Do you remember that invigorating feeling of being sixteen, driving by yourself for the first time, and cranking up your favorite song as loud as you JollyWellPleased?

The freedom – the excitement – the independence.

Being a Mommy can really help you appreciate those moments all over again, because now I have that exact same feeling every time I get in the car to go somewhere – when by myself.

I pop out that kid’s CD with relish, and with a thrilling feeling of self-importance, put in any CD that I would like to listen to, knowing that NO ONE is going to request anything different, quieter, louder, or even ask for a deep explanation of the meaning behind the song.

The freedom – the excitement – the independence.

I received the new Mat Kearney CD in the mail right before one of these rare jaunts by myself, so I gladly popped it in for my indulgent car ride.


I’ve been a peripheral fan of Mat’s for a while, as he would pop up in my Pandora mix or on the radio.  His positive messages wrapped in a unique, fresh sound always caught my attention, so I was excited to give his new CD a listen.

And I wasn’t disappointed.  The best way I can think to describe his music is “thoughtful.”  In fact, I wasn’t five minutes away from the house before I was completely lost in my mind, thinking about random things from my childhood that I hadn’t thought about in years.  I got to the interstate and literally had to slow down for a minute and focus to remember where I was going – oops!!

His mellow sounds, somewhat like Coldplay but with a bit of Maroon 5 kick thrown in, are very relaxing and happiness-inducing.  Perfect for those rare journeys out in the car by myself, but also totally acceptable to be played with kids in the car – that is, if they’ll let me.

If you would like a chance to win a free download of Mat Kearney’s new Album, Young Love, simply comment on this post and name your favorite music to listen to when you’re alone!  Or, if you want to be nostalgic, tell me what you listened to when you first started driving.

You can earn up to four extra entries by:

  • Liking Mat Kearney on Facebook.
  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway
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(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

This giveaway is open until Monday, September 12th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, September 13th.

Good luck!!

31 thoughts on “New Music by Mat Kearney – Giveaway!

  1. Sounds like a great CD! What “channel” do you listen to on Pandora? I’m always looking for new tunes!

    1. I created a bunch of channels of all of my favorite artists and usually just listen to a quick mix of those channels. Is this how Pandora is supposed to “work”? Or is there a more sophisticated channel system? I’ve always been in doubt about my grasp of the Pandora concept…

      First is our all-time favorite, yet no longer in existence band called Burlap to Cashmere, and another channel for the lead singer of it Steven Delopoulos (good Greek fellow). chris and I fell in love playing their music together! Then Watermark, Nichole Noredeman, Plumb, and another no longer existing band Shaded Red. I also just added needtobreathe, which I think is a semi-Christian band like Lifehouse, Evanescence, (also channels) and Mat Kearney.

  2. LOVE those moments!!! I love listening to Indigo Girls by myself in the car…takes me back to the freedom college days:)

  3. I’ve been stuck on the Mat Kearney station on Pandora for awhile now. It’s my current favorite. But I’m a mean mommy – I do not ever let my kids listen to kids’ music in the car but I still get just as much of a rush when I drive off all alone. :)

  4. I like to listen to our local christian music station – its easier than trying to keep up with all the great new artists.

  5. I don’t think I am ever alone in the car, but I sure do remember jamming out to early 90’s grunge bands when I first started to drive.

  6. I love me Mat Kearney too!! Though my boys don’t give two wits about him. It’s a good thing I don’t ask them. When they have their own car, then they can choose the music. Until then, it’s Kearney, DMB, and Chicago.

  7. Oh my gosh…I do the exact same thing. The other day, we stopped at wal-mart on our way home from an outing. We had been listening to Fisher Price songs (my 2 year old LOVES it). My husband took the two-year old into the store with him and I stayed in the van with the newborn who was sleeping. I totally rocked out to Jason Mraz…it was heavenly!

  8. Mat Kearney is one of my favs! Gungor is my current favorite (rare) driving solo music. In high school, hard to admit, but definitely the boy bands. Just recently cranked up some N*Sync for the boys, and they loved it! It was hilarious.

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