Build-A-Bear Workshop sent Ali and I on a mission: to stuff a stocking full of their Holiday Collection.  Right now through November 24th, they have a promotion going that when you spend $30, you also get a free stocking!

But, since Ali has MORE THAN ENOUGH (and then some,) (and then some more,) “friends”, as she calls them, I suggested to her that we get these for kids that don’t have as many toys as she does, donating them via a service project to a local low-income community through her Cubbies group.  Miraculously enough, she thought that was a fabulous idea.  So we set off on our journey…

Although Build-A-Bear is most known for the larger stuffed animals that you make in store, they have several adorable smaller options as well, which is what we focused on in our stocking stuffing mission.

One of our favorites are their Small Frys – Ali is all about “Huggable-Sized” stuffed animals.  These are 2 for $20, and come in French Fry containers with all of their “Nutritional Facts” listed on the back.


Ali picked two Small Frys out – the Endless Hugs Teddy and Marble Monkey.


Then we headed to check out their collection of Misfit Toys from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer:


These were adorable too, and are $8.50 each or 3 for $18.  We picked two of those out…IMG_1609

And then, since it was only $1 more to get another, and she’d be such a great sport about picking out toys to give to other kids, I let Ali pick one Misfit Toy out for herself.

She was overcome with joy, and picked out the “dog” (which we later found out was an Elephant – apparently it’s been too long since I’ve watched Rudolph..but then again, maybe that’s why it was a Misfit Toy to begin with – is it a Dogaphant??).

After picking, she immediately named her dogaphant “Sophie”, and very strictly informed me that Sophie was a BOY.

…with pink spots.

But at any rate, Sophie the Pink Male Dogahant and Ali are now quite inseparable.

So, if you’d like to fill your own stocking with awesome new “friends” at Build-A-Bear (or make one of their many larger holiday animals), I’ve got a $25 Gift Card to give away to one of you! Simply comment on this post to enter.

You can earn up to four extra entries if you:

  • Like Build-A-Bear Workshop on Facebook
  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway
  • Subscribe to OR Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

Best of luck! This giveaway is open until Monday, November 29th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, November 30th.

Disclosure: I received a $30 Gift Card for the purpose of reviewing these products.  My opinions are always my own.  And I still think Ali’s Dogaphant is really a girl.

182 thoughts on “Build-A-Bear Workshop Stocking Stuffing Giveaway!

  1. I guess knowing me you know I love Build-a-Bear. I onlly have one and that is Roy because I got him on Daddy’s birthday.

  2. i love build a bear…. my kids are adults but i still go and touch all the creatures and their clothes… i have two bears dressed like my kids that ride around in the car with me all the time… what fun! i think i need a misfit toy to go with them.

  3. My daughter loves Build-A-Bear! Her favorite friend, “Rainbow Hearts,” came from there. And yes, she is covered with rainbows!

  4. My wife and I did build a bears for wedding centerpieces/decorations at our receptions, so build a bear has a place in our hearts.

  5. both my daughters love build a bear and this would be great to stuff in one of their stockings.

    mouster71 at gmail dot com

  6. I had my first trip to BaB this year for one of my best friends, and it was definitely a fun experience even with us three, adult (I use that term loosely) women creating a plushie for our friend. LoL. It’s a great place, and I’d love to go again soon. :D

  7. My girl wants a BAB for christmas so badly. This would go a long way in making that wish come true! Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I think I forgot to comment on this one! I have never done a build-a-bear but they look so cute! K got a big alligator as a gift and it is kind of funny looking, but it looks like they’d be fun to make!

  9. My daughter would absolutely adore me if I won a GC to take her to Build A Bear–thanks for the giveaway :)

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