Freshman Year, 2007:

Before you can become a cheerleader, rigorous training must be completed, such as immediate bodily response to random words being yelled out like “Touchdown!!!”:

The Freshman uniform consisted of a warm-up suit for those cool games (since Freshmen Cheerleaders aren’t quite as resilient as older ones):

And a full cheerleading dress for the actual cheering portion:

Yes, yes, first year cheering can be a bit intimidating…

But if you don’t give it your all, you’ll get “The Eye” from the coach:

Sophomore Year, 2008:

In year two, cheerleaders get upgraded from the all-cotton one-piece uniform to a more genuine, synthetic polyester blend:IMG_5050

But don’t get too excited. Cheerleading is still serious business.IMG_5039

Oh, all right. Cheerleaders are supposed to be, well, “Cheery”.IMG_3925
But one thing you must avoid at all costs: Cheerleader Bad Hair Days.IMG_3381

Premiering tomorrow: Junior Year, 2009.

Said Cheerleader must have sensed that football season was about to start (for her), because she wanted to nap with not one, but TWO elephants today, a first for sure:


The Junior Year Uniform is ready and waiting to go, this year with the upgrade of Houndstooth,IMG_3366
And the other perk of Junior Year, actually getting to go INTO the stadium for the first time ever.

….which hopefully will not lead to having a completely soaked and sad cheerleader on our hands.

But either way, it should be an adventure.

12 thoughts on “Yearbook: The Cheerleader.

  1. I love it. That picture of her in the bed with the elephants is very cute. I love her smile in that picture. :) :) I want a follow up of this post..with junior year pictures. :) :)

  2. Ali's freshman year touchdown is so cute! Hope Ali has a great time at the game tomorrow and that the rain holds off 'til after the game!

  3. Yes, let us all say a prayer that Bryant-Denney is not washed away before our eyes with ALL.THIS.RAIN.

    And we are so not brave enough to take our kids to a game. I would actually like to see some of the game. I know, silly me!

  4. Even though we're Auburn fans here, I have to admit that is so adorable. BTW, I totally love that dragonfly bedding.

  5. I love it when you have the "Yearbook" but it makes me want to see her soooo bad. I hope next week. From what I hear of the weather she probably didn't get to go in the stadium.

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