12. Dude, now I totally NEED some delicious pork…. lol, I think my favorite (only?) football tradition is feigning polite interest as other people discuss it in depth while secretly wishing I actually cared.

  13. Football season has the best weather (although I do enjoy summer) and gives a great excuse to hang out with good friends and eat good food! Tailgating is tons of fun (and better in the South than the Pacific NW). And this year will give me a new reason to love football season when our first son is born! =)

  14. And I Facebooked (?) about your wonderful giveaway. (I am on a mission to educate the NW about BBQ…..they think BBQ is burgers or steaks on a grill….soooooo different! They also think sweet tea is adding splenda to unsweet iced tea. =( I miss the South!)

  15. I like BBQ a lot more than football but they do complement each other.
    Football is more fun watching it with friends on TV or in person.

  16. Favorite football tradition is one I will never have again. Watching the Bengals play with my mother and giving up on them and then going to pick up KFC cause they are so horrible and would never come back. We laid her to rest today. I miss her. But that is one of my favorite football traditions. I love you mom (Dannie L. Eggers, July 2 1944 – September 11 2011) By the way the Bengals won the Sunday game the day she died We Beat Cleveland!

  17. Our tradition is the wings. We still cook them and have had many friends ask for the recipe. One friend cooked them tonight for LSU vs. MSU.

  18. My favorite football tradition is tailgating by UT stadium with friends or hanging with my old man watch Dallas Cowboys games. :)

  19. I LOVE football season and everything that comes with it. Tailgating, football parties, Fall, fall weather, holiday season, etc. My hubs is a huge Green Bay Packers fan and I’m a huge Bama fan, so this would be perfect to throw a party :)

  20. Before my boys were old enough to participate in sports, we use to love to tailgate. But now that our lives revolve our own children playing sports (and that sport isn’t football, but soccer), we really don’t get to enjoy football like we use too. Boy do I miss the days of tailgating!!

  21. What a great giveaway!!! I’ve never heard of this, but it sounds seriously awesome. We almost never eat pork because we get beef from our folks, but I do miss the pulled pork. (Actually, since I’m Hawaiian I make an Island version of pulled pork called Kahlua Pig, but it’s very similar.)

    Hope I win!

    (Plus with being pregnant and constantly tired I would look like a superstar if I pulled a meal out like that one, lol!)

  22. (And I “liked” them on Facebook too. I wonder how that will look on my profile. Yup, first Facebook entry: “I’m Pregnant”. Second Facebook entry: “Rachel likes Pig of the Month.” On for you, dear friend, only for you!)

  23. As an Auburn fan , I must say my favorite is rolling Toomer’s Corner. I am so excited about football season this year, my children are going to attend their very first Auburn game!

  24. We have family and friends over for a cookout and watch football.
    There is always tons of good food . My husband makes the best chili
    everyone really likes it. That is our tradition.

  25. Our favorite football tradition is taking turns going over friends house for Monday Night Football and everyone brings something to eat for a potluck dinner.
    Thanks so much.

  26. Our family looks forward to Sunday afternoon football while snacking on chips and dips. The halftime show has always been a favorite of mine too.

  27. My favorite football tradition is of course the superbowl sunday pig out. It’s really the only game we watch all year, and we throw all our ideas about carloies and nutrition out the window and just indulge in our worst food desires!
    blue65829 at aol dot com

  28. My favorite football tradition is going out Sunday afternoons to watch the game at a local pub with my husband and some friends.

  29. I love making all the treats on game day, I may not know what’s going on in the football game, but I know what’s going on in the kitchen!

  30. Football season is about one three things tailgating, tailgating and more tailgating in Tuscaloosa and any thing cooked on a smoking CHARCOAL grill. Chris’s wing are always a favorite even for a person who is not a big chicken fan. The thin, sweet, and spicy BBQ sauce of his youth was “Ole South” brand distributed by Pik Nik Brands in Montgomery, AL and sold only at Winn-Dixie, I have looked for it for years and the closest thing I have found is the original BBQ sauce at Carliles BBQ on 6th Ave S in Birmingham. ROLL TIDE.

  31. I have been an avid reader of your blog for like a year and a half (or more now)! I just wanted to say that I love reading your blogs! Then I copy and paste my favorites and share with my family…. needless to say they get a lot of emails.

    Anyways, I would love to enter for my chance to win this awesome package. We are huge Auburn fans (that better not get me kicked out of the contest LOL) and every year we have a tradition of grilling a pig for the Arkansas game. This would be a perfect oppurtunity for us to try something new at this years 10th Annual Razorback BBQ!

  32. I love barbeque, but not football. If we have friends in (or go to friends’ homes), I spend time with the other anti-game wives. If he’s watching at home alone, I like to go to the mall (even if I’m just window-shopping).

  33. My favorite Football tradition is having the whole family over to watch the A&M vs. University of Texas game the day after Thanksgiving.

  34. Going to the ‘big rivalry’ game – wherever we live and wherever we vist there’s always one big hige-energy game.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  35. Can’t stand football! Hated it since I was a kid and Dad took over the TV to watch football on Sundays. Things have changed, more TVs, more nights of football but I still hate it. Now BBQ…that’s another story! Bring on the BBQ!


  36. Big pro ball fans here. Our tradition is to plop our butts down and enjoy the day with family, friends, and good food and snacks. During football season, if anyone DARES to touch the TV remote on a Sunday, they had better have a good escape plan, cause their name is mud! We start getting our goodies together in the morning so we don’t have to leave the living room, except for potty breaks and resupplying the snack trays, for the rest of the day. ;) Thanks.

  37. My favorite football tradition is the parties that come along with watching the games… I love making huge pots of chili but that’s just the start. :-)
    Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

  38. Our favorite football tradition is having all the kids over to house for the Gators games and having a big cookout in the back yard and everyone wearing there favorite Gator shirts. Like on FB and thanks for the great sweep. Hope to win :)

  39. Our family puts on out Cowboys tee and order our Cowboys special pizza and get in front of the tube for the Sunday game.

  40. Favorite football season tradition is the Sunday neighborhood party. Our neighbor has an older big screen that he has in his garage and several families come over for the whole day. Gives us a chance for everyone to get together, get the kids playing and have a great time.

  41. How Favorite Football Tradition is Tailgate with our neighbors in the development and then go in to watch the games on TV.


  42. We are one football crazy household….after years of losing, the lions are starting to win again. Did you happen to catch today’s game?????? We also has a family represent 4 different colleges, so it gets ugly during game time. pass the football and enjoy

  43. Strangely enough it’s the females in our family who are football fans. My sons, not so much. I love college and NFL. I love to see the balloons released in Memorial Stadium when the Huskers get their first touchdown.

  44. Not a huge football fan however I do keep up with it, Love the Super bowl as well. Its great to have all the family around to spend time with and watch the game.
    ericka082 at gmail dot com

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