The battle against Mom Jeans is a constant one – something that we all have to be ever-vigilant about.

It was, I’m ashamed to say, a battle I myself was losing less than a decade ago. Perhaps this is what fueled my fire to take such a strong stand against it. Much evidence of my own shameful defeat can be found in the photo archives of my computer, where I can be seen breaking many rules I later made it my job to document.

Wanna see?

Sad, no? If you could see the bottom of those jeans, you would even see a (gasp) tapered, too short leg.

But over the past few years, I’ve made great strides in reclaiming territories of Mom Jean Warfare.

But it doesn’t come without it’s price.

In the process, I’ve become an addict.

An addict to designer jeans.

They just make the fight so easy – they’re flattering, comfortable (SO soft), stylish, long-lasting… they’re ALMOST worth their ridiculous price tag.

But they’re not.

So I scour the department stores, searching tirelessly for those few mysterious pairs of jeans that made it to the clearance racks. Then I breathlessly peer at the labels, just HOPING that they’ll be my size.

Usually, I am unsuccessful in my shopping endeavors. I leave, sadly empty-handed, no denim attained. But every now and then, I find an amazing deal, and I am able to wear my glorious jeans guilt-free.

Which is why I am nearly giddy over a discovery that I made this summer: Vault Denim.

Vault goes around buying up all of the overstocks of designer jeans (possibly the reason it’s become harder for me to find them), and then sells them, 50% off, at in-home parties.

At first, the in-home party thing scared me away. I am just not an in-home party kind of girl – my inner anti-salesman-introvert gets to feeling all awkward and squirmy.

But I finally had an epiphany: for those of us who buy designer denim, this type of in-home party is ANYTHING but awkward – it is heaven.

And for those who have always wanted to buy designer denim but didn’t want to pay the price, it’s a perfect opportunity to test it out and see if it really is all that.

So, although I’m not brave enough to become a Vault consultant (too much introverted-anti-salesman squirminess), I am co-hosting a Vault party – because, honestly, I want the chance to buy some jeans!

…co-hosting with the help of my Mom Jeans cohort Lydia, of course. Kind of like an Anti-Mom-Jeans reunion of sorts. Except this time, you’re ALL invited!!

Before you start feeling all awkward inside about the in-home party, let me just say that I get NOTHING out of your buying jeans at this party or coming to the party. I, in fact, will be purchasing my own jeans as well – I just thought that the idea of mixing my favorite subject of denim with an excuse to throw a party (and hopefully get to hang out with some of you) was a really awesome combination.

So, if you’re in or around the Birmingham area (or further away but desperately need new jeans badly enough), you are invited to our party.

It’s going to be on September 30 at 6pm and will be held in the 280 area of Birmingham, and I will gladly furnish directions upon request.

There will be about 130 pairs of jeans in all sizes, ranging from $48 – $92 per pair, in all of the major brands of designer denim (including my personal favorites, Seven for All Mankind, Citizens of Humanity, and Hudson), along with some boutiquey-blingy jeans, if that’s your style.

There will be free food (including, quite possibly, a double batch of John Macarthurs.)

There will be a Vault Denim expert on hand to help you find the perfect pair of jeans for your body. (And I will probably have an opinion or two, too…)

There will be laughter, visiting, and did I mention jeans?

And there will be MUCH fun.

So whaddya say – will you come??

Because honestly – I REALLY want to meet you.  And if I already know you, well, hanging out would be a lot of fun, too!!

Now I know – the idea of meeting people that only exist in blogs is FRIGHTENING – I’ve been to dozens of blogging events and am still scared out of my wits before every. single. one. But I always leave exhilarated and with new friends. So even though you WILL feel like running away before you walk through the door, if you make it through the door, I promise that I will do all in my power to help you have a great time!

So. If you would like to come, email me or let me know in your comment, and I’ll email you with directions! Let me know by September 24.  And space is limited, so the sooner you can let me know, the better!!

And if you’re not close enough to come, I highly recommend you check out Vault Denim – It may be the newest, best, most exciting answer ever to the eradication of Mom Jeans!

For the results of our party, including before and after shots of several of the guests, click here.

17 thoughts on “A Denim Discovery of Profound Importance.

  1. I checked out the website but couldn’t figure out how to find a party in my area. Do you know how I would find that out?

    1. That’s a great question! I can’t find it either. I’ve checked with my rep, and I’ll let you know when she gets back to me! What area are you looking for, in case she asks?

  2. I love jeans and live near 280 so how can I resist?! My “introverted-anti-salesman” self will just have to take the night off. :)

  3. Awww, I wish I could come (I am a bit of a denim fanatic too, lol). I’ve never heard of this idea, but I love it! Unfortunately I am on the opposite end of the country from you :( Hope you have a fabulous time!

    BTW, do you know of any good brands that carry curvy jeans? I’m half polynesian, so I have the HARDEST time finding jeans that fit me right. My waist is almost 8 inches smaller than my hips, so most jeans are so baggy around my middle and too tight around the thighs. Sigh :( I do like Express jeans in their curvy line, but they only have three different styles, which get old.

  4. Hey girl! I live in your area and have been reading your blog for a while now, though I don’t usually comment. I would love to come to your anti-mom jean party! :) Email me if you still have spaces available!

  5. I live in Tuscaloosa. If there are any parties around I would love to come if the hostess doesn’t mind having a person she doesn’t know. Do you ever meet with women at the Summit or Galleria to offer consultations? what is the consultation price?

    1. Hi Lisa!

      You have a couple of options:

      1. There are a few reps in Tuscaloosa, and I can get you in contact with one of them to come to one of their parties, or
      2. I do private fittings at my house in Birmingham once a month – my next day for Private fittings is next Monday, Veteran’s Day. I don’t charge anything for private consultations.

      Let me know which you’d rather!


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